Chapter 185

“This, what is this?”

The two brothers in Taihang Wangwu had never seen such a vision, and their hearts were inexplicably shocked.

The Mink looked at the nine skeletons hovering in the air, with a touch of sadness in his expression fleeting.

That was the ashes of the old demon god, Jiuying!

At that time, the demon god Jiuying died in the hands of Houyi Kuafu and the human tribe, and was burnt to ashes. Even the bones were not left, only the ashes turned into powder and fell into this earth.

Jiuying was powerful before his death, and resented deeply after his death, and under the influence of the killing intent of his demon power, there was no grass on this piece of land.

She had prepared for the mink a long time ago, and it is today that Jiuying’s ashes can be seen again!

“This is the skeleton of the demon god Jiuying.”

Mink did not conceal anything, just modified the information. “The demon god Jiuying died here. Your father had planned for a long time. That is to use secret techniques to use these ashes to forge a stronger body for you.”

As he said, Marten glanced at Taihang and Wangwu: “After all, you are a mixed blood of humans and witches, and your body is obviously inferior to the real witch race.”

Hearing this, Taihang and Wangwu looked at each other and couldn’t help but become excited.

I always thought that their father, Kuafu, had not fulfilled his father’s responsibilities after giving birth to them.

But I didn’t expect it to be so painstakingly attentive.

“Furthermore, it will be a merit for you to absorb the ashes of the nine infants and restore this place to normal.”

The corners of the mink’s mouth kept rising, and there was a cold expression in his eyes.

Taihang and Wangwu, who were immersed in joy, didn’t notice any abnormality at all. At this time, they couldn’t restrain their excitement, and only hoped to be able to quickly.

Afterwards, Mink took out all the props prepared and soaked Taihang and Wangwu in a huge wooden barrel.

She poured in a lot of rare materials, and finally introduced the ashes of Jiuying.

As the mink cast the spell, the liquid medicine in the wooden barrel and the ashes of the nine infants were all absorbed by their bodies.


The barrel exploded, and the two brothers from Taihang Wangwu stood naked, feeling the unprecedented strength in their bodies.

“Thank you Yushu Daoist! Thank you father!”

At this time, the two brothers were surrounded by black light, as if there were nine snake heads entwined, and the physical strength was actually close to Da Luo Jinxian.

“Haha, here is a Cultivation Technique, you take it back and practice it. With this body, in time, you will surely become like Kuafu!”

The mink dropped a copy of Jade Slip and left.

The two brothers from Taihang Wangwu bowed down and thanked them.

Heaven Court.

The demon sable went to Heaven Court and saw Emperor Jun.

“Everything has been arranged, just waiting for Kuafu Houyi to return!”

Di Jun heard this, with grief and anger hidden in his eyes, but he showed a cruel and crazy smile:

“Okay! Well done! We must let Kuafu and Houyi taste it, and we will lose the taste of blood relatives!”

A few years later.

Kuafu Houyi returns.

“The front is the E’s tribe.”

Hou Yi looked at the prosperous tribe in front of him, and couldn’t help feeling emotional, “Human race has prospered a lot more than before. I don’t know what happened to Chang’e and the others.”

Kuafu also laughed heartily: “This time we survived the catastrophe and became an ancestor witch. We must celebrate!”

Afterwards, Kuafu Houyi parted ways and walked towards their respective homes.

Along the way, both of them felt that things were right and wrong, and had some bad premonitions in their hearts.

“It’s Kuafu! The Kuafu warrior is back!”

People of the E clan tribe, when they saw Kuafu, they all stepped forward to support them and were very enthusiastic.

The same goes for Hou Yi.

Kuafu was surrounded by everyone and walked all the way to his home, but he learned from the crowd that his wife had passed away.


Kuafu fell to his knees with a thunder as if struck by lightning, causing the entire E’s tribe to be turbulent, like an earthquake.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the person who told him the news, and said angrily:

“How could this happen! It’s just a moment away…”

Suddenly, Kuafu seemed to have realized something, showing a very painful and regretful expression.

His wife is a human race, and the life span of such a great witch cannot be compared at all.

Hundreds of years may be just a flick of a finger for him, but for mortals, it is the most terrifying torment!


Kuafu burst into tears, roared, and beat his own chest hard, “All blame me, it’s because I didn’t think well!”

When I think of my wife waiting for her return day and night, until she is old and dead, she praises her father like a knife.

“Kai, god-tier, don’t be too sad, you still have two children!”

Hearing others say this, Kua’s father was shocked, and at the same time of grief, he also felt some comfort: “Child, I have a child!”

Kuafu did not expect that his wife actually gave birth to two children for herself.

Now that his wife has passed away, these two children are Kuafu’s only souvenirs for this place.

Thinking of this, Kuafu rushed towards home.


The two brothers from Taihang Wangwu were too excited to speak when they saw Kuafu.

The two brothers originally complained to Kua’s father, but when they were mixed up by the marten, they were full of respect and love for this father.

The father and son hugged each other, causing others to nod and say yes, Tao is a good thing.

On the other side, Hou Yi also reunited with Chang’e.

On the way, he also learned that Kua’s wife was dead, and realized that he had made the same mistake.

But when I returned home, I saw Chang’e, who was young and beautiful, and even more touching than before. Hou Yi was overjoyed in the past and strode forward and hugged him in his arms.

Heaven Court.

Dijun observed it with a secret method and saw the scene of Kuafu Houyi reuniting with his loved ones, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth became more and more unconcealed.

He tried his best to let the demon god Mink arrange the means to make Kuafu and Houyi suffer the greatest blow when they were happiest.

Only in this way can he retaliate against the Ten Golden Crow and vent his resentment.

When the two brothers Kuafu and Wangwu Taihang embraced each other, the mutation happened.


I saw two bloody hands passing through Kuafu’s body, which were actually Taihang and Wangwu.

Everyone was shocked and didn’t understand what happened.

The two brothers in Taihang Wangwu, and Kuafu’s faces, all share the same astonishment.

“Father, father! I can’t control my body!” Taihang said cryingly.

The next moment, his entire head was quickly twisted and swelled, turning into a weird snake head in a weird form.


Kuafu looked at the snake’s head, and couldn’t help being shocked, because this was the head of the demon god Jiuying!

It’s too late to say, it’s fast, just as Taihang’s head turned into Jiuying’s head, he spit out a mouthful of demon fire, spitting out towards Kuafu.

On the other side, the royal house also screamed in pain, and its head was upgraded to the head of the Nine Infant Snake, and the poisonous water sprayed out.

At the same time, mutations are still happening, and his neck is constantly twisting, and more heads are constantly growing out of the skin and flesh, which is really weird.

Such a horrible scene, even Kuafu, a great witch, made his face blue with fright.

The human races around were even more shocked, so scared that Liushen Wuzhu, fled in despair!

Kuafu suppressed the horror in his heart, endured the pain, and while resisting the poisonous water of the demon fire with his arms, he kept a distance from Taihang and Wangwu.

At this moment, Taihang and Wangwu no longer have a human form, but their bodies are constantly upgraded and enlarged, turning into two nine-headed monsters, their appearances are just like nine infants!

“Why, what is this!”

There are two huge blood holes on Kua’s father’s body, but they can’t take care of them at all.

What he is more concerned about in his eyes is why his two children have become like this!

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