Chapter 203


The two sages of the West looked at each other, but looked at each other with emotion in their hearts.

The Patriarch of Styx, after all, is a better one!

At this moment, Styx’s figure appeared between the heavens and the earth, overlooking all beings in an extremely detached posture.

All sentient beings are stunned in their hearts, looking up and worshiping, and all the saints are also very restrained, not daring to show up and neglect.

“The ancestor has made a plan with Dao ancestors. Although that Emperor Jun is the Heavenly Emperor, he does not think about his duties, he will go his own way, causing the Lich War, causing disasters and disasters. Now the culprit has been punishable, and the two clans have suffered countless deaths and injuries.

After looking around the battlefield, Styx spoke calmly.

Hearing that, there are countless witches on the battlefield with different looks.

Some showed joy, celebrating that the war was finally over.

Some are dissatisfied. The second family of the Lich is endlessly dying. Now that the Wu Clan has triumphed and the Monster Clan has not yet been slaughtered, how can they be satisfied?

It’s just that the matter was declared by Styx that even though the witch races were unwilling, they did not dare to show anything.

After all, if there is no Styx, it is their Wu Clan who have lost the battle now!

The monster races are all like mourning concubines, but they also breathe a sigh of relief.

If the monster clan was defeated, if it weren’t for the Patriarch of Styx to speak, the witch clan would surely kill them all.

Now, their monster race is finally lingering, leaving a ray of life.

“The demon race, following the emperor and acting as a tiger, is already full of blood debts. The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is inevitable. From now on, the prehistoric demon race will be under the jurisdiction of Nuwa Sage, and the powerful can also widely recruit the demon race, or the boy. , Or mounts, may the demon clan guard himself and make atonement for his sins!”

Hearing that, the demon clan remnants were all stunned, and felt extremely humiliated and indignant.

It’s all about being under the jurisdiction of Nuwa Sage.

From now on, their monster race is actually going to be slaughtered by others, becoming the boys of those mighty ones, or even mounts!

In the past, there were also powerful people who took the Yaozu as a boy mount, but it is only an isolated phenomenon, and it is more important to you and me. In the future, I am afraid that it will become the norm, and the Yaozu has no choice!

It’s just that now, everything can’t help their monster race.

“The ancestor is wise! The demons are sinful, so it should be!”

Upon hearing this, the Witches clapped their hands and cheered.

What’s more, they grabbed a demon clan and laughed loudly:

“You kill my brother, from now on, I will let you be a cow and a horse, and you will never stand up!”

There was hatred in the words, and even more relief.

The Yaozu’s face was as gray as death, and he didn’t have the slightest intention to resist.

Seeing this, the cultivators in the prehistoric land couldn’t help thinking of each other.

Some are very emotional. The monster clan who used to be respected as the protagonist of heaven and earth, a powerful big clan, is afraid that it will no longer be glorious.

Youdao is the king and the loser. If the Yaozu triumphs, it might be another scene.

Others are joyful in their hearts, looking at the battlefield, and are already considering which demon clan to accept as a boy or a mount.

At this time, Tongtian Sage turned into a ray of light and descended on the battlefield, came to a demon god of the genus Ox, and looked at it:

“You little demon, your bloodline is extraordinary, and your qualifications are fair. How about joining me to teach you and being my Heavenly Mount?”

I saw the five-colored auspicious clouds lingering around this bull demon, and the aura was looming, and he was overjoyed when he learned that he had entered the Sage Eye of the Sky.

“Thanks to Sage’s kindness, how dare disciple not stand it!”

Anyway, their monster race will be reduced to the mount boys of these mighty men. They are also mounts, and being able to sit under Sage’s seat is completely different.

Moreover, this Tongtian Sage has no kind of teachings, and there are many Yaozu disciples under his sect.


The original Tianzun frowned when he saw this scene, but after all, he didn’t say much.

At this time, the many great abilities present also followed the example of Tongtian, and one after another came off the court to accept those monster races as mounts, or disciples.

