Chapter 217

The breath of Cultivation Base in Styx continues to rise, and it is about to step into the real Sage Realm.

At this moment, Styx suddenly resumed action, and he shouted angrily:

“No! Almost!”

As he said, Styx raised his hand, actually drawing part of Pangu’s mighty force out of his body, converging it into a ball of light, and throwing it at the corpse.

The corpse understood it, took Pangu Weili, and incorporated it into his body.


The corpse is also the breath of Cultivation Base soaring, and the situation is similar to that of Styx.

The Pangu divine body is almost cultivated in one thought. At the same time, it is also a breakthrough in the shackles of the quasi-sage, stepping into the real sage Realm.

Following the sanctification of the two corpses of good and evil, Styx finally sanctified the last corpse.

The way to hold the corpse to be holy is to carry Pangu’s mighty power and prove the Tao with power!

The amazing avenue of power quickly unfolded behind the corpse, and then a giant of power evolved. Behind the giant of power, a powerful universe rose up, almost submerging the entire Pangu Great Hall.

In an instant, Styx felt something, as if the entire Pangu Great Hall was already under the control of the corpse.

The aura revealed by the corpse is as strong as that of the Tongtianhe Nuwa, who cut the three corpses and became holy.

Proving the Dao with strength, like the method of slaying the three corpses, is one of the strongest methods of sanctification, and it is even better than it is.

The corpse not only used power to prove the Dao, but also directly carried Pangu’s mighty power. At this moment, he was completely Xeon Sage and his like.

“Why don’t you carry all the mighty powers and be among the holy ones!”

As the corpse became sacred, the voice of Pangu’s will rang in Styx’s ears, with three-point surprise and seven-point doubt.

However, at The next moment, Pangu murmured: “That’s it! That’s it! This kind of sanctification is unique and unique in the world! My inheritance is none other than you!”

Hearing Pangu’s will whisper, Styx just smiled.

The three outer incarnations have all been sanctified, and it’s time for him to become holy!

“Three corpses return!”

Styx has one arm and his eyes are flying, as if standing on the top of a prehistoric mountain.

He is finally going to be sanctified!

For this moment, he planned for an unknown number of years.

When Na Hongjun became holy, there was speculation about when he became holy.

Until he personally instructed Nuwa to be sanctified, Sanqing, and Western two saints, these younger generations were all sanctified one by one, and he was not sanctified in Styx.

In the old days, there were many voices questioning whether he would fall from that cloud if he was not sanctified.

But Styx has proved everything with strength and time. Even as a quasi-sage, he can break his wrist with that ancestor Hongjun. What sanqing and two saints do not dare to be mad in front of him, let alone Nuwa It is his disciple, and even his dao companion, which is cultivated by him, unconditional awe and obedience.

The Eastern Prince has fallen, the Lich War is over, the world has experienced various catastrophes, and the prehistoric pattern has changed and changed.

Not only did he not fall from the clouds, he was a quasi-sage, and placed countless ancient and unique handwritings on this predecessor. Now the limelight above the predecessor is unparalleled in the world!

Styx does not want to be holy.

But if he becomes holy, he will definitely be the unprecedented Xeon Sage between the world and the earth, there is no one!

Accompanied by the shout of Styx, the three embodied incarnations of Baihe, Jizo, and the corpse all flew toward the Styx and merged into their body.


Almost in an instant, the breath of Styx’s Cultivation Base stepped into Sage Realm in an extremely arrogant posture.

How amazing is it for the three Sage-level incarnations to merge into the body at this moment?

In addition, the Cultivation Base Realm of the Stygian body was also deliberately stagnated for a long time before the threshold of the Sage Realm, and it was only a step away from being sanctified.

As Styx truly stepped into the holy realm, countless Magic Treasures all around him rose into the sky, lingering and lingering.

And the two swords of Yuantu and Abi, who have been with the Styx companion since he was born, are also present at this moment. They are actually undergoing a certain advanced transformation along with the Styx entering the sacred.


As soon as Styx stretched out his hand, he held the sky-shaking stick in his hand.

With the Pangu flag as the axe soul, the sky-breaking bow as the axe back, the skybreaker as the axe blade, and the sky-shaking stick as the axe handle, the phantom of the Kaitian priest gradually condenses in the hands of Styx.

With the return of the three corpses, Pangu’s mighty power was fully aroused, and the heavenly axe was revealed to the world.

The violent breath of Styx rose again and again, and the entire Pangu Great Hall trembled violently, and there were countless cracks that began to collapse from the inside out.

“What a magnificent! It is no regret that I can see such a holy method! Styx, from tonight, you will be the only approved successor to my Pangu! One day, I will definitely replace me…”

Having said this, Pangu’s voice gradually weakened, while Styx nodded firmly and slowly.

At this point, Pangu Great Hall completely collapsed.

On the one hand, the movement caused by Styx’s sanctification was too shocking. On the other hand, the inheritance of Pangu god-tier has been taken away by Styx. This Great Hall lost the support of Pangu’s mighty power, and it was only a matter of time before the Great Hall collapsed.

Accompanied by the collapse of the Pangu Great Hall.

The image of Stygian Sage appeared unexpectedly between heaven and earth.

In the predicament, it is the glow of the sun, the visions, countless golden lanterns fall from the sky, and hundreds of millions of golden lotuses are pouring out of the earth.

The sea of ​​blood was tossing, and the underworld was shaking, as if they were all celebrating Styx’s sanctification.

The majestic air transport between the heavens and the earth, turned into a golden dragon, and the beliefs of all living beings turned into a white dragon, all converge toward the Stygian Dharma, circling and whistling without dispersing!

“Patriarch! Sanctified!”

The hundreds of millions of creatures in the predicament all felt madly shocked at this moment.

For countless years, the strength and inviolability of Patriarch Styx has long been deep in the hearts of all living beings.

Almost everyone has forgotten that the Patriarch of Styx, who has always been able to compete with Dao Zu Hongjun, and even surpass the latter, is just a quasi-sage!

Now that Styx has become a holy, the shock in their hearts is astonishing, you can imagine!

Some cultivators knelt on the ground, their faces pale and trembling, not only because of the Sage pressure that swept across the world, but also because of the awe from the heart.

“Patriarch Styx, not sanctified, even so. Now sanctified, in the future, who else will be able to dominate!”

Some cultivators were extremely enthusiastic and shouted frantically.

In the Heavenly Dao space, Hongjun’s figure emerged. Even though he fits Heavenly Dao ruthlessly, he is also showing shock at this moment.

As a Taoist ancestor, Hongjun can see far more things than all beings can see.

“The Styx is sanctified…no, there are two Sages between heaven and earth! That’s why he was sanctified by such a method!”

Just looking at Styx’s Sage posture, Hongjun couldn’t help feeling his scalp tingling.

At the same time when the three corpses of the Styx returned to their thrones, they tried to prove the sanctification of the Tao. It can be said that he combined the two most powerful methods of sanctification in the world at the same time!

Not only that, each of his external incarnations have reached the holy realm ahead of time, and each of his methods of sanctification is extremely extraordinary.

Good corpse, as the leader of the human religion, separate heavenly merits and sanctification!

The evil corpse, through the forty-eight great aspirations to become holy, is even more affected by Luohu Heart’s Demon, the Buddha and the demons are one!

Carry the corpse, carry Pangu’s mighty power, and prove the sanctification with strength!

With the return of the three corpses, the Sage that Styx has achieved is nothing less than his Heavenly Dao Sage!

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