Chapter 196

“No, she is not holy after all!”

Although all the saints are in a trance, they can see the fire.

As the saying goes, under Sage are all ants.

This Xuan Ming was originally a semi-sage, and now he is blessed by the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and his strength is extremely powerful, but it is fundamentally different from Sage.

The aura of the saint on her body is nothing more than from the earth.

Xuan Ming was connected with Hou Tu’s bloodline, and when he created the Netherworld Palace, he had an unimaginable mysterious connection with Hou Tu.

Rao is so, this power is also enough for Xuan Ming to get out of trouble.


As Xuanming’s Cultivation Base continues to rise, her law of ice has undergone a qualitative change. Originally, she could only resist the real fire with bitterness, but now it is the other way round, freezing the real fire of the sun directly!

The melting furnace turned by the real fire of the sun was instantly covered with frost and turned into an ice furnace.

The power of ice spread, following the real fire of the sun, it turned the seven or seventy-nine demon saints into ice sculptures in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the thousands of monster races on the battlefield all took a breath of air, with a panic on their faces. Now, who can stop Xuan Ming?

“Brothers of the Witch Clan…”

Xuan Ming instantly broke through the real fire furnace under Emperor Jun’s cloth, and his face was not half happy, but it was full of sadness and compassion.

If they could borrow the power of the Earth earlier, the ancestor witches would never be killed or injured.

But this kind of heaven-defying means is by no means easy to use.

The ancestral witch returns to the world after death, but it will strengthen the blood connection between other ancestral witches.

This is like the blood connection between the ancestral witches, sharing a bridge, but when other ancestral witches pass away, the connection between Hou Tu and Xuan Ming will become particularly strong.

This is the prerequisite for borrowing the power of the earth.

In addition, it is the Samsara purple lotus left by Master Styx.

With blood connection as a bridge and Samsara purple lotus as a vehicle, Xuan Ming can do this!

In other words, the power of Xuan Ming at this moment was exchanged for the sacrifices of the rest of the ancestral witches!

“The world only knows that Hou Tu Sage can’t get to the netherworld, but he didn’t expect that there are such variables. Patriarch is really a good calculation!”

The second sage of the West is Sage, who has witnessed the establishment of the Netherworld and saw the Samsara purple lotus. At this moment, I feel clear and bright, but I am also emotional.


Far away in the Houtu of the Netherworld, Xuanming was able to get out of the trap when he sensed the success of this move. While he was relieved, he was also grateful to the Styx.

As a result, the situation of the Wu clan finally turned for the better.


Di Jun’s face showed a look of anger.

The establishment of the Netherworld was originally caused by Styx.

But now Styx has left behind the means to let Xuan Ming fight against him at such a critical moment. How can this make him not surprised and angry?

“Dijun, I want you to be frozen forever!”

The painful remembrance on Xuan Ming’s face turned into hatred for the Yaozu and Di Jun. At this moment, she walked towards Di Jun step by step, as if the air was frozen in the way she passed.

“Guardian, escort!”

Di Jun was holding the Slaughter Witch Sword and backed away in panic.

However, the nearby monster races all died tragically under Xuanming’s law. This kind of ice, frozen together with the body and the soul, almost died when touched.

Accompanied by a creaking sound, Di Jun was shocked to find that own’s feet had been frozen for some time, and own soul became slow as if it had formed a layer of frost.

Had it not been for the Tu Wujian and Hetuluo Shu’s possession, he would have already turned into an ice sculpture at this moment.


Seeing that Emperor Jun was struggling to support him, Xuan Ming finally impatiently punished the killer.

When she raised her hand, the law of horror ice became apparent, turning into a icy world, covering the emperor in it.

“Do not!”

Di Jun’s anger and roar stopped abruptly, and he was trapped in the ice with the world within a radius of thousands of miles.

The breath of a generation of Heavenly Emperor almost stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the thousands of monster races on the battlefield roared with grief and anger, while the witch race was motivated and cheered.

“Have fun! Di Jun killed this god!”

The ancestor witch Zhu Ronghe Gonggong couldn’t help showing his overjoyed expression. This emperor had fallen, what else could the rest of the demon clan make?

However, Xuan Ming frowned.

Thousands of witches quickly realized that it was wrong, because the Universe star battle formation did not fall apart.

Suddenly, amidst the ice, Hetu Luoshu burst into a strong light, and two pairs of patterns containing infinite mystery rose to the sky.

Abrupt changes in the vision, the original pattern of aura scorching suddenly undergoes some kind of weird change, it is actually twisted and reversed, and it exudes evil blood and Killing intent.

The entire Universe star battle array also changed accordingly. The Sun Star and the Universe Star that shone on the prehistoric land were all stained with blood and became strange and terrifying.

It’s too late to say, then it’s fast.

At the moment when the upheaval happened, Xuan Ming blasted at the ice sculpture that Emperor Jun had transformed with a punch, vowing to avoid future troubles forever.


In an instant, the ice sculpture exploded, and the law of terrifying force formed a strong wind that swept everything around.

However, at the moment when the ice broke, Xuan Ming saw that Emperor Jun had a blood-light protective body, and cast cold and hateful gazes at him.


In the bloody light, Emperor Jun rose into the sky, suspended in the center of the Universe star formation.

The illusion of the sun star appeared behind him, with the reversed Hetu Luoshu pattern on the left and right. At this moment, Emperor Jun’s face was pale, holding a witch-killing sword, and his body was wrapped in blood light and Killing intent, and his head was scattered, like a demon god.

“Heavenly Emperor is not dead!”

Seeing Emperor Jun breaking out of the ice, thousands of demons cheered at this moment.

As for the Witch Clan, they all showed expressions of incomparable hatred and regret, and at the same time felt something bad in their hearts.

“Witch, you forced me!”

Di Jun’s gaze swept down. At this moment, his internal organs were covered with a layer of frost, and his soul was also seriously injured, almost destroyed.

Xuan Ming, who borrowed Sage’s power, is so wonderful, under a single strike, his Emperor Jun really almost died!

After that, Di Jun showed a resolute color, and immediately closed his eyes, as if he couldn’t bear to see what happened next.

I saw him solemnly said:

“Inverse Universe Star Fighting Array, Kai!”

As Emperor Jun spoke, the whole world suddenly shook. The Universe Star Array, which was originally full of bloody Killing intents, was completely qualitatively changed at The next moment. Blood rained from the sky, the earth fell, and the souls of resentment raged, and there were countless horrors. There are illusions, as if The Underworld is coming!

“Blood against the stars!”

With the roar of Emperor Jun, countless blood-colored stars descended from the sky, as if turning into a blood-colored beam of light connecting heaven and earth.

The blood-colored beam of light bombarded the ground, and it was no matter whether it was the enemy or the witch. Whether it was a monster or a witch, they were drained of vitality in the screams, and curled up into corpses.

After the bombardment of the blood-colored light beams, they did not disperse for a long time, connecting the heavens and the earth, like blood-colored tombstones, filling the entire battlefield with terror and death.

Then, an even stranger scene happened.

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