Chapter 204


The chaotic clock exploded.

Unparalleled land, water, wind and fire, and the terrifying Shengwei swept through everything.

The Chaos Clock is one of the best treasures in the world. Now, under the control of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it explodes directly, and its power is terrifying.

It’s Sage, his face has changed drastically, for fear of avoiding it.

“All Saints, let’s work together!”

The Second Saint of the West exclaimed.

The power of the Chaos Clock’s self-detonation is unimaginable for all living beings.

If the saints don’t make a move, whether it is the many powers present or the two groups of Lich, I am afraid that they will all be annihilated under this Chaos Holy Might.

At this moment, all the saints are outrageously taking action.

I saw the original Tianzun’s face turned blue, offering the Qingyun of the heavens, and encumbering and resisting part of the chaos that poured out.

Taiqing daddy presented the most treasured Taiji map, Yin & Yang revolved and moved a part of the chaos into the scroll.

At this moment, Tongtian Sage is also offering Calabash, water and fire, evolving Qilin, water and fire, swallowing part of the chaos.

But just that, it can only temporarily block one or two.

Nuwa Sage offered Calabash, the soul-calling, under the aura of light, inhaled countless demons, witches, and great abilities below to prevent them from being harmed.

At this moment, Styx also shot, and saw a purple-gray spiritual orb rising from his palm, hanging in the sky, bursting out an astonishing chaotic aura, attracting countless chaos pouring out of the chaotic clock.

“Not enough, not enough!”

Styx controlled the Chaos Orb with all his strength, only to see the Restrictions in the Chaos Orb unraveled layer by layer, a chaotic space suddenly emerged, and in an instant it became a Realm Minor World, which included all the chaos that was overwhelming.

“The Patriarch is so supernatural!”

Seeing this scene, the two sages of the West were full of enthusiasm, and there was a look of desire and shock in their eyes.

The Chaos Orb in Styx’s hand is the same first-level treasure as the Chaos Clock, and even Sage is jealous!

Endless Chaos is sucked into the Chaos Minor World, and the Minor World keeps shrinking until it gets involved in the Chaos Orb.

The catastrophe caused by the self-destruction of the chaotic clock was finally prevented by the joint efforts of all the saints.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Styx looked solemnly towards Buzhou Mountain.

Seeing only a few breaths, Eastern Emperor Taiyi had already rushed to the place of Bu Zhou Shanzhu, and slammed into the crack that Zhu Rong Gonggong had hit earlier.


At this moment, Heavenly Dao’s will emerges, Hong Jun screams coldly through the world, and a stunned thunder slashes towards Donghuang Taiyi.

But, after all, it was still a step too late.

Donghuang Taiyi showed his true body, and at the moment when he was struck by the sky thunder, he also slammed into the Wu Zhou mountain pillar.


Accompanied by a crackling sound that can be heard throughout the entire prehistoric land.

The original crack in Bu Zhou Shanzhu was completely opened.

At this moment, the sky is dim and the earth is shaking.

The entire Buzhou Mountain Pillar began to collapse, and the sky dome supported by the Buzhou Mountain Pillar also tilted accordingly.

This predecessor seems to usher in the true end.

“Then Donghuang Taiyi! Who can bear Karma this time!”

Shicai Donghuang Taiyi detonated the Chaos Bell, making all the saints exhausted.

He slammed into Tianzhu with a determination to die, and even Heavenly Dao Hongjun had no time to stop it. It was really impossible to guard against.

Seeing this scene, the Hearts of All Saints were constantly sinking, and even the mountain pillars broke apart. This Lich’s calamity was indeed extremely dangerous!

When Styx saw this, his eyes were also moved.

In his impression, Gonggong’s failure to anger the mountain is something that may happen in the predicament, so he is on guard.

But who could have thought that Zhu Ronghe Gonggong would not knock down Zhoushan.

In the end, it was the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who was short-sighted and knocked down this imperfect mountain pillar!

It was too late to say, then it was fast, and it happened suddenly.

The mountain pillar of Bu Zhou had collapsed, and smashed into the wild land fiercely.

There is also a gap in the place where the sky is connected with the Buzhou Mountain Pillar, and water from the Tianhe River pours out.

