Chapter 252 Four Elephants Holy Beast Tribulation

Chi You’s eyes moved, as if returning to the time of the Lich War. The power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Chaos Bell really killed their witches, and only the ancestral witch adults could resist one or two.

“Holy Master, I am worthy of being a Holy Master.”

Chi You was quite emotional in his heart, this chaotic clock is powerful, and that Donghuang Taiyi may really be the first person under Sage, who can compare with the ancestor Wu Xuanming.

But what about that, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi no longer exists, and the Chaos Clock has already reached the hands of Patriarch Styx.

At the same time, Chi You was more eager for refining tools in his heart.

He had already made a decision in his heart, and when he returned to the tribe, he was about to order the people of the tribe to refine powerful weapons.

It’s good that the Witch’s body is strong, but that era has passed away.

Now their witches have the witchcraft given by the holy masters. If they are equipped with powerful weapons, they will be able to fully display the power of the flesh.

Mindful of this, Chi You’s eyes flashed: “Perhaps my Witch Clan can regain its former glory in my Chi You’s hands! The Saint Master is now biased against the Human Clan. If Chi You can prove that the Human Clan is not as good as my Witch Clan. The saint master changed his mind and supported my Wu Clan to become the protagonist of heaven and earth!”


Seeing that the Chaos Clock was trained, Styx finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This refining tool was a big setback, even if he played against Hongjun in the past, he used all the methods, but it was just like that.

But to get this chaotic clock, everything is worth it.

The Chaos Clock has been completed, and the many Magic Treasures of Styx are either returned to their original places or put away directly.

The next moment that was trained in the chaos clock, the celestial phenomena of the harmony between earth and sky, are also completely dissipated.

Stygian couldn’t help but secretly say something dangerous. If he relaxes a little bit, he will miss this once-in-a-lifetime celestial phenomenon, and once the chaos clock fails to refining, the consequences are hard to say.

The best result is that the materials can be recovered and re-refined when the time comes.

And the worst result, I am afraid that the chaotic clock fragments are directly abolished, and the chaotic clock has no chance of seeing the sky again!

Styx returned to his mind slightly, looking towards the sky, and saw that Heavenly Tribulation, which was more amazing than the Azure Dragon and Snake Tribulation, was brewing with an astonishing momentum above the sky.

I saw countless thunder and thunder in the sky making up for it, but there was actually ground, water, wind and fire emerging during the period, showing an incomparably pure and powerful law.

The next moment, Jie Lei, which contained the four laws, was thinning his hair almost at the same time, showing his body.

The law of seeing the earth turned into a strange turtle with a snake head and a turtle body.

The law of water turned into a blue dragon that was sanctified by Transcendent.

The law of the wind turned into a pure white tiger with killing intent to skyrocket.

The law of fire turns into a red Phoenix that flutters its wings.

“Four Elephants and Holy Beast Tribulation?”

Looking at the Heavenly Tribulation and the four extremely powerful sacred beasts revealed by Jie Lei, Styx’s eyes moved slightly.

The four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts, aren’t they the four sacred beasts you know, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird?

The four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts, each with a terrifying aura, actually possesses a quasi-sage-level power.

In this way, Heavenly Tribulation is equivalent to Heavenly Dao forcibly arranging four quasi-sage-level enemies to try to destroy the chaotic clock.

The four quasi-saint powers are almost a devastating Heavenly Tribulation for all living beings. Under Sage, almost no one can survive!

Rao is a powerful person like Zhen Yuanzi, and it is difficult to be one enemy four, let alone these four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts, it is by no means as simple as it seems.

“Roar!” “Yin!”

Accompanied by four roars of different shapes, the four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts struck from the sky above the sky toward the chaotic clock in the hands of Styx almost indiscriminately.

All the predecessors are staring at this scene intently.

There is a saying that there are ants under Sage, and the earth-shattering catastrophe that the predecessors can hardly overcome can be resolved by understatement in front of Styx.

But even so, this is still a once-in-a-lifetime, peerless scene that countless people have rarely seen in their lives.

Perhaps, just by glimpsing the scene where the Patriarch of Styx resolves the Heavenly Tribulation, many of them can use this as an opportunity to achieve a breakthrough that is insurmountable in a lifetime.


Stygian held the Chaos Clock in his hand and sent it toward the sky.

The moment the chaotic clock was refined, he had already refined it.

Since the Chaos Clock was repaired and refined by himself, coupled with his understanding of the Chaos Law, and sitting on the Chaos Orb and Chaos Qinglian, there is no difficulty in refining it.

Seeing the Chaos Clock hanging high above the Styx River, the body of the clock was faint for a while, and the terrain of the wild mountains and rivers emerged.

Under the trembling of the bell, the four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts collapsed in an instant!

One blow, just one blow, was enough to make the Four Elephant Saint Beast Tribulation, which was enough to make the Primordial Quasi-Saint Power Fearful, collapsed in front of Styx.


However, what was beyond Styx’s expectation was that these four Heavenly Tribulation sacred beasts, after being broken up into thunder by him with the chaotic clock, were once again condensed and rushed towards the chaotic clock.

“These four-like sacred beast calamities are actually immortal, and will not dissipate if they don’t destroy the things that should be robbed?”

Stygian broke the mystery at a glance, and said casually.

The other saints are also slightly discolored.

Before that, no one among the prehistoric people had been able to refine the Chaos Supreme Treasure, so this Four Elephants Holy Beast Tribulation was also the first time it appeared. Sage only knew its name and some of its characteristics.

Seeing the mystery of the Four Elephants and Holy Beast Tribulation by the Styx now, Sage couldn’t help but feel a little bit awkward.

Normal Heavenly Tribulation, at most, is First Stage connected to First Stage. Once it can resist, it is the success of Transcends Tribulation.

But these Four Elephants and Holy Beast Tribulation are actually immortal and unbreakable, which can be described as very difficult.

After reassessing the power of this Heavenly Tribulation, all the saints agreed that if it hadn’t reached the Sage level, it would be almost impossible to survive this calamity with the quasi saints.

Perhaps, in the dark, this Heavenly Dao is limited, and Sage cannot refine the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Moreover, in this predicament, no one should be able to refine the Chaos Treasure!

However, Heavenly Dao couldn’t create a stronger Heavenly Tribulation, destroying this chaotic treasure. After all, Styx is Sage, and it is definitely not a normal Sage.

There are ants under Sage, and only Sage can fight against Sage.

Could it be possible that Heavenly Dao can create a few Sages out of thin air to forcefully destroy the Chaos Clock?

Even if it can do so, then under the Sage war, it will be a catastrophe, and it is inevitable that the predicament will be fragmented.

In fact, these Four Elephants and Holy Beast Tribulation may not be the strongest Heavenly Tribulation, like the three thousand Heavenly Tribulation that Hongjun casually summoned in the past, which almost forced the fall of Baihe Sage and slaughtered the sage.

But perhaps it is Heavenly Dao or Hongjun who knows the power of Styx. Even if the three thousand laws of Heavenly Tribulation are lowered, it is difficult to work. Only these four elephants and holy beasts are immortal, can they add blockage to Styx.

All this, for all the saints, is something that can be realized almost in a flash.

“God thief.”

Stygian also understood in his heart, he understood the true purpose of Heavenly Dao in descending the Four Elephants and Holy Beast Tribulation.

“I am immortal, so what? In this world, only me, Styx, is immortal!”

A chaotic clock hung on the head of the Styx, with a blood-haired black robe, flutteringly standing on the top of Mount Tai, Sage is full of elegance.

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