Chapter 202: Kunpeng Anzi

Pangu Sanqing is the Three Saints.

The Primitive Tianzun is also the Sage of the Three Corpses, boasting that he is not inferior to Nuwa.

On the opposite side, there is only Sage from Nuwa.

But no matter whether it is Sanqing or the hordes of sentient beings, they are all aware of it in their hearts.

The two Sages of Shirakawa and Jizo are both likely to take action at any time.

Therefore, regardless of the two sages in the West, the Sage powers of the two sides are evenly matched.

What’s more, under the calamity, mountains and rivers are already shattered, and life is smashed. Sage is even more reluctant to fight.

This is why Hongjun called the current situation a stalemate.

With the falling of Styx, on the battlefield.

Originally, the demon soul of Emperor Jun, and the blood inverse Universe star battle formation, the soul formation is one, maintaining the formation, directing the Lich battle.

But after seeing that demon master Kunpeng fought with Fuxi, he retreated to the place where Hetu Luoshu was wounded.

As long as a wounded monster comes here, Emperor Jun will mobilize the power of the large array to heal his injuries so that he can re-enter the battlefield.

“Kunpeng, after this battle, even if my monster race wins, I’m afraid it will die of talent.”

Dijun’s demon soul converged madly, his tone was sad.

Now that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi died in battle, he has only a ray of remnant soul left. When the blood inverse Universe stops operating, he will also disperse his soul.

The Golden Crow prince had already died, and his monster race had no successor.

Looking at the entire demon clan, Kunpeng is probably the only demon master who can take on the great responsibility.

“Kunpeng, after the collapse of the Heavenly Emperor, everything of the Monster Race will be entrusted to you. Now, I will pass on the two methods of Universe Star Dou Great Array, and the control method of Hetu Luoshu. The monster race is going strong!”

After all, Di Jun separated a ray of light from his eyebrows and floated towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng still got into the center of his eyebrows from the light ball, without any guard.

“Don’t blame the Heavenly Emperor for being too mindful. Although I have been short-lived, I have planted Restrictions for you for the demon clan’s consideration. If you betray the demon clan, you will suffer from the bitterness of your heart and you will not die!”

After all, Di Jun continued to preside over the battle.

After Kunpeng agreed, he wanted to withdraw.

However, at The next moment, his eyes were full of fierce light:

“Di Jun, you should have gone to heaven long ago!”

With that said, Kunpeng manifested the real body of Pengniao and grabbed it in the air, holding the Hetu Luoshu and the witch-slaughtering sword floating on the side in his palm.

The front eye was so stripped off, the entire Blood Reverse Universe star battle formation instantly lost its support and began to collapse.

The Great Formation collapsed, and the Demon Soul of Emperor Jun, which was combined with the entire Great Formation, also began to collapse instantly.

“Kunpeng! You betray the monster clan, you must die!”

Di Jun roared in anger and dissipated completely in disbelief and unwillingness.

In this way, Di Junfang is the real divine soul extinguished and no longer exists between the heaven and the earth.

And the demon master Kunpeng flew away without looking back after he had taken the Hetu Luoshu and the witch-slaughtering sword.

Such a shocking change caused turbulent waves on the entire battlefield.

“The demon master, you have defected!”

“No, how could this be! Heavenly Emperor!”

Wan Yao was sad and indignant, crying.

“Many acts of unrighteousness will lead to death. That Emperor Jun child can have today is completely dead!”

The witches applauded one after another.

All the saints were very surprised when they saw this scene.

“Then Kunpeng is actually a traitor!”

Primitive Tianzun only felt a rush of anger, and he wished to smash that Kunpeng’s corpse into thousands of pieces.

This monster clan is supported by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun. Even if he does not wait to see the monster clan, he never wants to see the monster clan lose.

But until now, the demon master Kunpeng stole the Hetu Luoshu and the witch-killing sword, leading to the premature destruction of the demon soul of Emperor Jun. What kind of capital can this demon clan stalemate with the witch clan?

