Chapter 183

“Feng Wu has seen the master.”

The person Styx wants to summon is Feng Wu.

Since Styx cultivated a supernatural power across the void, it was rare to bring Feng Wu with him.

Feng Wu was cultivated in Penglai diligently, and now she is already a quasi-sage middle stage Cultivation Base, and in the entire predicament, it can be regarded as a mighty power.

“Well, I haven’t seen it in a short time, and your Cultivation Base has improved again, which is good.”

Styga looked at Feng Wu calmly and nodded in satisfaction.

The ancestral witches stood aside, also respecting the phoenix dance.

Although Feng Wu is nominally the master’s mount, Styx treats her as a Penglaiman.

What’s more, Feng Wu’s heels and origins are also extraordinary, she is the daughter of Yuanfeng and the son of the Phoenix clan.

It can be said that Feng Wu is the first group of people to follow Styx, and in terms of strength, it should not be underestimated.

It is even more rumored that Feng Wu has an unusual private relationship with Master…

After all, there is a precedent for Xuechi.

“Feng Wu, you have followed me for many years, and you have worked so hard, and today I will give you something that will be of great benefit to you.”

When Feng Wu heard that Styx wanted to reward herself, her face was delighted, but she was a little weird.

“Why, what’s your mind?” Styx asked with keen insight.

Feng Wu lowered her head, fiddling with her fingers, and slightly twitched, “Master, since I want a reward, can I let Feng Wu…no more, don’t mention it!”

With that, Feng Wu suddenly turned red, and shook her head.

Styx asked, this girl is afraid that she has taken the wrong medicine?

He didn’t care about other things, just flipped his hands to sacrifice the essence of Lihuo.

I saw the fire shining brightly, and the purest real fire aura between heaven and earth leaped in the palm of Styx’s palm.

Feng Wu’s pupils shrank, and her mind was all attracted by the essence of Lihuo.

Not only that, Zhu Rong among the ancestral witches, and Lu Ya, who stood by and had not left, both showed longing expressions.

“This, what is this?” Feng Wu was pleasantly surprised, “Master, is this to give me a gift?”

In Styx’s heart, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said, “Did I ever speak arrogantly?”

“Feng Wu didn’t mean it! It’s Feng Wu who talks too much!” Feng Wu realized that she was a little bit of a mistake, and she quickly lowered her head to explain, and then stretched out her hands and took the spirit of Lihuo.

This Lihuo Essence is an extremely pure true fire Essence, which can be compared with the origin of Golden Crow, and is absolutely invaluable for fire practitioners.

“Come on, Lord, I will help you refine and absorb!”

As Styga said, he immediately evolved his supernatural powers to help Feng Wu suppress the essence of the Lihuo so that he could easily absorb and refine it.

Along with the refining of the essence of Lihuo, Feng Wu’s Cultivation Base aura continues to rise, and the three flowers on top of it appear. There was originally only the sixth rank, but under the irrigation of the essence of Lihuo, there was a slight difference. A sign of change, vaguely advanced to the seventh rank.

Seeing this, Styx immediately played millions of merits, submerged into the phoenix dance on top of the three flowers, making it complete the qualitative change in an instant, making it directly bloom the seventh stage, and there is real fire burning, mysterious and extraordinary.

With the qualitative change of the Sanhua on the top, Feng Wu’s Realm aura has reached the pinnacle of the quasi-sage in a blink of an eye, and its promotion speed is really breathtaking.

This can also be seen from the side, the magic of the essence of Lihuo.


The sacred fire lingers around Feng Wu’s body, in which the scent of Taiyin and the scent of Lihue are intertwined, and its power is far from the past.

The power of Lihuo’s burning is not inferior to the real fire of the sun.

Combining the yin and cold of the lunar yin and yuehua, hurting the soul of the body, it is impossible to guard against!

“Congratulations to Fengwu senior!”

Lu Yi couldn’t help showing envy in his eyes. If he could get the essence of Lihuo, it would be the icing on the cake in terms of fire.

Zhu Rong, the ancestor witch, had a similar idea. If he exercised his body and laws with this essence of Lihuo, he would also be able to make breakthroughs.

If you watch the fire in the Styx Cave, you naturally know the minds of the two.

It’s just that there is only one part from the essence of the fire, and rewarding the phoenix dance is his deliberate decision.

Firstly, Feng Wu is his personal person, so naturally there is a priority.

Secondly, Lu Ya and Zhu Rong were already strong enough. Although the essence of Lihuo had a magical effect for them, it was not as effective as Feng Wu.

Naturally, Styx would not do much to explain.

While Lu Ya and Zhu Rong were envious, they were inspired.

Master is so unkind to the people around him, if they can perform well, they must be treated favorably.

Not only them, but the rest of the ancestral witch disciples, it is probably the case.

Terran race.

The E clan tribe, once destroyed by the two demon gods, Jiuying and Pitie, has been rebuilt and prospered.

Among them was a gray-haired humanoid old woman who was waiting in the house for her husband’s return.

She is Chang’e, and her husband is Houyi!

In the past, she was in trouble in Niulan Mountain and was rescued by Houyi Kuafu. Since then, she has fallen in love with Houyi at first sight.

Later, Hou Yi was even regarded as a warrior by the human race. She couldn’t love herself. After all, she crossed races with Hou Yi and became a husband and wife.

Even though she has already embarked on the road of cultivation, the Cultivation Base is not good, and Shouyuan is not as good as Houyi after all.

Therefore, after Hou Yi left, she has turned from a girl to an old woman, and she is aging day by day.

“Auntie Chang, we are here to visit you!”

At this moment, two tall, brown-skinned young men rushed towards this side.

They have powerful kongwu and are far taller than ordinary human races.

“Taihang, Wangwu!”

When Chang’e saw the two young men, he couldn’t help but smile.

These two teenagers are the children born to her best friend and Kua’s father.

Thinking of her close friend, Chang’e’s smile gradually disappeared, and she sighed sadly.

She died a few years ago, and she did not wait until Kuafu came back.

And how long can she wait, Chang’e?

My boudoir friend has raised at least two children, so what can I have left?

Looking at Taihang and Wangwu, Chang’e finally squeezed out a smile again: “Child, come in and sit down.”

Taihang and Wangwu, they carried fruits and game, and after a glance, walked into the house.

After a meal, Taihang and Wangwu left.

“Father and Uncle Houyi, when will they come back? Everyone says they are warriors and heroes, but they are sorry for their mother and auntie!”

Taihang thought of Chang’e’s lonely eyes, and her mother’s dying about not seeing her father Kuafu’s last scene, and clenched his fists involuntarily.

And they have grown up, but they haven’t even seen their father’s true appearance. The only thing they can see is their statues in the tribe.

“Hey, I hope my father and Uncle Houyi can come back soon. Auntie, she may be running out of time.” Wang Wu sighed.

The two didn’t notice at all. In the bushes behind them, there was a white mink peeping at them in secret.

After Taihang and Wangwu left, the white mink’s eyes rolled a little, and it turned out to be a human figure, transforming into a glamorous woman in snow-white mink fur.

She is the demon mink!

Mink was ordered by the Heavenly Emperor to search secretly for several years in the three tribes of the human race, and finally found the blood relatives of Kuafu and Houyi.

Then it took another year to figure out their details.

“Don’t blame me, blame it, blame Kuafu and Houyi for slaughtering my top ten Golden Crow monsters. My mink is just following orders.”

With that said, the mink changed his body again, it turned out to be a white veil, just like a fairy.

She came to Chang’e’s door, smiled, and knocked on the door.

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