Chapter 190 Witchcraft Achievement

Di Jun saw the shock of the two and couldn’t help but sneered in his heart.

What his demons use is the secret technique of soaring clouds given by Primordial Heavenly Sovereign. This technique was born out of Qingyun in the heavens and was written by Sage, and naturally it was able to beat Kuafu Houyi by surprise.


Dijun waved his sleeves and ordered one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to attack Kuafu Houyi.

All gathered here are the elites of the monster race. At this time, they sacrificed Magic Treasures together and cast spells. The ground, water, wind and fire poured out like the sky.

Facing such an offensive, Kuafu Houyi couldn’t help but his face changed drastically, but as of now, he can only deal with it with all his strength.

I saw Kuafu wielding a peach stick and Hou Yi holding a high-breaking bow, both of which are evolutionary laws, so I dare not slack in the slightest.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of magic spells fell on the ground, almost turning everything within a thousand miles into ashes, and the whole earth was in a mess, with smoke and dust everywhere.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and there were two scorched and ruined wrecks on the ground. Looking at the outline, it was the Kuafu Houyi.

“Okay! The thirteenth ancestral witch of the Witch clan, that’s nothing more!”

When Di Jun saw this scene, he couldn’t help being ecstatic.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals also boosted morale.

However, at The next moment, the two wreckages suddenly changed, turning into peach wood, and disappearing into ashes in a blink of an eye.

“No! This is a fake!”

The demon god exclaimed.

Di Jun couldn’t believe it, and murmured: “How is it possible! The Witch Clan will only use brute force if it doesn’t cultivate the primordial spirit. How can these two be so magical!”

Such a way of getting rid of the cicada’s shell is completely inconsistent with the style of the Witch clan.


After returning to his senses, Di Jun’s heart was even more angry, he was being teased!

“Hahahaha! Happy! That Dijun child never expected that the witchcraft bestowed by the master could help me get out. My witch clan is no longer the original witch clan!”

Kuafu Houyi rushed to the ground, bursting into bursts of hearty laughter.

Just now, it was Kuafu who performed witchcraft.

Suddenly, Kuafu coughed violently, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t care when he wiped it out.

This is the backlash of witchcraft.

Witchcraft is a secret technique evolved from the way of curses, and is essentially a curse.

Kuafu cursed himself, and the two peach wood wrecks that concealed people’s eyes were just the form of the curse.

To use witchcraft is to pay a corresponding price.

The witch race, especially the ancestor witch, is extremely powerful, and can resist it completely, even ignoring the price.

Because of this, after Styx got the curse, he evolved witchcraft and passed it on to the ancestral witches, tailor-made for the witch race!

“Where to escape!”

Just as Kuafu Houyi ran wildly, an army of the demon race came in the clouds, forming a huge shadow covering the two.

“Damn it!”

Seeing thousands of magic arts once again descend from the sky, blasting violently, swallowing both Kuafu Houyi again.


In an instant, a breath of terror descended on the heavens and the earth, and a stalwart figure rose from the ground.


With a roar, a giant palm slammed into the sky.

Countless celestial soldiers and generals were too late to cry, they were photographed to pieces, and a shower of blood fell.

Kuafu Houyi transforms into a golden giant, holding a sky-breaking bow in his hand and carrying a peach stick on his back. The law of breaking the whole body turns into an arrow hovering, and the ancient sage’s prestige is overwhelming the world. It is the ancestor Wu Dayi!

“The people will listen to the order and end up!”

Seeing that the real body of Da Yi was forced out, Di Jun was about to push Hetu Luoshu up.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals immediately formed the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

In an instant, the magnificent array descended on the heavens and the earth, among which there were mountains and rivers, birds, beasts, fish and insects, and the sky and the oceans revolved, which can be described as lush and full of phenomena.

Being in this formation, not aware of the passage of time, I saw the vicissitudes of life, and myriad changes.

The ancestor witch Dayi raised the sky-breaking bow and shot an arrow. The law of horror-breaking seemed to penetrate everything. He immediately shot countless monsters and gods, and made a hole in the big formation.

But there were countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and they made up for the big formation in a short time, and at the same time, countless mysterious attacks smashed towards Da Yi.

For a time, even though the ancestor Witch Da Yi was extremely powerful and his body was almost immortal, he was also traumatized by large and small injuries and fell into embarrassment.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ancestral witch Dayi stubbornly resisted the attack of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, rushed towards Buzhou Mountain, and smashed into the formation with his body, causing many demon gods to be backlashed and vomiting blood.

At the same time, battles broke out everywhere in the prehistoric land, and the demon race came prepared, and the witch race was definitely not easy to provoke.

In the Wu Clan, Zhu Jiu Yin and other ancestral witches are in the Chamber of Commerce.

Feeling the breath of the ancestral witch Dayi and the message from Dayi through the bloodline secret technique, the ancestral witches were all angry and worried.

“The monster race is despicable, actually intending to kill Da Yi halfway!” Zu Wu Qiangliang was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and his whole person was angry.

Zhu Jiu Yin said with worry: “Dijiang Dage is running in the middle of the wilderness, connecting the major witch tribes to fight against the monsters. The clone is lacking in skills and it is difficult to help!”

Among the ancestral witches, the only one who holds the law of space and has the opportunity to assist Da Yi is the ancestral witch Emperor Jiang.

However, Emperor Jiang had to take care of the overall situation. On the one hand, the ancestor Wu Dayi and the fate of the entire Wu family were on the other. It is hard to tell which one is more serious.

“Brothers, don’t worry, I will definitely be able to break out of the siege!”

After learning of the situation, Da Yi resolutely used the Blood Vein Secret Technique to spread the voice.

The ancestral witches were also prepared, once Da Yi fled to the vicinity of Buzhou Mountain, he would respond as soon as possible.

“Tai One, you take one or two shots.”

Di Jun said with an icy tone when seeing Da Yi’s body with countless wounds.

The Eastern Emperor nodded his head, flipping his hands and offering the most precious Chaos Clock.

The chaotic clock hangs high in the sky, and the earth, water, wind and fire are condensed in it.

In an instant, Da Yi felt as if he was stuck in the mud, his actions were much slower, and his body’s strength seemed to have been taken away by a few percent.

This is the suppression of the Chaos Clock.

Not only that, under the shining of the Chaos Clock, the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals were all refreshed, the Cultivation Base’s aura rose steadily, the combat power soared, and the offensive was like a storm, more terrifying than before.

“An ant can kill an elephant, let alone a 100,000 heavenly soldiers and a genius? This ancestor Wu Dayi shot ten days in the past, showing his majesty and prestige, but today he ended up like this!”

Some cultivators can watch it from a distance, and see the ancestor witch Dayi in trouble, can’t help but shock in the heart of the earth.

Especially the three top powers of Heavenly Emperor, Taiyi, and Demon Master Kunpeng, have not really taken any action yet, this ancestral witch Da Yi, I am afraid it is doomed to escape!

Da Yi’s heart is sinking continuously. He is different from other ancestral witches, but Houtian ancestral witches.

Although the strength is one of the best among the ancestral witches, it has a fatal flaw, that is, the inability to maintain the true identity of the ancestral witch for a long time.

If this continues, he will disintegrate into Kuafu Houyi again, and he will surely die in the hands of these 100,000 heavenly soldiers!

Just now.

The Styx in Penglai slowly opened his eyes and looked at the humanity in front of him:

“The Lich Catastrophe, it’s not that Sage dared to easily contaminate Karma. This trip will be a life of nine deaths, can you figure it out clearly?”

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