Chapter 189

“Naturally willing!”

“I am waiting to go up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of ​​flames for the demon clan, and I will die forever!”

After a group of demons froze for a moment, they immediately swear an oath very generously.

How could they be unwilling to be able to work at Heaven Court?

“Okay! The moment when the Yaozu dominates the wilderness, you will never forget your glory!”

Donghuang Taiyi’s voice trembled slightly, as if he was making a huge choice.

The next moment, he flipped his hand to sacrifice the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock instantly rose thousands of times, forming a shadow that obscured the sky and the sun, covering all the more than 100,000 monsters below!

“My monster race will surely dominate the prehistoric!”

A group of monster races were impassioned, their voices resounding loudly, but they stopped abruptly at The next moment.

The Chaos Clock kept shrinking, and it turned back to the hands of Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Tai sighed and turned into a escape light towards Heaven Court.

In the Heavenly Dao space, Hongjun’s figure was condensed, and he turned his hand to sacrifice a good fortune jade.

After one or two deductions, his almost dumb face also showed a look of surprise:

“Di Jun, what do you intend to do!”

Having said that, Hongjun immediately struck a decrement towards Heaven Court.

In the secret room of Heaven Court.

I saw the volume of this secret room was amazing, with various storage utensils, and a large number of Jade Slip scrolls, and a large number of monsters coming and going.

At the center of the secret room is a huge furnace with obscure runes.

Donghuang Tai held a chaos clock, standing side by side with Emperor Jun, looking at the giant furnace in front of her.

“Brother, it’s still too late to look back now, do you really want to do that?”

Donghuang Taiyi’s hand holding the Chaos Clock trembled slightly.

“If you fail to succeed, you will become benevolent. The Wu Clan is growing stronger and stronger, and my monster Clan can no longer sit and wait to die. Today is the top ten Golden Crow, and tomorrow they may have our heads. Such a sacrifice is also worth it!”

Di Jun’s eyes were cold, not half moved.

At this time, Hongjun’s decree came and fell into the center of Emperor Jun’s eyebrows.

But Di Jun’s expression remained unchanged, and he said to himself: “Successful and defeated, this villain today will be done by my emperor! All the consequences will be borne by my emperor!”

Having said that, Di Jun gave a low voice and ordered: “Give me the exercise!”


As soon as the voice fell, I saw the monster in this secret room, took out countless sealed utensils, and tore the seal on it.

As soon as the seal was opened, there was a gust of wind and wailing in the entire secret room.

“Demon Race, you will surely perish!”

“You are so cruel, Dijun! It made my family ruined!”

Sealed in the equipment are countless human grievances!

“Tai Yi, I am still doing it!” Di Jun turned a deaf ear to the curses of these resentful souls, and urged Dong Huang Tai Yi instead.

The Eastern Emperor nodded a little, and poured Magic power into the Chaos Clock in his hand.

The chaotic clock flickered, and there seemed to be some change in the interior.

At this moment, the entire precipice of the sky was dark, and the originally sunny weather turned into torrential rain and thunder, as if the sky was angry and weeping.

At the same time, both the Yaozu people felt a kind of unfounded grief in their hearts, and they shed tears unconsciously.

In the Heavenly Dao space, Hongjun’s body shook slightly, and after a long silence, he let out a sigh.


Styx also frowned slightly as he watched the abnormal changes taking place between the prehistoric world.

Under the sacred fire Parasol Tree, Fuxi who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes. After his divination, he was startled in a cold sweat and exclaimed:

“The catastrophe has fallen! The catastrophe is approaching!”

The great abilities of the prehistoric world are all felt.

I saw that above the sky, the majestic luck of the Lich family was actually entangled at this time, as if dragons were fighting against each other, extremely dangerous.

Such a vision is only comparable to those of the three tribes in the past.

“This great wilderness is going to change again.”

Zhen Yuanzi sat and watched the luck of heaven and earth, his expression moved.

Sumeru in the mountains.

The two sages of the West were preaching at the altar, and at this time they were silently silent.

I saw that Zen Master Wuchao was sweating profusely, and there was a panic in his heart.

