Chapter 191

The person in front of Styx was Fuxi, his disciple.

I saw Fuxi’s eyes burning and pleaded with Styx:

“The disciple’s mind has been determined! There is a way for good fortune and misfortune, and good fortune. According to the disciple’s divination, this killing and calamity can be avoided, but if you don’t face it, it will be difficult for Cultivation Base to make further progress in the future!”

He deduced divination, and understood that Karma good fortune was hidden in this great calamity, or his chance to become holy in the future!

Upon hearing this, Styx nodded happily and said:

“Okay! Fuxi, you have great ambitions, you are worthy of my Styx Sect! Go ahead!”

On the other side, Da Yi was being chased by a hundred thousand celestial soldiers and generals. Seeing that he was so wounded, it was difficult to sustain him until he was too weak.

The space in front of us was turbulent, and an ancestor witch appeared outrageously, like a yellow sac, red like a pill fire, six-legged four wings, chaos and faceless, it was actually the spatial ancestor witch, Dijiang!

As soon as Dijiang appeared, the space surgingly spread, crushing the nearby Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

Immediately afterwards, he wrapped Da Yi and was about to leave across the void.

“Heavenly Emperor…” When the demon god Baize Lion saw this, he was hesitant to speak.

But Di Jun waved his hand and said, “It’s not worth it to have a Dijiang Dayi!”

Having said that, he gave orders to make one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals soar into the clouds and kill them towards Buzhou Mountain.

When Di Jiang took Da Yi, the first time he returned to Buzhou Mountain, he roared:

“End of the battle! This time, I will kill the monster race!

At this time, Lich fights everywhere in the prehistoric land, killing all the limbs and blood flowing into rivers.

The surviving witch races or monster races all joined other battlefields in the first time, and each turned into a killing machine.

In this way, the entire prehistoric state has formed a general trend, and all the witch races and monster races are fighting each other, moving closer to the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

Di Jun led one hundred thousand celestial soldiers and celestial generals to kill towards Buzhou Mountain. Along the way, he also absorbed the surviving monster races, forming a large army, and marching towards Buzhou Mountain.

Wherever he went, the battle was extremely fierce.

For a while, the Wu clan actually fell into a disadvantage.

“If it weren’t for Fuxi’s great help, the thirteenth ancestral witch would have died halfway, and the ancestral witch would not come out, and who could stop the demon clan from going out!”

Seeing this, the cultivators of the prehistoric cultivators were all talking about it.

Along with the assembly of the demon clan, a large army was formed, advancing all the way towards Buzhou Mountain.

Emperor Jiang, the head of the ancestral witches, is also sending messages to the major witch tribes.

In terms of the number of races, the Witch Clan is not as good as the Monster Clan. Naturally, they have to rely on the power of the Ancestral Witch to fight against the Monster Clan!

Not long.

The Twelve Ancestor Witches stood in front of Buzhou Mountain, looking at the Witch Clan army who was waiting seriously below, with a solemn expression.

The monster army is advancing from the horizon, and its momentum is astonishing, and the blood and killing aura rushes into the sky, making the primordial beings tremble.

“Anyone who violates my witch race will surely be punishable!”

The ancestral witches raised their arms and shouted, and the thousands of witches also yelled, roaring loudly in an instant, and the astonishing warfare almost became the substance, and they did not let the monster army do too much.


With the approach of the Yaozu army, the war is about to start.

The monsters and witches at the forefront are fighting together, making the entire battlefield look like a meat-grinding machine, with limbs flying wild and blood flowing all over the field.

The two sides of the Lich were fighting in the stream of meat and blood!

“Brothers, come on!”

The space ancestor witch Emperor Jiang let out a roar, revealing the huge ancestor witch’s real body, the law of space is full of supernatural powers, but the four wings vibrate, like lightning and flints across the battlefield, and countless monsters have been wiped out of thin air. The flesh is torn apart under the distortion of space!

The nine-yin of the time Ancestral Witch Candle reveals the true body of the Ancestral Witch, the head and dragon body, the whole body is dark red, the Zhou Movement Technique flashes, and the law of supreme space actually evolves the kingdom of God, involving countless monsters around it, making it bear it Time tortured, it was actually to be old and die in a few breaths!

