Chapter 218 Sage

The three corpses returned, and the Styx became holy.

The unprecedented supreme Shengwei swept across the entire prehistoric world, and even Hongjun, who was Heavenly Dao Sage, was shocked at this moment.

Kunlun Mountain.

Master Tongtian is preaching on the altar.

The Styx Styx attacked, and the voice of the preaching from the sky stopped abruptly. The disciples of the disciples who were immersed in the road of the sky suddenly awakened and knelt on the ground.

Even Tongtian, as Sage, felt a kind of instinctive awe in front of the sacred power of Styx.

“Patriarch Styx, sanctified!”

Feeling the pressure of the Sage, looking at the unattainable Stygian image between the heavens and the earth, there is a deep shock in the pupils of the sky, and it also reveals a bit of longing and longing brilliance.

Youdao is under Sage, all are ants.

But even if he is the same as Sage, he asks himself through the sky, how can he compare with the Patriarch of the Styx?


The Primitive Tianzun, who was sitting cross-legged and cultivating, saw the Stygian image in the sky, and after being shocked, he kept sinking.

If the Styx is not Sage, it can overwhelm one end of their profound door. Now they are holy. In the future, when they see Styx at the profound door, don’t they want to walk with their heads down?

Looking at the incomparable Sage posture of Styx, Primordial Heavenly Lord quickly ignited a burst of jealousy.

In the past, he had the help of Master Hongjun to achieve Sage of the Three Corpses. He thought he was superior, but he did not expect that the Sage that Styx had achieved was completely beyond his comparability.

Styx can also be called the Sage who has killed the three corpses, but its good, evil, and clinging corpses are all the real Sage Realm, which makes his original heaven beyond reach!

Even if he tried to learn from Styx’s method of sanctification, where did he get so many cosmic and purple energy, so many opportunities for sanctification?

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth, closed his eyes again, and entered into practice again.

On the Shouyang Mountain.

That Taiqing daddy was refining Medicine Pill together with the Great Master of Xuandu, and the supreme Styx’s holy power struck, and both of them were in a panic, so that the Medicine Pill in front of them was directly abolished.

Taiqing Daddy looked at the Styx above the sky, showing a wry smile.

For the same Sage, it’s just that my Cultivation Base Realm is not as good as this Styx. Even the pill refining skills are inferior, and I feel helpless.


The Great Master Xuandu had bright eyes, showing a look of joy and admiration.

Sumeru Mountain.

The two sages in the West met with a glance, and after a shock in their hearts, they showed envy and said: “It’s no wonder that the ancestors have not been sanctified for thousands of years. It turned out to be accumulated for today. The ancestors held in the hands of the ancestors were not manifested by the ancestral witch Dayi in the past. Open God’s Axe?”

Tai Sutian, Wa Palace.

Nuwa sensed Styx’s sanctification and immediately suspended Closed Door Training, congratulating him sincerely:

“Congratulations to your husband for coming to the Holy Land!”

Above Heaven Court.

Haotian was sitting on top of the Ling Xiao Palace, seeing the Styx Holy Power suddenly, sweeping the entire Heaven Court, he was so startled that he almost fell from the throne.

I saw him rolling and crawling, and hurriedly joined the countless gods and soldiers of the Heaven Court, kneeling on the ground, paying respects:

“Welcome to Styx Sage!”

Seeing that Styx had achieved such a Sage, Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Temple rose up into the sky, laughed a few times, and after expressing his ecstasy, he knelt on the ground and congratulated him.

“Once he became holy, it was truly earth-shattering!”

The Queen Mother, who was far in the west of Kunlun, knelt down with a group of female fairies, and when she looked up at Styx, she worshipped eyes reveal.

The sentient beings in Penglai, the Ashura tribe of the blood sea, and the human tribes all over the prehistoric land are all in shock and ecstasy at this moment, so that the momentum caused by the Styx Sanctuary in the prehistoric land far exceeds the rest of the saints.

“Master, sanctified!”

In the Nether Netherworld, Sage, Hou Tu, and Xuan Ming, all stopped their affairs and congratulated Styx respectfully.

After the Styx Shengwei swept the entire prehistoric land, it finally recovered slowly.

“This is the Holy Land.”

Styg felt the tyranny of his Pangu divine body, the endless magic power in his body, and the thrill of self-respect between heaven and earth, filled every inch of his skin, and the rules of the great avenue in the wilderness were unprecedentedly clear.

“Under Sage, all are ants!”

Styx has a clear understanding of his own strength, and now he has a chance of winning by at least seven or eight points against the last Pangu will.

The mountain that was once unattainable has become insignificant after it rises up.

And if it is against the self before sanctification, even if it does not rely on any Magic Treasures, it can be absolutely suppressed!

Now his magic magic power, if it is not pressured, it can easily affect the entire prehistoric state, and only then is the real way to speak!

As the Styx Shengwei retracted, most of the primordial sentient beings did not get up from the ground, still maintaining a kneeling posture.

The majesty of Patriarch Styx is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

“I can’t make it!”

Seeing this scene, Hongjun couldn’t help feeling shameless, and now he is dignified, but condescending under the river of Styx.

However, Hongjun has not been too unhappy in his heart at this moment, and his skills are not as good as others!

At this moment, Styx’s thoughts move, but three external incarnations are differentiated from the body.

They are the good corpse Baihe, the evil corpse Jizo, and the corpse.

In this way, the Four Saints Hengkong, such an astonishing sight, made all the primordial beings feel suffocated.

“Patriarch, Patriarch’s corpse is also sanctified!?”

Zhenyuanzi was not Sage after all. He didn’t realize that Styx’s three corpses were all holy realms until Styx revealed the corpse!

The many great abilities in the predecessor were as surprised as he was.

“The cultivator is like a cloud, everyone wants to be holy, but Sage is one of the few! Patriarch! It’s nothing more than you have killed the three corpses, and all Ascension has arrived at Sage Realm! How can future generations catch up?!”

There is a great power to look up to the sky and scream, but the heart is hard to calm.

“The corpse, you refine the grand and purple energy and carry the power of Pangu. Now you are Sage, and you should be famous. From now on, you will be the king of Pan Sage! You will be in charge of this heaven-opening axe!”

Styx looked at a gray body, with firm eyes, but with the most powerful Pangu body among the three corpses, as well as the self-contained Realm corpse, faintly opened his mouth, and handed over the God Axe in his hand.

The corpse took over the God-Opening Axe, and the aura of the whole person suddenly rose, just like the reincarnation of Pangu’s will, the law of power around the body circulated and expanded, almost turned into a universe, covering the entire prehistoric suppression.

“From now on, I will be Pan King Sage!”

The king of Pan declared that his voice was loud and shook the world, and his sacred power swept across the land and proclaimed the world.

“I have seen King Pan Sage!”

The sentient beings looked at King Pan, and the god-opening axe in their hands, all trembling, worshiping and worshiping.

At this point, even a large number of sentient beings have already understood.

Baihe, Jizo, King of Pan.

The three external incarnations of Patriarch Styx are all holy realms!

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