Chapter 194 Time and Space God Kingdom

Just at the moment when the sunspot fell on the Styx.

Above the precipice, the ancestor Wu Qiangliang burst out with a desperate roar:

“Di Jun, take your life!”

In an instant, there were only less than 30% of the remains of the Ancestral Witch Qiangliang’s remnant. The dazzling law of thunder broke out, and the electric light violently made the entire battlefield seem like daylight.

In the thunder light, his remnant body seemed to be burning, unexpectedly soaring into the sky suddenly, with a disheveled hair like a ghost, and flew towards Emperor Jun.

“court death!”

Feeling the fierce madness of the Ancestral Witch Qiangliang, Di Jun’s heart jumped, waving the witch-slaughtering sword in his hand, and slashing towards the Ancestral Witch Qiangliang.

In a flash of black light, the head of the ancestor Wu Qiangliang split into two, but he still glared at Emperor Jun angrily.


The thunder light broke out, strangling each other with the black light, after all, the black light was even better.

The ancestor Wu Qiangliang was annihilated by the black light, the law and vitality dissipated, and he returned to heaven and earth.

Di Jun returned to his senses and suddenly discovered that there were several huge holes in the Universe Star Dou Great Array, which were caused by the eruption of thunder from the ancestor Wu Qiang Liang.

By now, the universe star battle array is already indefinite.

“Qiang Liang!”

The remaining Ancestor Witches saw Qiang Liang fought back, and their hearts were full of grief and indignation.

It’s a pity that the Emperor Juntu Witch Sword is in hand, and is protected by the Universe Star Dou formation. Even if the Ancestor Witch Qiangliang is at the expense of his life, he can’t help him!


Suddenly, the ancestral witches who had not yet died were actually burning their own vitality and origin at this moment.

The ancestral witches were dead and wounded. At this time, they reached a tacit understanding by coincidence, and they wanted to fight the monster clan life and death!

“Brother Zuwu, wait and listen!”

The law of space rotates, and Dijiang’s divided body is refitted together, but his vitality is still declining.

“The war is not over yet! The ancestor witch cannot die! Especially you, Xuan Ming! To die, you have to be the last!”

Time is running out, Di Jiang can’t say anything, but his will has been passed on to other ancestral witches.

Now Xuan Ming is the least injured and strongest existence among the existing ancestral witches. If even Xuan Ming dies, then the witch clan is really at the end of the road!

After all, Di Jiang Hun’s Movement Technique is a brilliant masterpiece, and the terrifying space law sweeps the world, which is actually a misty kingdom of God on its own.

“Di Jun, die!”

With a loud roar, Dijiang completely merged into the kingdom of God, but the kingdom of God disappeared, but he appeared next to Emperor Jun at The next moment.

The law of space is one of the most mysterious laws of time, and now the strongest power that Di Jiang has exploded at the cost of his life, even Di Jun can’t be guarded against.

Seeing this divine kingdom twisted and rotated, it was necessary to suck everything around it.

Di Jun was shocked, and he set up the Slaughter Witch Sword to protect his body. The pitch black space skyrocketed, and he was able to compete with that space god.

Seeing this scene, Di Jun was very calm and couldn’t help laughing wildly:

“Leave the horse! You stupid barbarians, this Heavenly Emperor has the Sorcerer Sword in hand. No matter how many you come here, you will be in vain and you will die! All slaughtered!”

“Dijiang Dage!”

At this time, Zhu Jiu Yin had recovered from the shock and dazedness.

The ancestor Wu Qiangliang and Di Jiang went to death one after another, making him angry and rekindling his fighting spirit!

“I have a candle for nine shades, and I am willing to live and die with Dijiang Dage! Dijun, you are crazy!”

While roaring wildly, the Jiuyin of the Candle reappeared the real body of the ancestor witch, transformed into a red dragon body, the law of time evolved to the extreme, rushing towards the emperor.

Halfway through, the Blood Essence of Candle Nine Yin burns, evolving endless mystery, and actually forming a realm of the kingdom of God.

In a trance, Zhu Jiuyin has appeared beside Di Jun.

