Chapter 195 Bloodliness of the Witch Race

In the Heavenly Dao space, Dao Zu Hongjun was undecided, looking at the miserable situation on the chessboard, a haze was looming between his brows.

“Unexpectedly, this Wu Clan is so bloody.” Hongjun glanced at Styx, and was surprised to see the cold smile on his face.

As a disciple of Styx, the Twelve Ancestral Witch suffered heavy casualties, and at this time, Styx could still laugh.

In fact, Stygian is also sad to see such deaths and injuries, but this is also part of the calculation.

Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, if there is no guidance from Styx, how can they bring the two laws of time and space into such a field?

If the Time and Space God Kingdom can successfully drag the Emperor Jun and the Sword Sword into the water, then the Lich War will be the end, and for the Wu Clan, it will be one of the least losses!

It’s a pity that Donghuang Taiyi is the variable.

“The Witch Clan is bloody, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is also a hero among the monsters.”

Styx took a sip from his teacup and exclaimed leisurely.

“Yes! As fellow daoist said, the universe is uncertain, and the outcome is unknown!”

Hongjun narrowed his eyes and pressed a white piece on the chessboard.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

At this time, the magic power in Emperor Jun’s body is exhausted, and the Universe Star Dou formation is also the end of the crossbow, and the sword of killing witches can only mobilize less than 20% of the power.

And that Xuan Ming is extremely powerful, and the poisonous laws of the extravagant corpse are extremely difficult. Under the joint pursuit of the two, his Heavenly Emperor can only hug his head on the battlefield, and he is very embarrassed.

What made Dijun even more resentful was that he had the heart to avenge the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but at the moment he was overwhelmed!

While fleeing, there was a vicious look in Di Jun’s eyes, but after all he let go of the thoughts in his mind, such methods were not a last resort, after all, they couldn’t be used!


Shebi corpse vomited poison and killed thousands of monster races, but suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, that Zhu Rong Gonggong was also in the hands of the demon master Kunpeng, and fell short.


When Di Jun saw this, his eyes flickered.

The previous blow of his own witch-killing sword finally worked at a critical time.

He immediately transferred the Universe Star Dou formation and launched a star-flight strike, smashing into the shattered body of Shebi’s corpse, almost disintegrating.

“Sabi corpse, you step back!” Xuan Ming raised his brows and formed an ice shield to block the Universe Star Dou attack on behalf of the corpse.

Although the Universe Star Dou array lost the eyes of the Chaos Clock, its power is still not to be underestimated for the seriously injured Shebi Corpse.

“Sister Xuanming! I’m fighting with that Emperor Jun!”

The murderous in the eyes of Shebi corpse was revealed, and the blood Essence of the flesh began to burn.

This made Di Jun’s heart trembled, he summoned Hetu Luoshu to front of him, held the Slaughter Witch Sword tightly, and was ready to contend at any time.

With Emperor Jiang Zhujiuyin in front, Emperor Jun was also deeply jealous of the self-detonation attack on the ancestral witches.

Who knows that Xuan Ming raised his hand to freeze Shebi’s entire corpse.

There was an unbelievable look on the face of Shebi Corpse, never expected that Xuan Ming would suddenly attack herself.

The next moment, Xuan Ming swallowed the corpse of Shebi into his abdomen.

Xuan Ming was not a betrayal, but had to use this form to protect Shebi’s corpse.

Seeing this scene, Di Jun sneered again and again.

“Xuan Ming, you are so deep into the enemy line, fighting alone, do you really think you are invincible?”

At some point, the witches who followed Xuan Ming had all died in battle, and Xuan Ming was surrounded by many demon crowds.

Along with Dijun’s words, the universe star battle formation mysteriously revolves, and there are changes on the battlefield.

I saw seven or seventy-nine demon gods who practiced fire walking appeared out of thin air around Xuan Ming, surrounded by them, and all of them were holding bottle-shaped Magic Treasures in their hands. Once urged, there was real fire from the sun. Pouring out.

“Xuan Ming, you are the only half-holy among the ancestral witches! My true furnace is specially prepared for you!”

In the past, Xuan Ming participated in the creation of the Netherworld Mansion and became a semi-sage, Emperor Jun prepared carefully for this moment!


The real fire of the terrifying sun swept over, and under the control of seven or seventy-nine demon gods, it turned into a huge furnace, trapping the ancestral witch Xuanming into it.

The sun in the furnace really turned into a storm, with terrifying power, as if it could burn everything.

Rao is the ancestor witch’s flesh body, and it is difficult to resist the real fire of the sun, and Xuan Ming masters the law of ice, and the real fire of the sun is her nemesis!

At this time, Xuan Ming evolved the law of ice, protecting himself and resisting the erosion of real fire, but after all, it would not last long.

What’s more terrible is that Di Jun had already raised the Slaughter Witch Sword at this time, and was accumulating strength to give her a fatal blow.

“Xuan Ming, it was your wife’s kindness that harmed you. If you let the extravagant and corpse fight for your life, this is definitely not the case.”

Emperor Juntu’s witch sword was held high, and the cold front flickered in his eyes, “Taiyi, for brother’s hand-blade enemy, sacrifice your spirit in the sky!”

“Xuan Ming!”

When Zhu Rong Gonggong saw this scene, they all gritted their teeth and burned the origin of Blood Essence. Regardless of the demon master Kunpeng, he wanted to fight with that Emperor Jun to save Xuan Ming.

“Huh! Stupid!”

With a cold snort, the demon master Kunpeng actually evolved endless chaotic coercion, suppressing the two.

Zhu Rong Gonggong both felt that the Blood Essence that had just burned was extinguished by Kunpeng, and was shocked.

It turns out that Kunpeng, the demon master, didn’t give his full strength just now, otherwise, how could he be able to suppress it like this! ?

“Ancestral Witch, you are in danger!”

In the void, the two sages of the West shook their heads when they saw this, “The demon master Kunpeng, is it so terrifying?”

“Okay! It seems that the demon clan is not useless! This demon master Kunpeng is really hidden!”

Seeing this scene, the original Tianzun nodded slightly.

Nuwa frowned, and she felt a little impulsive in her heart, but when she thought of her husband Styx’s request, she finally suppressed it.

In Heavenly Dao space.

Styx held it up for a long time, but after all, it dropped a sunspot.

Hongjun’s eyes condensed, and he saw that the situation on the chessboard where Baizi was dominant was once again reversed.

In the real fire melting pot, Xuan Ming burst into laughter.

“You’re crazy!” Di Jun feared that the night would have many dreams, and the Slaughter Witch Sword in his hand was severely slashed.

At this moment, an unimaginable aura of sentient beings erupted from Xuan Ming’s body, a deep chill swept across the entire world, and in an instant, a mysterious space appeared behind Xuan Ming.


All the saints in the void were shocked when they saw this space.

I saw Houtu Sage standing on the Wangxiang platform in the netherworld, looking at the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

“Could it be that Sage Houtu made the shot!? Didn’t it mean that Sage Houtu must not leave the underworld!”

Just as all beings were astonished, Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared behind Houtu, a purple lotus, carrying the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, came across the void.

This purple lotus is the ten second rank Samsara purple lotus in charge of Styx!

Coming across the void, the purple lotus actually kept shrinking, turning into a mark, and illuminating the center of Xuan Ming’s eyebrows.

In an instant, the mysterious breath Cultivation Base skyrocketed, and the saint breath appeared on his body!


All the saints in the void were shocked.

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