Chapter 188


The hatred in Di Jun’s eyes soared, and the whole person was full of anger.

He designed to entrap Chang’e, and even severely wound that Houyi, taking the Potian Bow.

I never thought that Hou Yi would make a breakthrough under the stimulus, even that Chang’e was saved by the goddess of the lunar yin, and the bow of the sky was also left behind.

If it hadn’t been for Styx to seize his marriage, these two Taiyin goddesses would have been his emperor’s wise helpers!

“Brother, although Chang’e has a ray of life, but his body and soul are endangered, and now being sealed into an ice coffin by that moon god, it’s just lingering and panting. Taihang and Wangwu are also dead, which is considered revenge.”

The Eastern Emperor sighed imperceptibly, so relieved the Emperor Jundao.

He hated both Kuafu and Houyi for penetrates the bone?

This result is naturally unsatisfactory.

But now, what’s the answer?

“No! Kuafu Houyi will not die for a day, the hatred in my heart is hard to dispel! The murderer who slaughtered the emperor is still in the wild, how can it be regarded as revenge?”

Di Jun took a deep breath, his eyes full of yin.

For this result, he is not Ruyi Scepter.

Hearing that, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and all the demon gods were silent.

“The soul, how is the collection?” Di Jun narrowed his eyes and looked at several demon gods.

A demon god stepped forward to report: “Nowadays, the human race is reunited among the three tribes, and there are very few living on the prey. I wait for the demon tribe, it is really hard to find an opportunity to take advantage of it. The human soul is not easy to store, and the loss is not small. Today, the human soul is still more than 30,000 short…”

Hearing this, Di Jun didn’t say a word.

The atmosphere of the entire Heaven Court is solemn, even though it is magnificent and full of Spiritual Qi, it seems to be shrouded in a haze.

On the lunar star.

Chang Xixi and the two goddesses are leading the ice coffin where Chang’e is under the laurel tree.

“Hou Yi, your wife’s body is almost destroyed, and the soul is also mutilated. Now only with the help of the cold of this lunar star can we have the opportunity to seal it up.”

The two goddesses sighed leisurely after carefully inspecting Chang’e’s situation.

Looking at Houyi, who was kneeling in front of the ice coffin, Xihe frowned and said: “That monster clan’s poisonous scheme is really vicious. If it weren’t for the husband to tell me in time, Chang’e would have been wiped out.”

“Thank you for the two goddesses.” Hou Yi finally got up after staring at the ice coffin. He was holding the bow of the sky, and his whole body was murderous.

He was surrounded by real fire from the sun, transformed into a combat suit, and the law of breaking emerged, forming wings behind him, and he rose into the air.

In the past, he and Kuafu were reborn in the real fire of the sun, and now he is close to the sun star, which can be regarded as an alternative way to master the real fire of the sun.

But Chang’e was burnt like this by the real fire of the sun. He looked at the real fire of the sun without any joy in his heart.

“Where are you going?”

Seeing Hou Yi rising into the sky, he was about to leave, Chang Xi asked hurriedly.

“Kill the Heaven Court and avenge Chang’e!”

The anger in Hou Yi’s eyes was burning, as if it was really burning.

“Don’t! Chang’e still has a ray of life. It can be cultivated under this laurel tree, ranging from thousands of years to tens of thousands of years, and one day will be able to recover! But if you kill yourself to Heaven Court, you will find your own way of death. ! When Chang’e wakes up, but you are dying in anger, how should she deal with herself?”

Chang Xi frowned slightly, admonishing this way.

Hearing this, Hou Yi took a deep breath and nodded slowly: “The goddess is absolutely right! I’ll go and see Brother Kuafu!”

Before he finished his words, Hou Yi spread his wings behind him and flew towards Honghuang at an astonishing speed.

Above the prehistoric.

Zhen Yuanzi is holding a book from the ground, evolving supernatural powers.

I saw that the surrounding earth and stone statues came alive, wrapping towards the Wangwu and Taihang, forming two huge stone balls.

Immediately afterwards, two stone balls merged into the ground.

In the shaking of the great earthquake, two adjacent mountain ranges rose from the ground and became steep and continuous.

Zhen Yuanzi turned the Wangwu and Taihang into two mountains with the help of the magical powers of the book from the earth.

“Kuafu, your two children have been sealed by my earth book, and they have been nurtured by the power of the earth veins. Although I don’t know how long it will take, one day they will recover and wake up and regain their true bodies!”

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the rolling mountains in front of him and nodded slightly.

With tears in his eyes, Kua’s father once again thanked Zhen Yuanzi, and at the same time he was also grateful to Styx.

If it weren’t for the master to ask Zhen Yuanzi to take action, his two children would probably be overwhelmed!

At this time, Hou Yi descended from the sky. Seeing this scene, I was shocked in my heart.

Hearing what Kuafu said, he probably understood the situation.

“Brother!” Hou Yi lifted Kuafu up, with grief in his eyes.

When Kuafu saw Hou Yi’s expression, his heart sank. After learning about the situation, he was slightly relieved.

After a while, both of them hid all emotions in their hearts.

“In this way, the two of me have no worries. Now I should return to the clan and practice harder. One day, I will finally be clear with the monster clan!”

Kuafu patted Houyi on the shoulder, cheering up.

“That’s what I meant! Yi and Brother saw the same thing!”

After saying goodbye to Zhen Yuanzi, the two ran towards the Wu clan, traveling tens of thousands of miles a day at an amazing speed.

At the same time, a large number of monster races on the predecessor had all received instructions from Heaven Court. It turned out that Heaven Court wanted to expand its manpower, so it was hereby recruited.

Some demons in the Cultivation Base status got the news and couldn’t help but rejoice.

Because Heaven Court belongs to their monster race, but not all monster races can go to the Heaven Court.

And the Heaven Court Spiritual Qi is full, and the training speed is somehow faster than this predecessor, and there are many other benefits.

It can be said that the monster race that can enter the Heaven Court position is the real core of the monster race.

These low-powered monster races, relying on their own ability, can’t even reach the thirty Third Stage days.

Therefore, the order given by the Heavenly Emperor was for them to gather on the land first, and then a special person would be responsible for receiving them.

At this time, a certain demon clan in the prehistoric land had gathered a total of more than 100,000 demon clan.

The status of the Cultivation Base of these monster races, from Celestial Immortals to Golden Immortals, has it all, and their faces are filled with excitement and joy.

Because they were selected by the Heavenly Emperor and will soon go to the Heaven Court to serve.

I saw a stream of light coming from far away, and a tall and majestic figure appeared in front of these monster races with an astonishing sense of oppression.

The demon races who were originally noisy suddenly quieted down.

“Master Donghuang!”

“Unexpectedly, the Eastern Emperor himself came and led us to Heaven Court!”

The monster races bowed down one after another, and each was excited and grateful.

These lowly demon races, who can’t even see the face of Donghuang Taiyi on weekdays, are naturally flattered at this time.

However, the expression of Donghuang Taiyi was so gloomy as to drip water.

“Huh? What’s the matter. It’s not that Donghuang-sama loves the people like a child, and has always been very easy-going like a spring breeze. Why is his face so ugly today? Is there something bothering him?”

Seeing this, a monster clan couldn’t help whispering.

“Er wait, are you willing to dedicate yourself to the demon race?” Donghuang Taiyi looked at these demon races, and a trace of compassion flashed in his eyes.

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