The water of the Tianhe River is the evolution of the Universe. The feathers are not floating, heavy, and almost endless. Falling on the precipice, it will be an immeasurable catastrophe!

“All Saints, take action quickly!”

Until now, Styx has not cared about his grievances with Xuanmen. Only by teaming up with Pangu Sanqing and other Sages can they win a ray of vitality for the primordial sentient beings.

When the catastrophe was approaching, Pangu glanced at each other, agreeing with Styx’s words.

It’s just that all the saints looked at the Fuzhou Mountain Pillar that was being smashed and the rushing water of the Tianhe, and they had a headache for a while.

This is even more tricky than the self-destruction of the chaotic clock!


Just when all the saints were in a daze, Styx screamed, and the laws of the body’s strength surging out, and it instantly evolved into an infinite universe.

In the Universe, Styx’s body continued to skyrocket, turning into a thousand feet, and instantly became indomitable.


The giant transformed by the Styx furiously moved forward, stunned that the imperfect mountain pillar was resisted on his shoulders, and the process of the collapse of the sky was blocked.

At this moment, the Buzhou Mountain Pillar was a little cracked, and countless fragments fell into the wilderness. It was like a meteorite impact, cracking the earth, causing countless deep pits, and causing the Earth Fire to spurt out, bringing countless calamities to the predecessors.

The water of the Tianhe River also poured out, hitting the wild land, causing a terrifying flood, swallowing everything like a beast, and turning the surroundings into a vast ocean.

Suddenly, countless creatures died tragically, mourning everywhere.

Seeing that the Styx stands on top of the sky, all beings resist the sky pillar with their bodies, and cannot help being grateful, paying respect and worship.

If there were no such actions by the Styx, the entire imperial mountain pillar would smash into the wilderness, and the sky would completely collapse, causing disasters that would be thousands of times more terrifying.

Seeing that Styx was so decisive, all the saints no longer hesitated at this time, and they all went all out to resist this disaster.


The Primitive Tianzun’s complexion was cold, and the heavens and clouds were divided into thousands, and they scattered and floated toward the wild land. They actually carried countless creatures and floated in the air to avoid the catastrophe of the Earth Fire.

“Master, I will help you!”

The Master of the Tongtian Sect sacrificed the Four Swords of Zhuxian, and in an instant, the Four Swords of Zhuxian rose thousands of times, scattered all over the place, and actually acted temporarily as a pillar of heaven to withstand the constantly pouring sky dome.


Taiqing daddy sighed leisurely, and the purple gold Calabash in his hand flew out of his own accord, constantly sucking the Earth Fire spewing out from the crack.

At the same time, he is also urging the Tai Chi diagram to block part of the cracks above the sky to prevent more water from the Tianhe River from pouring down.

At this moment, Nuwa Sage is also constantly using Calabash to call souls to transfer all living beings to Taisu Heaven, her palace, to avoid this disaster.

“My two are late!”

In order to save Kunpeng’s life, Sage Baihe and Sage Jizo were able to arrive at this time.

I saw the white lotus sacrificed by Baihe, and the world-cleaning divine light shines on the land, heals the wounded and saves the common people.

And that Ji Zang Sage, with ten rounds of golden tin rods in his hand, shook, wishing that the pearl shines on the prehistoric, so that countless grievances that have appeared due to disasters on the prehistoric, all have a direction at this moment and walked toward the underworld. This is to guide them to die. .

Sage Hou Tu in the underworld is also very utterly devastated at this moment. The Lich battle and the collapse of the Tianzhu, at this moment, she can maintain the normal operation of the underworld, which is already a great merit!

At the same time, Houtu also temporarily closed the passage of Six Paths of Reincarnation, so as to prevent the souls from being born, but they were immediately involved in the catastrophe.

Even Heavenly Dao Hongjun is in the form of an incarnation at this moment, appearing on the sky, stretched out two pairs of giant hands, forcibly blocking part of the gap in the sky.

“Fellow daoist, Styx, this is probably not a long-term solution, what’s your opinion?”

Hongjun’s eyebrows and eyes were also gloomy, feeling helpless.

Even though the saints are working together to fight against the calamity, but the Zhoushan Pillar is still collapsing, and the gap in the sky is constantly cracking. If this continues, this predicament will be completely destroyed and returned to the chaos!

“Up until now, there is only one way to make up the sky!”

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