Chapter 216 Pangu Divine Body

Chaos Qinglian, also known as Chuangshi Qinglian, is at the same level as Chaos Clock and Chaos Bead, even beyond the existence of it.

The good fortune green lotus made by just one lotus seed has a full thirty sixth rank, which is hardly contained by the heavens and the earth, and the other lotus seeds made of karma red lotus and merit golden lotus are also extraordinary.

At this moment, the chaotic green lotus divine power appeared, and the laws of shock around Styx were suddenly light. Under the swaying lotus shadow, the laws of shock that continued to hit were all resolved one by one.

“Chaotic Qinglian, open it!”

Styx screamed, and there were countless lotus shadows overlapping each other, piercing into the shock Realm, extending a pathway.

Baihe, Ksitigarbha, and the corpse were trying their best to maintain the power of the Chaos Qinglian, while Styx stepped onto this path and walked towards the sky-shaking stick.


Pangu god-tier inheritance is not trivial, even with such magical powers, even this chaotic green lotus can only open up nearly one-third of the journey in the shock Realm.

At this point, the lotus shadow at the foot of the Styx was faltering, and the blur was almost disappearing.

The terrifying law of shock attempts to shred everything, to break through the shelter of the chaotic green lotus, and annihilate the Styx.

The face of Styx didn’t change its color, but he turned his hand and sacrificed another treasure.

I saw the purple-gray orb leaping up, bursting from it with an astonishing power of chaos.

This is Chaos Orb, and the twenty Fourth Stage Restrictions in it, along with the infusion of Styx Magic power, are unblocked layer by layer, unexpectedly unlocking the ten Eighth Stage all at once.


Chaos Minor World is centered on Styx, abruptly propped up in this turbulent Realm, like a seed falling into a rock crack, erupting with amazing power and growing desperately.

Following the edge of Chaos Minor World, Styx strode forward and walked another one-third of the distance.

At this point, there was only the last one-third of the distance from the sky-shattering stick.

Styx took a deep breath, but sacrificed a sword.

As soon as this sword came out, there were countless resentful souls wailing, eerie and terrifying, accompanied by incomparably amazing evil power.

It was the witch-killing sword refined by that Emperor Jun.

“I don’t want to use this sword as a last resort. Everyone, help me, I will repay Karma, Du Huaer, etc.!”

Styx stared at the Slaughter Witch Sword, eloquently speaking.

This sword is an evil weapon that is made by countless human monsters.

Accompanied by the promise of Styx, the resentful souls in this sword are all crying:

“The Patriarch (Holy Father) is so virtuous, it is a great honor for me to be able to help!”

At the same time, the power of the Witch Slaying Sword appeared, and the darkness of the Witch Slaying Realm seemed to be able to swallow everything. In this violent shock Realm, a pitch-black passage was opened.

The witch slaughter sword has a natural restraint for the witch clan, and the witch slaughter sword is used here, and it is naturally effective.

Styx held the witch-slaughtering sword and slowly walked towards the sky-shaking stick.

With the approach of the Styx, the entire Pangu Great Hall, and even the sky-shaking sticks hanging in the air, trembled violently, as if performing some kind of exciting ritual.

The next moment, a pangu phantom was projected from the sky-shaking stick.

Styx couldn’t help but shuddered in the heart of the earth. The Pangu phantom in front of him revealed a completely Sage-level aura, releasing the ancient sacred power, almost so rich that it turned into substance, like a violent storm.

According to his experience, this last Pangu phantom must be extremely powerful and must be handled carefully.

Just as Styx was about to take action to respond, his pupils shrank, and he felt an instinctive awe and fear.


An incomparable law of force struck, and all movement in the entire Pangu Great Hall was extinguished like a candle.

What force universe, what shock Realm, what chaotic green lotus power, what chaos pearl, what witch-slaying sword, all at this moment, it seems to be returned to nothingness.

The two Sages of Shirakawa Jizo, the Shengwei around them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and at this moment, there was a look of horror on their faces.

“How do you exist!”

I don’t know how many years, it was the first time that Styx felt such a cold feeling in his hands and feet.

Intuition tells him that facing the Pangu phantom in front of him, no matter what method he uses, there is only one result, and that is destruction!


The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the river of Styx does not die.

Even if it is truly destroyed here, his Styx can be reborn in a sea of ​​blood.

Just a thought flashed, Styx’s eyes burst out with a strong brilliance and warfare, his body was tight, ready to fight to the death.

“I am… Pangu will!”

Pangu’s imaginary eyes flashed with brilliance. If his breath is in the middle of the wild, it can cause the earth to shake and the rivers to flow backwards.

Stygmy’s heart shuddered, and he carefully looked at the Pangu phantom in front of him, realizing that this so-called phantom was definitely not the same as the ones he had defeated before.

Even the trace of remnant soul left by Pangu is definitely the most quintessential one.

“I used to open up the world and died, leaving the inheritance here. I don’t know how many years. You are the only one who can walk in front of me. Just now, you cut out the incarnation with the help of the sky-opening axe. It is really beyond me. Unexpectedly.”

Pangu’s will stood in place, like an unattainable mountain, motionless, but the brilliance in his eyes seemed to express his praise for Styx.

“Perhaps, you can go further than me! All my inheritance, you take it!”

With that, Pangu will slowly walk towards the Styx.

Styx’s gaze condensed and didn’t move. It wasn’t that he didn’t move, but that he couldn’t move at all.

In the end, Styx could only watch Pangu’s will and own body overlap and merge into the body.


In an instant, in Styx’s mind, it seemed that something that had been in the dust for a long time had been opened up.

Stygian hasn’t experienced such a sense of enlightenment with such a powerful enlightenment for a long time, because almost everything in this predicament is under his control.

The inheritance of Pangu is not in this list.


Stygian’s broken body manifested, and at the same time it split into the purest two laws of breaking and breaking.

Shocking vestments are also returning to the basics, turning them into the law of shock.

The three come together and combine into a very mysterious state.

They maintain their original characteristics, but they are returning to the purest law of force, and the three are interlocking and forming a cycle.

Styx realized that this was probably the final form of the law of power.

The road of strength that has been long and hard, never ending, finally becomes bright in front of my eyes, and the end of the road is clearly visible!

The brand-new law of force forms lines, entwining the flesh of Styx like a snake crawling, and as the golden light flows, it has completely merged with the flesh.

“This is the Pangu divine body!”

Stygian eyes reveal the sacred light, the eternal sage power is permeated all over the body, and the physical body alone reveals the true pressure of the sage.

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