Chapter 186


The two brothers of the Taihang King House turned into two nine-headed monsters, and the nine heads spewed poisonous water and monster fire respectively.

The poisonous water passed by, the house corroded, and the flesh and blood of the submerged people melted and turned into a pool of pus.

The demon fire spread, and everything around it turned to ashes in an instant, and the wailing of the burned people came to an abrupt end.

For a time, the E’s tribe seemed to be transformed into a purgatory on earth.

“Kuafu god-tier, please save me is equal to fire and water!”

The human race was splashed by poisonous water, and the entire leg turned into thick water. At this time, he collapsed to the ground and begged Kuafu.


Kuafu looked at the Taihang King’s house that had turned into a monster, and looked at these suffering E clan people, all kinds of emotions surged in his heart for a while, and he could only vent by roaring.

The sound waves spread out in the form visible to the naked eye, turning into a violent wind that swept all directions.

Kuafu rose up, blasted his palms forward, and slapped Taihang and Wangwu fiercely.

The next moment, changing from palm to grasping, Kuafu pushed Taihang and Wangwu forward abruptly until he walked quickly.

No matter what the snake heads of Taihang and Wangwu bit on themselves, the poisonous water and demon fire eroded the flesh, Kuafu never wavered, but his heart was like a knife.

The two sons of own are turned into evils. What should I do?

“Demon Race, it must be that Monster Race!”

Kuafu can almost conclude that the current situation is inseparable from the Yaozu, otherwise, how could his own two sons become like Jiuying?

Not long after, Kuafu pushed Taihang and Wangwu with brute force to an uninhabited place.

Even with the scars, Kuafu still struggled with Taihang and Wangwu.

Today, he is in an extremely difficult situation.

This is own’s own flesh and blood, even if it becomes a monster, he can hardly attack it to kill it.

But he must not let him go, otherwise he praised his father’s face to face the human race, and even other creatures who have been harmed?

Kuafu, who has nowhere to go, now only hopes to exhaust the physical strength of Taihang and Wangwu and subdue them.

“I didn’t expect that the great witch Kuafu, who has always been vigorous and resolute, would be so indecisive when facing close relatives.”

When Di Jun saw this scene, he was slightly moved, but his hatred of the Wu Clan and Kuafu would never be dispelled because of this. On the contrary, he quickly showed mockery.

“His two sons absorbed the ashes and grievances of Jiuying, and stupidly cultivated the secret method given by our monster race. Now they are overdrawn with their lives and potential. That Kuafu wants to exhaust his physical strength, but he did not know that he fell first. I’m afraid it’s him!”

Having said that, Di Jun and the demon gods all felt a burst of joy.

To be able to see Kuafu kill each other with his own flesh and blood, and then die in pain, is definitely a great revenge.

“Jiuying? How is it possible?”

Houyi, who is also in the E clan tribe, could not have been aware of such a change.

At this moment, when he heard the movement and walked out of the room door, he saw Kuafu and the two hydra-headed monsters fighting together, and he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“With the current strength of Kua Father, he should be able to deal with these two monsters at his fingertips, but why does he…”

Hou Yi groaned for a moment, and then went back to the house to take a bow to help Kuafu shoot the two monsters.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw Chang’e holding the broken sky bow in his hand, and his expression was a bit wrong.

“Chang’e, why can you afford this bow?”

Hou Yi couldn’t help but pale in shock. This Sky-Breaking Bow was the manifestation of the purest origin of the Law of Breaking. Even if it was Da Luo Jinxian, if he rashly touched it, he would suffer from the Backlash of the Law of Breaking.

But never thought that Chang’e could actually hold it in his hands.

Chang’e didn’t answer Hou Yi, but her feet suddenly left the ground, and her whole body rose into the air, heading towards the sky at an extremely fast speed, as if something was affecting her ascending.

And her eyes were dim and lacklustre, as if she were a puppet controlled by someone!


Seeing such an abnormality, Hou Yi jumped up and reached out to grab Chang’e’s ankle.

As a great witch, his body was as heavy as a mountain, but at this time he was unable to drag Chang’e down, but was dragged to the sky with Chang’e.

“Well, what is this all about!”

The people of the E clan tribe can’t take care of themselves. First they saw Kua’s father and two sons changing monsters causing chaos, and then saw Chang’e dragging Houyi into the air. They were all shocked and confused at this time.

The earth under his feet is getting farther and farther, and Hou Yi’s heart is sinking continuously, he vaguely understands:

“Yaozu, this is Yaozu’s revenge!”

At this time, Hou Yi had already seen clearly that the direction Chang’e was flying to was actually the sun star full of horror and real fire!

As a great witch and inherited from the ancestral witch, his body can naturally resist the sun’s real fire.

It’s just that Chang’e is a human race, the Cultivation Base is low and low, it can be described as a mortal body, I am afraid that it will be burned to the dust if it is not really close to the sun star!

And his Hou Yi wanted to watch, Chang’e flew to the sun star step by step, until it was burned to ashes!

“Killing the heart! Killing the heart! Yaozu, you really are so vicious!”

Hou Yi realized the sinister and viciousness of this, even though he had the courage to know others, he still felt a chill.

Kuafu and his son are killing each other.

Hou Yi wanted to watch Chang’e be sent to death, and he could hardly protect himself.

For a time, both have been forced into desperation!

“Master! Please give me a glimmer of life!”

Hou Yi hung high above the sky, and below his eagerness, there was a burst of earth-shattering roar.

Far away in the Styx of Penglai, I didn’t directly hear Hou Yi’s voice, but at this moment, I felt something in my heart, and his eyes slowly opened.

“The monster race, after all, can’t stand it anymore.”

Between the faint openings, Styx raised his hand to strike out two decrees, which actually crossed the void and led to the two places.

“Er wait for the order, for that Kuafu Houyi, continue a ray of life!”

After doing this, Styx closed his eyes, as if he no longer cared about the matter.

On Kuafu’s side, he held a peach stick in his hand and fought with Taihang Wangwu.

The peach stick in his hand exudes bursts of aura, which can actually heal his injuries, and at the same time, it can resist the poisonous water and the demon fire.

The monsters in the Taihang King’s House are no different from those of the Nine Infants. Its poisonous water, demon fire, corrosion and burning ability are extremely strong, and it has a constantly accumulating mystery.

Under the protracted battle, Rao Kuafu could not bear it. If he hadn’t had this mahogany staff from Styx, he would have fallen down long ago.

But if this continues, he will not last long after all.

“Yi! Master!”

When Kuafu heard Hou Yi’s roar, his heart continued to sink. At the same time, he felt his internal organs surge, and he actually vomited a mouthful of poisonous blood.

He is deeply poisoned!

“Kaifu, little friend, poor Dao, by the order of the ancestor, I am here to help!”

Just as Kuafu fell into depression, a voice sounded leisurely!

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