He was originally the tenth son of the Demon Crow Golden Crow, and now the catastrophe is approaching, he is closely related to the Demon Crow, but he has some feelings.

“Uchao, you are absent-minded, use six clean bamboos to seal your senses for your teacher, and go to the wall to think about it for five hundred years.” Zhun Titong looked at each other and said.

Upon hearing this, Zen Master Wuchao immediately took his command.

When the six pure bamboos were tapped, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, and the sense in the dark was also cut off.

Two boys led him down and faced punishment.

In the Nether Land Mansion.

The great changes have caused countless ghosts to be restless.

“The catastrophe is approaching, and the Wu Clan is in a vortex, what should we do?”

Hou Tu went out in person to appease the souls of the dead, but he was concerned about the safety of the Witch clan in his heart.

Na Lu Ya was following Ji Zang Sage to practice Taoism, but also lost his mind for a while, almost Qi Deviation.

Seeing this, Ji Zang turned his hand to offer the Pearl of Great Aspiration, cast a white light on Lu Ya, and made his heart clear.

“Don’t forget your Master Styx’s admonishment.”

Hearing this, Lu Ya’s heart shuddered, and the cupped hands said: “Master’s teaching, disciples should keep in mind!”

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ya kept his mind and stopped thinking about it.

On the wild land.

Kuafu Houyi is on his way to the clan land.

After seeing the changes in the world, both of them were irritable and could not help speeding up their pace.

In the middle of the journey, I suddenly heard a tremor in the sky and the earth, and Di Jun’s voice came from the sky.

“The Witch tribe is brutal and savage, killing my demons and gods, and slaughtering my ten Golden Crow sons. Today, I will be transported by Heaven. I will go to Heaven Court and vowed to have a settlement with the Witch tribe! This Heavenly Emperor does not want the two tribes to fight, and it will lead to great famine. In the great chaos, as long as the Wu clan will offer Kuafu Houyi’s head, my monster clan is willing to fight against the wu clan into a jade silk!”

As a quasi-sage power and a high position of the Heavenly Emperor, Di Jun declared at this moment that it was a great shaking, and all beings are like thunderous ears.

“Heaven Court is out!”

The predecessors all felt horrified when they heard this.

I couldn’t help but recall the amazing scenes of the Lich Wars in the past. It would be broken mountains and rivers, the sky and the earth, and the predecessors, I am afraid it will be difficult to stay out of the matter!

“Huh! Dijun’s child is despicable and hypocritical, and he speaks wildly! Liquidation will be liquidated. Why don’t my Wu Clan dare to fight today? You will be destroyed by the Demon Clan, and the Heavenly Emperor will fall!”

Facing such provocation, the voices of the ancestral witches came from the Wu clan.

The ancestral witches uttered together, which also caused the situation to change color, and the world was shocked.

With such a raging sword, the rain was about to come, and the creatures near the Lich Clan’s base all fled in panic.

There is no doubt that these strongholds will bear the brunt of the battle between the two clans!

“The demon clan listens to the order! Let’s go to war!”

Di Jun had planned for a long time for this day. At this time, he gave an order, and all the demons and gods under his command led the demons and tribes to kill the large and small Wu tribes.

There are monsters who walk on the ground, some fly into the sky, and even come from the water, almost showing their magical powers, and attacking the Witch tribe.

Really a thousand troops, mighty and mighty.

“Kuafu, Hou Yi, pay your fate!”

I saw a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals soaring into the clouds and driving the fog, descending from the sky, and the astonishing killing air made all living beings shudder, fearing to avoid it!

The three quasi-saint powers in the front, the breath released is even more earth-shaking, heavy and overwhelming, as if the sky is collapsing and the earth is sinking!

These three are the Heavenly Emperor, Taiyi, and Kunpeng!

Dijun’s eyes widened in anger, Hetu Luoshu hovered his side, killing intent in his eyes, almost turned into a sharp sword stabbing.

“How is it possible!”

Kuafu Houyi was caught off guard, and this Emperor Jun just announced the start of war. How could he be in front of him in an instant?

In this way, the two of them are isolated and helpless, isn’t it in trouble!

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