Besides, Kunpeng, the demon master, flew all the way, but landed at the foot of the mountain somewhere.

I saw him transforming into a human form, actually vomiting Blood Essence, and at the same time it was mixed with broken internal organs.

This is the curse of the Heavenly Emperor. Now Kunpeng is suffering from the bitter heart, and at the same time the Cultivation Base and vitality are declining.

“Patriarch, Kunpeng, fortunately not humiliating your life! Hetu Luoshu, Tu Wujian, have been brought!”

The demon master Kunpeng offered the book of Hetu Luo and the sword of killing witches, and fell into a coma.

How terrible is the curse of the Heavenly Emperor, let alone Kunpeng took the initiative to accept it, and if it happens now, it will kill him Kunpeng!

“Goodness! Kunpeng, you dormant demon race, you work hard, the Patriarch will not treat you badly!”

I saw that in front of Kunpeng’s eyes, it was Sage of Baihe and Sage of Jizo.

At this moment, Shirakawa Sage offered ten second-rank pure white lotus, and the pure white light reflected Kunpeng, suppressing and expelling the curse.

And that Jizo Sage is also the jewel of great aspirations in his hands. Under the radiance of the Buddha, he also wants to save Kunpeng’s life.

“Di Jun, he is quite cautious.”

In the Heavenly Dao space, Styx has already sensed that the own double corpse of good and evil, that is, the Dizang Baihe, received the Tuluo book of the river and the sword of killing witches.

Sitting on the opposite side of the chessboard, Hongjun’s face was pale, and the fingers trembling slightly while holding the chess pieces, they could not fall for a long time.

He Hongjun still has a lot of back players yet to use.

But who could have expected that within the Yaozu, there is actually a hidden child who has been planted in Styx for an unknown number of years!

This dark child is the demon master Kunpeng.

If this child is not issued, it is now that once it is issued, the monster clan has completely collapsed, and the emperor’s spirit is completely annihilated. Even if he wants to use Heavenly Dao to save it, it is too late!

“you you……”

Hongjun held his chess for a long time. Seeing the situation on the chessboard, it was becoming more and more turbulent, ringing and ringing, and dangerous. In the end, it turned into a giant beast and rushed towards him.


Hongjun’s mood was unstable, and he actually had a ruthless conflict with Heavenly Dao, just like Qi Deviation, spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Immediately afterwards, he fell to the ground, his whole spirit decayed, as if he was seriously injured.

I don’t know how many years of arrangements and calculations, and painstaking efforts amidst unforeseen variables, there are even many other players who have not had time to resort to them.

However, it was the hand of Styx that directly cut off the chess path, and the situation on the chessboard now, for Hongjun, is no longer a way to return to the sky.

And this chessboard is the world, and the chess game is the Lich War.

The defeat of the Yaozu is the end!

As Hongjun’s Dao heart was shaken, the Heavenly Dao space lost its stability, so that the scene of the two playing against each other appeared on the sky.

The sight of Hongjun spitting out a mouthful of old blood and falling to the ground in embarrassment was also witnessed by all living beings.

In an instant, all sentient beings were dumbfounded, looking at the scene of the sky in disbelief.

Although all beings are in the clouds and mists, they also understand that this ancestor Hongjun was actually eaten in the hands of the ancestor of the river!

And the cultivator who saw clearly the doorway was even more horrified.

The predecessor has gone through the calamity of the Lich. These two ancestors actually used the heaven and the earth as the chessboard and the Lich II clan as the chess pieces, and they played a terrifying game.

As for the outcome of the game, it is already obvious.

“Stay fellow daoist, after all, the old way is defeated!”

Hongjun’s face was ashamed and frustrated, and with a brush of his sleeves, all the chessboard tables and chairs in front of him disappeared, and the vision above the sky was also invisible.


Pangu Sanqing saw this scene, shocked and horrified at the same time, he also felt that his face was dull!

In this game in the Lich’s Volume Tribulation, their profound doors are from top to bottom, and they are already the same as that of the monster race, and they have lost in a mess!

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