Right here.

Above the sky, time and space were turbulent, a crack appeared out of thin air, and a figure flew out of it.

I saw this man in ragged clothes, sloppy hair, sloppy appearance, but a very handsome face, and his eyes were sharp as swords, with the emperor’s aura, and the horror of the whole body. It was actually a sacred power that escaped.

The most striking thing is that there is a simple and simple Hongzhong above his head, in which there are earth, water, wind and fire emerging, five colors of light shines, and there is endless chaos Shengwei, sweeping all directions.

“Emperor Taiyi!”

There were many presences on the battlefield, and after seeing this person clearly, they all felt madly shocked.

“This, what is this!”

Donghuang Taiyi looked around, her face was incredulous and at a loss.

He successfully returned to the wilderness, but the scene in front of him was different from what he had imagined.

According to his cognition, he has already passed through an unknown number of Yuanhui. After returning to the prehistoric land, the great war should be over long ago, and the whole prehistoric land is also a vicissitudes of life.

And the scene in front of me, obviously, when I left, it didn’t seem to be a long time apart!

“Emperor Taiyi? His Cultivation Base…”

All the saints can see at a glance that the Cultivation Base of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has reached the extreme of quasi-sage, has touched the threshold of semi-sage, and has mastered the chaotic clock and the law of chaos.

As the so-called Sage is all ants, Donghuang Taiyi was already strong and tyrannical, but he couldn’t get close to the real Sage.

But now, he is the first person under Sage to remove the aliens such as Styx. If he is refined by the grandiose purple energy, he may really have the chance to become holy.

Rao is all saints, and it is hard to imagine what kind of breakthrough the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has experienced.

But no matter what, it is obvious that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was swallowed by the empty kingdom at that time and was not killed. Instead, he reaped the opportunity. This is obvious.

“My dignified monster! Why did I become a mount! What happened!”

Donghuang Taiyi noticed that not only did the demon races not save one in ten, but at this time, they were also riding on their hips by many great abilities, and they couldn’t help but burst into anger, with red eyes.

“Where is the emperor? Where is my emperor!”

In angrily, Donghuang Taiyi raised his hand and patted a nearby riding demon clan’s mighty power.

Chaos Shengwei came in an instant, this great power actually felt a burst of death, and in front of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he did not have the slightest resistance to resist!


After an exclamation, this great power found himself safe and sound.

I saw in the void, a big hand forcibly grasped the palm of Donghuang Taiyi, instantly refining the amazing Chaos Saint Prestige.

“East Emperor Taiyi, the monster race has been defeated, and Emperor Jun is dead, so stop!”

Styx spoke faintly, frowning slightly.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t die, and he hadn’t expected such variables.

If the Eastern Emperor Tai came out earlier, this Lich War would be even more unpredictable.

But now that things are done, the situation of Donghuang Taiyi, a hero of the monster race, is gone forever!


Donghuang Taiyi was shocked when he heard the words.

His eyes reveal was crazy, and he kept whispering: “I’m late! I’m late! Brother Huang! I’m late after all!”

If, as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had expected, the Lich War had been over for a long time, but he would be more receptive.

But now, shortly after the end of the Lich War, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi learned that he was only a step late, and the unwillingness and self-blame in his heart were like a surging river, almost swallowing everything.

If I had come a moment and a half earlier, would the demon clan’s ending be different! ?

Thinking of this, Donghuang Taiyi was unacceptable, and he screamed to the sky:

“Brother Emperor is dead, and the monster clan has fallen to this point! What kind of face does my Eastern Emperor Taiyi have to live in the world! Today, I want you to bury my monster clan!”

As he said, the chaotic clock above the Eastern Emperor Taiyi shook frantically, and a terrifying might suddenly erupted.

However, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was swiftly fleeing towards Mount Bu Zhou under the influence of the terrifying chaos power.

“Donghuang, what are you doing!”

Seeing this scene, all the saints were shocked.

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