Chapter 237 Promoting Agricultural Technology

Shennong was thinking hard.

The divine fruit of Fusang given by the Holy Father is already a great kindness to the human race. How can you get an inch and ask for it again?

The only solution now is to find out the reason for the decline of the five grains and restore them as much as possible, even if the status quo can be maintained.

Without further ado, Shennong decided to visit in person to inspect the farming phenomenon among the prehistoric tribes.

He soon had some eyebrows.

The Lieshan tribe, and even the entire Jiangshui area, is the birthplace of farming.

Therefore, the situation here is not bad, whether it is the quality of the five grains or the farming method, there is no big problem.

But the farther away from the Jiangshui area, the way people farm becomes more and more casual.

For instance, at the beginning, Shennong needed to select a suitable piece of soil, then plow it with Lei Lei, then sprinkle five grains, and then regularly apply water.

The human races far away from the Jiangshui area do not discriminate the land at all. No matter it is suitable or not, they plant directly.

As for watering, few people can do it regularly.

“How can these human races be so lazy!” Gui Ling said with some anger when he saw this scene.

Shennong shook his head, “I don’t think it is necessarily.”

According to Shennong’s vision, the human race old farmer in front of him is not like a lazy person.

After going forward and talking, Shennong learned the truth. It turned out that it was inconvenient to convey the message. Here, the farming technology and methods have been greatly reduced.

The old farmers deliberately cultivated five grains, but they did not find the right way.

“Let’s just talk about the first few months. I saw how slow these seedlings grew, so I got up and raised them up early every day. Who knows that after a few days, they all died!”

When the old farmer talked about it, his expression was very painful, “That’s the five grains that Shennong painstakingly found, so it’s wasted like this!”

Shennong also sighed and sighed after hearing this.

It is no wonder that the more five grains are planted, the more they are declining. Even if such a rough cultivation method can survive, the seeds that will be produced later are still insufficient by Xiantian.

Passing on from one generation to another is bound to be inferior to one generation!

“It turned out to be so, but I blamed the human race.” Turtle Ling said with some shame after learning the truth.

When the old farmer heard this, he grinned: “That actually is not, my tribe, there are too many lazy people! The human race is huge, just like this grain, there are always good and bad! If all are the same, how come Good or bad?”

Hearing this, Shennong and others looked at each other and couldn’t help but look at each other.

An old human farmer can have such a mind, and he can also speak simple but profound truths, which is really impressive.

After Shennong handed down the correct farming method, the old farmer suddenly woke up:

“You, how can you be so proficient in farming! You are from the Shennong clan! Shennong is on top, please accept my respect!”

The old farmer knelt and shouted, and the whole tribe heard the news of Shennong, and they came out to pay homage.

“Master…” Shennong looked at Zhen Yuanzi with a wry smile.

I saw Zhen Yuanzi smiled heartily: “Really people are afraid of famous pigs and strong.”

With that said, Zhen Yuanzi waved his sleeves and displayed magical powers, leading everyone to disappear.

And the people of this tribe are all kneeling, thanking Shennong for kindness.

“Master, speaking of it, I have always seen white light drifting into my body recently. Once these white lights are refined, my Cultivation Base progresses rapidly…”

After avoiding the crowds, Shennong suddenly remembered something.

“Oh?” Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t help but move his eyes slightly, and said with some joy, “If you guessed right as a teacher, then it is the power of belief in all living beings. I didn’t expect you to be able to come into contact with such a good fortune just a hundred years ago!”

Zhen Yuanzi, as a quasi-saint mighty, once protected the human race and gained some human beliefs.

“Belief in all beings!”

Daoist and Turtle Ling glanced at each other, his envy was hard to conceal.

The two of them were ordered by Master Tongtian, as well as by the Patriarch of Styx, to assist Shennong.

After several encounters, I am more and more yearning for Shennong’s opportunity good fortune.

This belief in sentient beings is very rare, almost a legend, and only true power can be obtained!

In this regard, Shennong suddenly realized that he quickly turned back to the issue of human farming.

“Up to now, it is necessary to teach the human race the correct farming methods, farming techniques, and farming time, so that the five grains can no longer decline.”

Shennong made up his mind. Just as he was thinking about the way, Zhen Yuanzi moved his eyes and waved his sleeves, bringing everyone to the birthplace of the human race, the Yellow River tribe.

“Shennong is here, there are important things to mention, Suiren, come out and see you!”

Zhen Yuanzi spoke with a loud voice, shaking the world.

Such words sounded a bit arrogant and domineering to the people of the Yellow River tribe.

But seeing that it was Zhen Yuanzi who was talking, and hearing the name of Shennong, the tribes of the Yellow River came out, and they soon attracted the Suiren clan.

“You are Shennong!”

Suiren’s eyes were burning, and he stepped forward and grabbed Shennong’s hand, feeling particularly cordial and delighted.

There is no need to say much about Shennong’s deeds and achievements. As one of the three ancestors of the human race, how could Suiren know?

Even the Yellow River tribes, which are rich in natural resources and have many repairers, have begun to widely use the Materia Medica by Shennong and plant five grains.

“Shennong, I have seen Renzu.”

Facing the Suiren clan, Shennong was also a little excited. This was a power passed down by the clan, but he was neither humble nor overbearing, and he quickly got to the point.

“I see.”

After hearing about Shennong’s intention, Suiren nodded.

“In the past, the Fuxi clan called the leaders of the tribes officials, reporting on the situation on time, and conducting unified scheduling and management. Now it happens to help you spread farming skills!”

As he said, the Suiren sighed slightly: “Some remote places are difficult to cover. But as long as most of the people master the farming skills, they will be able to control the overall situation.”

Shennong nodded: “There are Lao Ren Ancestors!”

Not long after, the Suiren clan issued a notice, calling the leaders of various tribes to meet and discuss, so that Shennong’s farming skills could be spread.

After hearing about Shennong’s complete farming skills, the leaders of various tribes suddenly realized, some were ecstatic, and there was only a small part, but they disagreed.

But most of the tribal leaders respected Shennong very much.

Seeing that the discussion of the leaders was about to end, Suiren suddenly moved his eyes and said that there was an important announcement.

Under the attention of everyone, Suiren smiled and looked at Shennong:

“In the past, the Fuxi clan was reigned by the Holy Father, and became a king of a generation. After being sanctified, he lived in the Huoyun Cave and no longer asked about the prehistoric affairs. Although the throne of the king is now in the hands of me, it is not a long-term solution after all. In my opinion, Shennong will be the new king. What do you think?”

Hearing this, the leaders of the tribes were all shocked, and the Suiren clan actually wanted to recommend Shennong as the new king of people?

“Huh! Never! In the past, the Fuxi clan created characters, created Eight Trigrams, and established human relationships, but this Shennong is just playing with some Medicinal herbs and wild fruits, and how can he be king?”

A burly, beard-faced tribal leader snorted coldly, and clashed.

He is one of the tribe leaders who disagrees with Shennong.

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