The law of time and the law of space go hand in hand, making it one of the most prestigious laws.

Now that Zhujiuyin overdrafts life, it also exerts its power to the limit. Time changes so much that Sage can’t even notice it.

The fusion of the two god-tier kingdoms forms the kingdom of time and space.

Under the action of the law of time, the black light propped up by Di Jun with the witch-slaughtering sword was actually retracted by an inch, as if going back in time.

This is extremely deadly for Di Jun.

Di Jun was frightened and furious. He didn’t expect that Rao was this witch-killing sword, and it was not invincible in the face of the two laws of time and space!

Seeing that Emperor Jun was about to be swallowed by this time and space god kingdom, he saw that Donghuang Taiyi came with the body of Chaos Clock.

“Brother Emperor!”

Dong Huangtai shot out a pair of palms, and the Chaos Shengwei wrapped Di Jun and blasted him out of thousands of miles away.

But he was sucked into the kingdom of God transformed by Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin together with the Chaos Clock.

The Time and Space God Kingdom collapsed in an unimaginable form, and disappeared in a flash. Between the world, the breath of Eastern Emperor Taiyi could no longer be sensed.

Under the double destruction of space and time, who can survive? !

Seeing this scene, Sage, who was watching the battle in the void, couldn’t help but breathe in air.

“Madman! Barbarian! It’s a violent thing!”

Primitive Tianzun lurked in the dark, looking for an opportunity to seize the chaotic clock, who knew that the chaotic clock was buried with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Even as Sage, he couldn’t feel the aura of the East Emperor Taiyi, and you can imagine how it will end up.

“What a pity! What a pity!”

The two sages of the West also shook their heads again and again. Strongmen such as Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Chaos Clock were such treasures, but they ended up like this. It can only be said that they are good fortune.

“Emperor Dong!”

On the battlefield, thousands of monster races were crying when they saw this scene.


Di Jun stood up from the ground, supported his body with the witch-slaughtering sword, his whole hair was disheveled, his eyes were red, and his heart was sad, hard to add!

He was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day with the Eastern Emperor Tai. He has been with him day and night for an unknown number of first years, but now the Eastern Emperor Taiyi died to save himself!

At this moment, the hatred in Di Jun’s heart also reached its peak!

“Damn it!”

The emperor hates him, so why not hate the ancestors.

Zu Wu Di Jiang and Zhu Jiu Yin gave up his life to destroy Di Jun and get rid of the Slayer Sword, only to win for the Zu Wu.

Unexpectedly, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi kicked in and rescued Emperor Jun abruptly.

“Demon Race, I want you to pay for it!”

Seeing Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin, the two older brothers of the ancestral witches died in battle, Xuan Ming rushed to the crown, the law of ice was on the battlefield, and the ice was sealed for thousands of miles, turning countless monsters into ice sculptures, broken into powder!

And her move also opened a passage on the battlefield, leading directly to Dijun.

Di Jun was frightened, his face pale, and he could only resist with the Slaughter Witch Sword.

But seeing Zu Wu Gonggong, Zhu Rong, and Shebi Corpse, along the frozen passage, furiously slaying towards Emperor Jun, Xuan Ming followed closely behind.

The four great ancestors pointed directly at Emperor Jun and vowed to behead Emperor Jun among the armies!

Countless witch races also launched an assault along with the four great ancestor witches.


The demon master Kunpeng showed the real body of the Pengniao, transforming into thousands of feet, covering the sky and the sun, swooping and intercepting.

Thousands of demon races are also descendants, willing to use flesh and blood as the shield of emperor Jun!

Gong Gong Zhu Rong glanced at each other and joined forces to fight with the demon master Kunpeng. This demon master Kunpeng is powerful, and they are seriously injured. Only by joining forces can they contend!

And that Shebi Zhe Xuanming took advantage of the situation to hunt down Emperor Jun.

At this time, the fierceness of the war was unprecedented. Killing intent and bloody skyrocketed, and the air was dripping with blood and rain. Within tens of thousands of miles around the mountains, the mountains and rivers were broken, the corpses were everywhere, and it was a scene of purgatory.

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