Chapter 240 Qilin Blood Donation

“I see!”

Guang Chengzi suddenly realized that his gaze also revealed his desire for Fan Tianyin.

Sage’s method is really extraordinary. Just the refining tool has to borrow the power of the world, and it is definitely not comparable to the power of the ordinary.

“It just so happened that the Qilin clan left Kunlun Mountain and lived in this mountain in seclusion. Guangchengzi, you can go to the Qilin clan to ask for Blood Essence and fill this vessel.”

Primitive Tianzun noncommittal instructed, flipping his hands and flying out a fist-sized bronze vessel.

“Master, this is to draw on the spot.”

Guang Chengzi wanted to secretly, without too many complaints in his heart, holding the bronze ware, flew towards the Qilin clan.

“This is the former great overlord, Qilin, one of the three tribes? It’s ridiculous!”

Guang Chengzi came to the Qilin clan, only to find Qilin at the Cultivation Base’s humble, some of which were not even at the Celestial Immortals Cultivation Base.

And these Qilins were not practicing either. Instead, they were playing and playing like ordinary beasts, or lying on the ground to rest. If it weren’t for the extraordinary aura revealed in their blood, Guang Chengzi really thought he had come to the wrong place.

“Who are you, dare to trespass into my Qilin clan?”

Guang Chengzi didn’t hide his breath at all. After walking dozens of steps in the Qilin clan, there was a water Qilin blocking the way. It seemed that it was the guard here.


Guang Chengzi snorted coldly, and the late stage Cultivation Base of Taiyi Jinxian burst out, directly suppressing the Qilin guard to the ground.

“I am a scholar of interpretation, the original disciple of Tianzun, the Guangcheng son of the twelve golden immortals! Have you ever heard of it?”

Guangchengzi’s Cultivation Base, in the midst of the predicament, is not truly a powerful player, but it is already beginning to have a solid and sharp edge. It is really easy to deal with this Qilin guard who is not strong enough to Jinxian.

When Qilin watched the name of Chanjiao and Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, he was trembling with fright. This was the preeminent top Great Teacher, the power of Sage’s clan, and the prestige of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he was more or less heard of.

Soon, the Qilin clan, which had been quiet for thousands of years, gradually became agitated.

Qilin heard the news one after another, all showing anger.

“Who is he, dare to ride Qilin Dage!”

“Being so blatantly in my Qilin clan, insulting my Qilin clan, is it true that my Qilin clan has no one!”

Qilin was filled with righteous indignation, but after learning that Guang Chengzi was one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, and even the second-generation disciple of the Primitive Tianzun, they all dared not speak.

In this way, Guang Chengzi rode the Qilin guard, all the way to the core of the Qilin clan.

“Junior Guang Cheng Zi, met Haji Qilin.”

Seeing the patriarch of the Qilin clan, Guang Chengzi called himself Junior on the surface, but in fact he was disdainful in his eyes.

The overlord of one of the three tribes in the past is still only the late stage peak Cultivation Base of Daluo Jinxian, and is entangled in karma and weak luck. In terms of actual combat power, it is the weakest level with Realm.

“My Qilin clan has already announced that I will retreat from the Great Desolation. I don’t know what strong wind is today that has brought your interpreter to teach you?”

At first, Qilin was very unhappy when he saw Guangchengzi riding a tribe, but now the Qilin clan is declining, and he rashly did not dare to oppose the teachings and the original Tianzun.

“Without him. Tianzun will refine the treasure, Fantian Seal, so that I will come to get you and wait for Qilin Blood Essence. Presumably the Qilin clan will be very honored. I don’t need to do it myself, right?”

Guang Chengzi is straight to the point.

Hearing this, Qilin all felt a little bit in their hearts.

The importance of Blood Essence is self-evident. Now that Guangchengzi is so blatantly asking for Blood Essence, it can be said that the person who came is not good.

“I don’t know how much Blood Essence is needed for Tianzun Refining Device?”

