Chapter 238 New King Shennong

Upon hearing this, Suiren couldn’t help looking at the tribal leader.

This person is the leader of the Panshi tribe.

The Panshi tribe is good at hunting, and near the forest, which is rich in animal resources.

Therefore, the people of the Panshi tribe all like to eat meat and disagree with the agriculture promoted by Shennong.

“Panshi clan, even if agriculture is useless in your Panshi tribe, for the entire human race, it has solved the famine. You are too biased.”

Seeing Suiren favoring Shennong, Pan Shi frowned and said:

“The king of humans is the supreme position of the human race. If you can’t serve the people, how can you be the king?”

Seeing this, Shennong couldn’t help shook his head.

In fact, he is not very interested in the throne of man.

The Sui Ren clan recommended himself, but it caused discord within the human race, which he didn’t want to see.

Just as Shennong wanted to decline, Zhen Yuanzi seemed to see through his mind and stepped forward:

“Panshi, my disciple, I can definitely be called the king of people!”

When Zhen Yuanzi spoke, she was full of spirits, with scorching eyes, she was actually proud of Shennong.

“Daxian Zhenyuan?”

Pan Shi looked at Zhen Yuanzi and couldn’t help but retreat in awe, but he still refused to obey Shennong, “If so, please prove Shennong!”

“Master…” Shennong couldn’t help laughing bitterly while looking at Zhen Yuanzi and Suiren’s hopeful eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi’s eyes moved slightly and said: “If you are the king of humans, you will surely lead the human race towards long-term prosperity!”

In this way, Shennong could no longer shirk.

After his gaze became firmer, he looked at the rock without saying a word, but the great Luo Jinxian aura on his body suddenly exploded.

The astonishing and solid pressure swept across the entire hall, causing the tribe leaders to hold their breath slightly.

“Da Luo Jin Wonderland!”

“Shen Nong, there is such a Cultivation Base!”

Everyone was shocked.

Although the human race has flourished today, there are not too many Da Luo Jinxians in the race.

Even the three ancestors, with the exception of the Suiren clan, just stayed in the Daluo Jinxian Realm.

“Cultivation Base alone is not enough!”

After seeing Shennong’s Cultivation Base, Pan Shi was already a little shaken, but he was so good at face, and at this time he was a little bit hard to get off.

Shennong smiled slightly and looked at Rock and the two entourages beside him.

After looking at it for a while, Shennong’s eyes were firm, and he stepped forward and grabbed Pan Shi’s hand.

“Panshi, in your tribe, is there a strange disease? The hand and foot joints of the tribe often appear swollen. After the disease develops, the pain is unbearable and makes people want to live?”

Hearing this, Pan Shi was shocked: “You, how do you know?”

“It’s clear at a glance.”

Shennong stretched his hand on the finger joints of Panshi, and saw that the joints of Panshi were as swollen as Shennong said, and the pain was unbearable.

“Could it be that there is a way to crack it?”

Seeing that Shennong had a good idea about this symptom, Panshi thought of Shennong’s Hundred Grass Classics, and heard that he had good medical skills, so he couldn’t help asking for help at this time.

“Of course. This disease is called gout, and it is caused by a large amount of meat eating. If you drink alcohol at the same time, it will aggravate the condition.”

Shennong is very determined.

Some people in his Lieshan tribe have had this symptom, all of which were caused by overeating meat.

“Ah? My rock tribe lives by hunting for meat. What if you don’t eat meat?”

Pan Shi was rather depressed.

“Drink plenty of water and cut down on meat.”

Shennong succinctly said, squeezing something into Panshi’s hand.

Pan Shi opened his palm and looked at it, and the tiger’s body was shocked. It was the seed of the five grains!

“In addition, there are several Medicinal herbs in the Herbal Scripture, which can relieve gout.”

Shennong said in a whisper, while Panshi listened carefully and ordered his entourage to write down these herbs.

“Many, thank you Shennong!”

Panshi was a little ashamed. He just questioned Shennong’s agriculture and the Herbal Classics, but he didn’t expect to plant five grains in the tribe to replace part of the meat, and he would use Medicinal herbs from the Herbal Classics to cure gout.

Seeing that Panshi was easily subdued by Shennong, the Suiren clan took advantage of the opportunity to elect Shennong as the new king of people.

“The achievements of the Fuxi family are unprecedented. Now he is sanctified, and I am the king of humans. I am afraid that it would be wrong to be called the king of humans again.”

After Shennong was awarded the King of Humans, after discussing with Turtle Spirit, he made another character, which is similar to the human race bonfire burning on the totem.

“The Fuxi clan is the first king of the human race, is the reincarnation of the Fuxi god-tier, and can be the emperor!”

Shennong solemnly declared that as soon as this statement came out, it was a humanistic vision. The landscape of the Huoyun Cave appeared above the sky, which had already made Sage’s Fuxi figure appear, facing Shennong slightly.

Obviously, Shennong’s move was undoubtedly recognized by Humanity and Fuxi.

“The Emperor Fuxi!”

All the human races felt it, and since then called Fuxi the emperor.

Moreover, after Shennong became the new king, he still devoted himself to solving the problems of human agriculture development.

He made the various tribes of the human race master skilled farming technology.

In this way, although the five grains planted did not continue to decline, Shennong was not satisfied with the harvest.

“How can we use mortal means to plant the best five grains?”

Just when Shennong was puzzled, Zhen Yuanzi raised something: “If you use fairy methods, you need more methods. But if you want mortals to do this, it’s really difficult to climb to the sky. It’s better to consult the holy father of the human race. , Patriarch Penglai?”

“Master, take me there!”

Hearing that there was a chance to meet the Holy Father, Shennong’s breathing started slightly.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly, and used his shrinking magical powers to lead Shennong to Penglai Xiandao.

Seeing Penglai Fairy Island, the Shennong clan was greatly shocked, and immediately bowed to the Fairy Island three times, shouting to the Father with excitement.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head and smiled. Although this is not necessary, Shennong owes how much Karma to the Patriarch in his previous life and this life. This is what it should be.

I saw the chaos ethereal array sheltering Penglai opened on its own, presenting a path for the master and apprentice.

Entering Penglai, Zhen Yuanzi didn’t dare to use space supernatural powers at will, but walked forward with respect from Shennong.

Not long after, the two came to the Immortal Cave of the Styx River.

I saw that Styx was already sitting there, and there were some things on the table, but they were covered with a cloth, which was very mysterious.

And Styx serves the two goddesses of Taiyin and the two maids of Fengwu Xuechi.

You must know that Fengwu and Xuechi are both the Cultivation Base of Quasi-sages, while Chang Xixi and the two are both extraordinary with their feet and dual cultivation with Styx. They have already entered the middle stage of Quasi-sages not long ago.

There is no doubt that the four beautiful female companions, placed in the predicament, are all capable of determining to be comparable to Zhen Yuanzi, but they are willing to pour water for the Styx Duancha, beat their legs and squeeze their shoulders.

“Zhen Yuanzi, I have seen Patriarch! This is a poor Taoist, the new king of the human race, Shennong!”

Zhen Yuanzi made a contact with Styx’s gaze, and the two seemed to have a sharp heart.

Shennong, it can be said that Styx was led and cultivated, and Zhenyuanzi also has countless Karma participations. At this time, there is no need to introduce too much.

“Shennong, see the Father!”

Shennong was so excited that he grabbed the ground, but Styx just glanced at it happily.

Although Shennong is now the king of humans and the highest position of the human race, the entire human race was created by him and Nuwa together. How about being worshipped by him?

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