Chapter 239 Eating Fairy Fruit Together

After the excitement in his heart calmed down, Shennong only remembered what he was looking for in Penglai today.

However, just when he was about to speak, he looked straight at him and smiled faintly.

At this moment, Shennong only feels own everything, as if to be seen through by this legendary power.

I am now Daluo Jinxian, as the king of the human race, but in front of the Father Styx, it seems like a little baby who was born just now and staggers even when he walks.

“Be safe, sit down and talk.”

Styx motioned for the two to sit down and gave Feng Wu another look.

Feng Wu stretched out her hand to lift the tablecloth, and the hidden things in it appeared in front of everyone.

On the table are two large jade pans of Lingguo, one is Fusang Lingguo, and the other is the ginseng fruit.

Seeing this, Shennong couldn’t help but feel incredible.

Rumor has it that the ginseng fruit tree only has the view of five villages, that is, the owner master Zhen Yuanzi has one tree in his hands, but he did not expect that the Holy Father Styx could produce such a large number of ginseng fruits to entertain himself. Two people.

Those who dare to entertain Zhen Yuanzi with ginseng fruit, in this predicament, really no one can beat him!

Zhen Yuanzi saw the plate of ginseng fruit on the table, but his shoulders shook, and even his eyes were slightly moist.

The old master wrote to him telling him that Hongyun was about to reincarnate. He was happy for several months. On that day, he even presented ginseng fruit and spirit tea, and drank it alone, and even secretly vowed that he would eat with the ancestor and Hongyun from now on. This ginseng fairy fruit!

The picture that I had imagined is now in front of my eyes. How can this not make Zhen Yuanzi greatly moved?

“The Patriarch…”

Zhen Yuanzi was a little choked with excitement. He looked at the batch of ginseng fruits in front of him, and his mood became more complicated.

Countless years ago, he saw the ginseng fruit tree in the palm of his ancestor with his own eyes, but he did not expect that the ginseng fairy fruit planted by the ancestor now has such a good appearance.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi’s posture, Styx couldn’t help laughing heartily:

“This ginseng fairy fruit is not easy to store, I will eat it soon!”

As he said, Styx grabbed a ginseng fairy fruit and bit it down. It was sweet and refreshing, and the juice filled his entire mouth, making him feel happy.

Zhen Yuanzi and Shennong glanced at each other and started to move.

In this interval, Styx also distributes the fairy fruit to the female companions around him for food.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Thank you husband.”

The rewards of several female companions are all joys. Actually, it is not simply because of the value of these fairy fruits, but more because of Styx’s attention and love.

They serve Styx, all kinds of fairy fruits, they have been used to eating for thousands of years.

Seeing Styx divide the fairy fruits so casually, Shennong couldn’t help but feel a little proud. This is the treasure of Penglai Xianjia. The demeanor of the holy father of the human race is really desirable!

After eating fruit and drinking tea, Shennong only felt that his body was filled with unprecedented pure Spiritual Qi. At the moment, it was a little bit uncomfortable, but in front of the Holy Father, how dare he refine it face-to-face?

“Holy Father, Shennong has something to ask for teaching.”

Shennong held this Spiritual Qi and asked respectfully at this time.

“But for the five grains of mortals?”

Styx said with a smile.

“Holy Father’s supernatural powers! That’s exactly what happened!”

Shennong was only surprised when he saw Styx’s words out. It seems that the Holy Father rarely intervenes in the human race, but he is insightful and knows the human race’s development in the predicament.

“Ok, I happen to know a way.”

Stygian’s eyes were moved, and he would use mortal means to inform Shennong of the method of harvesting five grains.

“This! Can it be so?”

After hearing this, Shennong was shocked and deeply admired.

“Go back and try it.” Styx smiled faintly, as if this was just a trivial matter.

However, Shennong takes it very seriously, because if it is just as Styx said, then from now on, the agricultural development of the human race will have a major breakthrough.

“It’s not too late, I have to go back quickly and tell the people!”

Shennong was a little unbearable when he wanted to obtain the Fa.

However, Styx stretched his hand to the center of Shennong’s eyebrows: “Based on your Cultivation Base, it will be difficult to digest the fruit that I eat today. Slowly refining, I am afraid that a lot of medicinal power will be wasted. My ancestor will help you! ”

In an instant, Sage’s magical powers appeared, life, wood movement…Several great avenues competed to interpret and reflected each other. A mysterious and mysterious force poured into Shennong’s body. Under the sweep, the Spiritual Qi in his body was suppressed and conquered. It was absorbed by Shennong autonomously.


In an instant, Shennong’s roots were refined again, and Cultivation Base Realm was ascending a big step, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the peak of the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and the breath was so solid, as if it had worked hard for thousands of years.

“Shennong, kneel down and thank Father!”

Shennong once again bowed to Styx.

Although he doesn’t have much desire for practice, he is grateful for these benefits.


Suddenly, Shennong was energizing like a diao, and countless laws of fire suddenly appeared all over his body.

Suddenly, his mastery of the law of fire has reached its peak.

And the Fusang divine fruit he eats contains the real fire breath of the sun. From now on, if Shennong uses fire to perform supernatural powers, his power will be multiplied.


Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t help exclaiming when he saw this scene.

Shennong can have such a good fortune, one is that he is born with fire, and the other is this fruit of Fusang, and the most important point is the point raised by the patriarch.

It can be seen that the Patriarch himself, the master of the law of fire, is also above the top of the prehistoric state. Otherwise, how can Shennong be mentioned?

Not long after, Zhenyuan Shennong, master and apprentice, left Penglai reluctantly.

However, Styx’s gaze was moved, bringing the maid snow pool, riding a phoenix dance, and flew towards the corner of the land.

Hungry, Mount Tai.

A luxurious chariot came from far away, from which a figure flew out, with cold and arrogant eyes and a handsome and pale face. It was actually one of the Sanqing, Sage Primitive Heavenly Sovereign.

At this moment, the original Tianzun Sage’s aura converged, not earthshaking.

“Master, why do you have to wait until today to refine this seal of the sky, not in this Mount Tai?”

It was his second-generation disciple Guang Chengzi who drove the car wheel for the original Tianzun, one of the twelve golden immortals, and now Cultivation Base is only the peak of the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but it is deeply loved by the original Tianzun, especially in Antarctica. After Xian Weng made a mistake and fell out of favor.

“In the past, when the mountain collapsed, the deity intercepted a fragment. This is the original body of Fan Tianyin. The fragment of Buzhou Mountain is transformed from the spine of Pangu.

If other people talk so much, Primordial Tianzun will dismiss it and even feel unhappy, but for Guangchengzi, Primordial Tianzun is patiently answering at this moment.

“Therefore, if the deity wants to practice the Heaven Seal, he has to use the power of the heaven and the earth to maximize the power of this treasure. Mount Tai is one of the most prosperous places in the prehistoric land. Today, the Star is running. One quarter of the day. After four quarters, it is congruence…”

With that, Primordial Tianzun moved his gaze, revealing his ambition and sharpness: “It is refined by the fourth quarter, refined at the moment of reunion, infiltrated with Qilin Blood Essence, and the sky is printed, and it can be achieved!”

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