Qilin sighed secretly and asked.

Guang Chengzi offered a bronze vessel and pointed out: “Just fill this vessel.”

Upon seeing this, Qilin all breathed a sigh of relief.

Just being filled with bronzes the size of a fist, for their Qilin tribe, they can still bear it.


Guang Chengzi manipulated the bronze to fly to the center of Qilin,

“It is the honor of your Qilin clan to be able to participate in the refining of the Heavenly Sovereign. One of the three clans in the past, now you can finally show some light and heat.”

Hearing that, a crowd of Qilin gritted their teeth, but they could only come forward one by one to give Blood Essence.

“It’s really bullying!”

Shi Qilin’s son, Sibu, is very dissatisfied with his arrogant and domineering attitude relative to the interpretation and teaching and the impossibility of the square.

Although the Qilin clan has fallen, the four non-phases still firmly believe in the blood potential of the Qilin clan.

“Don’t bring unnecessary disasters to the people.”

Qilin sighed slightly, and secretly suppressed the four nonsense.

Yu Qilin has frowned eyebrows, and the Qilin clan really missed the opportunity.

If in the past could be like the dragon and phoenix, directly attached to the Patriarch of Styx, and lived in seclusion in Penglai, how could this interpreter and Guangchengzi dare to be so presumptuous?

Let alone asking for Blood Essence, just stepping into the Penglai area, I am afraid that you will have to get the consent of the ancestor first.

The thought of Feng Wu, a former friend of her boudoir, is now a quasi-saint power, serving by the Patriarch of the Styx, with a bright future and safety, Wu You and Yu Qilin’s heart is even more difficult.

“No! Why did you offer so many Blood Essence, there is only such a small amount in this vessel!?”

Soon, the Qilin family discovered something was wrong.

Today, more than half of Qilin in the clan have dedicated Blood Essence, but among the bronze vessels, there is only a shallow layer at the bottom.

Under this situation, even if the Qilin clan is bleeding heavily, it will be difficult to fill the bronze vessel.

And if Blood Essence loses too much, the vitality is severely injured, the Cultivation Base Realm is turbulent, and the more important, it might be life-threatening!

“Huh! But just gave a little Blood Essence, why is there so much nonsense? Has the Qilin clan already fallen to this point!”

Guang Chengzi also saw the mystery of this bronze vessel. On the surface, it was only the size of a fist, but the internal space was probably endless, but he came by the order of Primordial Tianzun to get things done anyway.

“If you don’t take the initiative to donate blood, Tianzun will be impatient in waiting. If the hour is delayed, I’m afraid there will be a disaster of blood and light!”

Guang Chengzi threatened Li and said, “Donating blood obediently, the Qilin people will have difficulties in the future, and Tianzun Nian will make contributions to today’s you, maybe he will also help out one or two!”

“You!” The four are furious, their faces flushed.

Hajime Qilin’s face was embarrassed: “With so many Blood Essences, if we give us some more time to recuperate, we can provide them. Nowadays, if we really donate so many Blood Essences, I am afraid that casualties will be inevitable!”

“No need to say more. The quarter of the earth and the sky is coming, so wait as soon as possible!”

Guang Chengzi waved his sleeves and said indifferently.

He doesn’t care about the life and death of the Qilin clan.

In order to refine the Fantian Seal, even if some Qilin died, it was completely painless.

I can’t act like the big brother Antarctic Xian Weng, doing things unfavorably, causing the master to displease!


Hajime Qilin sighed, and he could only order Qilins to continue to donate Blood Essence. Now they can only donate Blood Essence evenly, avoiding casualties as much as possible.

Seeing some lowly Cultivation Base or elderly people in the tribe, after successively offering Blood Essence, their breath became decayed, their complexion became pale, and their lifespan declined, all Qilin’s faces were as sinking as water, and their hearts were cut like a knife.

Although he did not directly kill Qilin by teaching this move, it was tantamount to letting Qilin like them reduce their vitality and commit suicide chronically!

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