Chapter 184

“Who are you?”

Chang’e opened the door, only to feel that the woman in front of her was too young and beautiful, without a trace of wrinkles, without a strand of white hair, and without any blemishes, she was definitely not like a woman in the world.

“I am an immortal from Kunlun, West. I heard that the great witch Houyi’s wife, Chang’e, is very beautiful. She specially sent me to visit, but I didn’t expect it to be such an old woman. I was really disappointed.”

The mink looked at Chang’e with a smile, and poke Chang’e’s sore spot.

Sure enough, Chang’e frowned, showing an expression of pain.

She just saw the mink, and she subconsciously compared it with the other person. She is also a woman, why is the gap so big?

“Hehe, I was actually negligent. With your Cultivation Base, how can you keep your face forever? I don’t know if Hou Yi comes back and sees you like this, will you be disappointed?”

Mink sensed the pain and anxiety in Chang’e’s heart, and at this time fanned the flames and said, “Or, when he returns, have you turned into a piece of loess?”

“No, it won’t.” Chang’e waited for a long time, with fear and unwillingness in her heart, as if she was ignited by the mink at this moment, she burst into tears and couldn’t help but choke.

Seeing this, Mink raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if the trick had already succeeded.

As the so-called murder and condemnation, the mink who is good at change is the best at this.

“Well, you don’t have to be so sad.” Marten pretended to be compassionate. “As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good life. This immortal was fortunate to have obtained an immortal pill from Queen Mother Xi, the head of the female immortal. Mortals swallowed it. After that, regardless of the geometry of the Cultivation Base, you can never grow old or die.”

Hearing this, Chang’e couldn’t help raising her head, with desire and reverence in her eyes: “I am not old or dead?”

“Yes. If you take this elixir of immortality, you will restore your youthful appearance, and you will live eternally from now on, and you will no longer age!”

With that said, Mink turned his hand, and an exquisite jade pill appeared on the palm of his hand, which was really shining, illuminating the whole hall.

Chang’e looked at this elixir of immortality, her eyes were full of movement, until Marten put the Medicine Pill into her hands, she was still a little unbelievable:

“How can I collect such a precious elixir?”

Marten sighed: “Although this pill is extraordinary, it is only precious to mortals. I have admired Houyi for a long time. You are Houyi’s wife, and it is right to give it to you! Within three days, if you don’t Eat, and I will take the elixir back! If you feel wrong, you can change it with the hosta on your head!”

After all, Mink stretched out his hand and held the hosta on Chang’e’s head in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flickered, and disappeared.

“It’s really a fairy!”

Chang’e tightly held the elixir of immortality in his hand and bowed to the place where the mink had disappeared.

Then she wanted to subdue the elixir, but hesitated again, after all, this fact was a bit weird.

“The immortal even explained the origins of this Medicine Pill, and he took my hosta. I think there will be no fakes. In the three-day period, who can I call to verify it?”

After Chang’e thought about it for a while, after all, she swallowed this immortal pill.

She saw her old wrinkled skin fade away layer by layer, her posture became tall and straight, and her eyes became clear. In a blink of an eye, it was like going back in time, rejuvenating, and returning to the appearance of a teenager.

Even more beautiful and flawless than young.

Looking at the beautiful face in the mirror, Chang’e was overjoyed, and then bowed her head shyly:

“When your husband comes back, you will be very pleasantly surprised.”

Mink sensed that Chang’e swallowed the elixir of immortality, he couldn’t help but smiled, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

the other side.

Taihang and Wangwu brothers are on their way home.

But I saw a ray of light coming from far away and stopped in front of the two of them.

Taihang and Wangwu’s hearts were tight, and they looked at each other cautiously:

“Which immortal is this person?”

I saw that the person here was the mink, looking at the two brothers, Taihang and Wangwu, with a smile:

“I am an immortal from Kunlun in the west, and I have an old friend with your father Kuafu and the descendants of my uncle.”

Hearing this, Taihang said in surprise: “So you are your father’s friend? When will they return?”

The royal house showed a suspicious look: “Where are the fathers?”

Mink glanced away, and he knew it:

“Your father has something important now, so he can’t get out for the time being. So I specifically asked this friend of me to lead you two on the path of training.”

Hearing this, Taihang was overjoyed and cheered: “Great!”

As the descendants of Kuafu, they have a tyrannical body, natural divine power, and a strong sense of the law of the earth.

It’s just that I didn’t have the opportunity to embark on the path of training for a while, and I was waiting for the return of his father Kuafu. Now that I have such an opportunity, I am naturally overjoyed.

When Wang Wu heard this, his heart was throbbing, but when he looked at the marten, he still had a vigilance:

“Dare to ask senior, what is the name?”

Mink said in his heart, the king’s house of the two brothers is somewhat difficult to deal with, but fortunately she is well prepared.

“I’m a Loose Immortals from Kunlun. If you insist on the name, it is the Yushu Daoist.”

As he said, Mink took out the hosta he got from Chang’e, “In fact, I have visited Chang’e just now. If you don’t believe it, look at it.”

Seeing the hosta in Mink’s hand, Wang Wu nodded his head in disbelief: “It turns out to be Yushu Daoist, Junior is rude.”

The mink smiled and put away the hosta.

However, Wang Wu frowned and said: “I suddenly remembered that there was something to tell auntie, I’m afraid I have to turn back.”

“Okay.” Mink didn’t say much, and directly used the magic magic power, taking Taihang and Wangwu Fei to the front of Chang’e.

Seeing Chang’e who was regaining her youth and beauty, and learning what had happened, the two brothers from the Taihang King House couldn’t help but bowed to the mink with excitement:

“Yushu Daoist is a great kindness, and I will be rewarded with a good life in the future when I am successful in cultivating!”

At the same time, Wang Wu felt very guilty because he did not trust the Yushu Daoist in front of him.

I just saw the Chang’e jade hairpin, but it was Chang’e that was in danger. I never thought that the Yushu Daoist actually made Chang’e rejuvenate!


Mink smiled sincerely when seeing Taihang Wangwu and Chang’e both grateful.

“You two, come with me. In the past, my father and brother left a chance for you, but now I will take you to get it.”

Taihang and Wangwu were overjoyed and followed the ermine.

Seeing this, Chang’e nodded happily.

She has no children and treats these two brothers as if they were her own, and the two brothers also respected her very much.

Nowadays, it is a good thing to have an expert on the road to practice.

I saw Mink leading the Taihang King’s House to a deserted place.

“Huh? Why is there no grass here?”

Taihang and Wangwu were a little puzzled.

Mink didn’t answer, but raised his hand to play a few magic tricks, causing the earth to shake.

In an instant, there were countless bone meal rising up in the earth, gathering into nine hollow skull heads, hovering ferociously in mid-air.

Seeing this, the two brothers from Taihang Wangwu couldn’t help being shocked, because these scenes were really shocked.

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