The ancestor of ice, Wu Xuanming, manifested the real body of a giant beast, and the surrounding cold air was so cold that it evolved into an ice realm in an instant. Where the cold wind swept, countless demons turned into ice sculptures, and after a bang, they turned into powder explosions. broken!

The ancestor of poison is more expensive than the corpse, manifests the true body of the ancestor witch, with a human face and animal body, and its ears are like dogs. It exhales a terrifying green poisonous gas when it opens its mouth. Turning into a pool of pus, really terrifying!

Wu Qiangliang, the ancestor of thunder, Wu Jizi, the ancestor of electricity, and Wujumang, the ancestor of wood, all have great magical powers, making the battlefield thunder and lightning, wood thorns, countless monsters died under thunder and lightning, or they were pierced by wood thorns. Body, tore and die!

Wu Tianwu, the ancestor of wind, Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, Zhurong, the ancestor of fire, and Wu Liao, the ancestor of gold, are also outrageously shot.

The wind is like a knife, as if it can tear everything apart!

The flood is fierce, as if it can drown everything!

The fire is terrifying, as if everything can be burned!

The golden spirit is sharp, as if it can cut everything!

The ancestral witches showed their power and slaughtered frantically, and their fierceness was frightening!

The Yaozu side.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi also blessed himself with the Chaos Clock. Combining the chaos and the real sun fire, it turned out to produce a terrible divine fire. Stars fall, thousands of witches, annihilated in a flash!

The demon master Kunpeng directly manifested his true body, with his big wings spread out, and he turned into Peng. Feng Shui’s two laws have evolved to the extreme. In an instant, they turned the surrounding area into a vast ocean. The bird swooped and sacked by the force of the huge waves and the wind, and the tyrannical Wu Clan was in front of him like paper!

“Universe star battle array, get up!”

Di Jun’s eyes condensed, and he knew that the monster clan’s top combat power was different from that of the Wu clan in terms of numbers, and now it is a wise decision to compete with a large array.


Emperor Jun offered up the Hetu Luoshu in a single response. Immediately, there were three hundred and sixty-five demon gods holding up the big Universe Star flags, and 14,800 big monsters holding up the small Universe Star flags, corresponding to the Universe Star.

A terrifying array was immediately formed on the battlefield.

The Sun Star and countless Universe Stars seem to have appeared on the battlefield out of thin air. The Universe Universe star power, the power of the billions of stars, makes the Witch Clan below feel a tyrannical suppression.

On the other hand, the monster race was blessed by the Universe Star Dou formation, each of which was the Cultivation Base soaring, exploding to its full potential, and launched a strong counterattack.

At the same time, stars fell in the big array.

Where the stars fell, countless witch races were wiped out in ashes. Rao, a powerful witch, could not escape his death!

“This time!”

The ancestral witches saw the universe star battle formation, could not help but feel a little suffocated.

I saw that the Universe star formation was originally based on the two stars of the lunar sun. At this time, only the sun star remained, and the other one was replaced by the Chaos Clock of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

In this way, not only did the power level not drop, but it went to a higher level.

Obviously, this Universe Star Dou formation has already been improved by Di Jun!

In the past Lich battles, it was because of Styx’s intervention that Emperor Jun lost control of the Lunar Star and lost control of the lunar star. This time, he came prepared!

“Di Jun, he is indeed a talent.”

I don’t know when, Styx has already come to the top of the Lich Battlefield with Nuwa, in the void, to observe the battle.

In fact, apart from him, the Pangu Sanqing and the Western Two Sages all came here.

This battle is related to the future direction of the entire prehistoric, Sage dare not easily provoke Karma, but has to pay attention.

Of course, it is not known what kind of thoughts each of the saints is bad.

“Stay fellow daoist, why not watch together?”

Suddenly, Styx felt above the sky, Heavenly Dao’s will emerged, and the voice of Dao Zu Hongjun sounded out of thin air in his mind.


Styx smiled slightly, and did not resist Heavenly Dao’s enticement.

Once he returned to God, he was already in a mysterious and unpredictable space, surrounded by the amazing Heavenly Dao aura.

“Stay fellow daoist, dare to step into the Heavenly Dao space of the old way, really courageous!”

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