Chapter 215

I saw the Styx in the illusion plunge into Devil Dao and become the predecessor Sage, but it drew grievances, and eventually all sentient beings joined forces to crusade.

Under the trembling battle, the prehistoric land was shattered and all living beings perished. Only Styx was left sinking into the chaos, becoming the eternal and strongest, but he had to endure boundless loneliness, and no more disasters!

In the end, the Styx in the illusion turned out to be like a dead thing, without any action, gave up thinking, gave up everything, and ended in a tragic ending.

“This is still undefeated, if it is defeated…”

Styx looked at the illusion thoughtfully.

The illusion in front of me is an over-pursuit of obsession, and thus loses myself in the end.

At this moment, he saw it thoroughly, and his heart was full of clarity.

The illusion collapsed, and the obsession. Heart’s Demon was completely exposed in front of Styx’s eyes. It was really the same as his face, except that the whole body was gray, as if it did not touch any color, but his eyes looked forward with incomparable determination.

“Today, with this heaven-opening axe, I cut the corpse!”

Styghe screamed, got up brazenly, and fully urged the Pangu flag, the sky-breaking bow, and the sky-cracking sword.

The three Pangu treasures flew towards the sky-shaking stick in the universe of force.

Under the lead of the Pangu Flags, the four great Pangu treasures gathered together, and they were actually merged, showing the phantom of the Heaven-Opening Axe in an instant.

This is not a real fusion presentation, but Styx uses the Pangu treasure that it has mastered, forcibly blessing this masterless sky-shaking stick, making it uncontrollably present the power of the sky-opening axe!

With the blessing of the three Pangu treasures, the entire universe of strength becomes even more terrifying. The shock Realm in front of you is also a golden piece, turning into a Wushuang Realm that Sage is afraid to set foot in.

The shock Realm began to spread, and immediately swallowed Styx, Shirakawa, Jizo, and the obsessional Heart’s Demon.


The phantom of the Open Sky Axe appeared in front of him in an instant, but it was attacking the four one by one, smashing it down!

The treasure of Pangu god-tier has the power to open up the world, and what it contains is how powerful it is, and it is Sage that it is difficult to resist.

Under an axe, what power giant, what concussive vestments, what broke the body, all turned into nothingness, the body of Styx was divided into two from the middle, and even the soul was directly split.


The pain of the flesh and the soul was tearing at the true spirit of Styx.

In an instant, the Styx burst into a blood mist, which condensed again after a while.

He was wounded at his origin, Cultivation Base Realm was turbulent, and his entire face was pale, but he didn’t say a word!

Styx took over this heavenly axe!

At the same time, both Shirakawa Sage and Jizo Sage have their own magical powers.

I saw Ksitigarbha Sage dual wielding the Pearl of Great Aspiration and ten rounds of golden tin sticks, and thousands of layers of Buddha light appeared behind him, protecting the body, but it was still difficult to resist the power of the Heavenly Axe.

Under a split, his body flew out for thousands of miles, and after he stood up, a scar of blood appeared in the center of his body, as if he was about to split him in two.

Both the Great Wishes Pearl and the ten-wheeled golden tin rod in his hand showed an axe mark. I don’t know how much effort it would take to repair.

And White River Sage, is to evolve the pure white lotus with all its strength, and the white light holds up a flawless Minor World in this power universe.

But with the opening of the sky axe, the world collapsed, and the Jingshi White Lotus was chopped off two petals, and the quality actually dropped.

Baihe itself is also divided into two from the middle.

But after all, it was Sage. Under the brilliance of the Purifying White Lotus, Shirakawa’s body was glued again, and it seemed that he was innocent.

But in fact, both the Styx and Shirakawa and the two Sages of Jizo, in the face of the Heavenly Axe and Divine Might, both hurt their origins and suffered heavy injuries. I don’t know how many years will it take to recover.

And that obsession, Heart’s Demon, under the majesty of the Heaven-Opening Axe, just screamed and disappeared in smoke.

The source of obsession recondensed and returned to the body of Styx.

Stygian suppressed the injury and withdrew the Sky-Breaking Bow, Sky-Splitting Blade, and Pangu Flag.

Otherwise, if the Sky-Opening Axe phantom splits another axe, even if he is immortal, he will have to pay a heavy price.

“For thousands of years, nothing has made me so embarrassed.”

Styghe laughed and began to gather the corpse.

Now he, Baihe, and Ksitigarbha are all seriously injured. It can be said that the vitality is severely injured. It is simply unprecedented.

But everything is worth it.

How powerful is the condensed corpse that can be slashed with the Sky Open Axe!

Not long after, the entire Pangu Great Hall shook, and a frightening atmosphere swept the entire universe of power like a storm.

Rao is Styx, and he can’t help but reveal a look of surprise and movement.

I saw the corpse in a gray body, with the same face as Styx, eyes revealing the color of determination, the breath of the whole body is extremely powerful, and it actually touched the threshold of Sage vaguely.

The corpse of Styx was born at the pinnacle limit of the quasi-sage, which can be called a half-step Sage!


Looking at the clinging corpse, Styx couldn’t help but sighed, and then he turned his hand and took out a ray of purple air.

With the foundation of the great avenue, the purple qi, known as the chance of sanctification, is now swaying like candlelight in the violent breath of the corpse.

“Zone, you refine this purple energy!”

When Styx gave an order, the corpse opened his mouth and inhaled the purple qi into his abdomen, cross-legged to refine it.

Not long afterwards, the aura around the corpse became stronger, and it revealed a little bit of purple light, which was the manifestation of the refining of the purple qi.

Now that the corpse has a foundation for sanctification, it only needs an opportunity to become sanctified like Baihe and Jizo.

Is it easy for a corpse to be holy?

Baihe Sage uses the status of the leader of the human education to divide the Taiqing daddy’s opening merits and sanctifications.

Ksitigarbha Sage pointed out the two Westerners and set the forty-eighth great aspiration to be holy.

Now that the corpse wants to be holy, it must have a shocking chance.

It’s just that Styx’s eyes are calm. Since he is condensing the corpse at this moment, he has already planned.

The chance for the corpse to become holy is in this Pangu Great Hall!

“Everyone, success or failure depends on this! I have been waiting for this day for a long time!”

Looking at the sky-shaking stick in the Universe of Force, Styx took a deep breath.

With a thought in his mind, he became one with the three external incarnations.

“Today, we must take away this Pangu god-tier heritage!”

The three incarnations responded in unison.

In an instant, there are several amazing Magic Treasures.

I saw thirty sixth rank good fortune green lotus, ten second rank karma fire red lotus, ten second rank pure white lotus, ten second rank extinct black lotus, ten second rank merit golden lotus, and last ten second rank Samsara purple lotus.

There are a total of six lotus stands, circling out around the good fortune green lotus, and the breath of mysticism sweeps across the surrounding area, forming an amazing array.

In an instant, the lotus shadows were heavy, thousands of good fortunes, infinite mysteries intertwined, and they actually merged into a cluster of indescribable Lotus flower phantoms.

This phantom seems to have gone through the Great Meng, through the chaos, through countless Yuanhui, spanning countless years and time and space, symbolizing the supreme law that is above the sky and the earth, the most true and wonderful!

Styx gathers many lotus platforms, referring to the Universe Star Dou Formation and the Dutian God Sha Formation, together with two Sages and a semi-sage, what is condensed is the Chaos Azure Lotus divine might!

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