Chapter 176 Peach Stick

As a great witch, Kuafu’s tyrannical body became withered and blackened under the scorching of the top ten Golden Crow.

Before his vitality disappeared, he held the great staff tightly, curled up and pressed it under his body.

Even the top ten Golden Crow and Hou Yi have never discovered that the giant rod has not been affected by the real fire of the sun from beginning to end.

At this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

The great staff actually split on its own, giving birth to countless new buds, bursting out unimaginable majestic vitality in an instant.

The new sprouts grew into towering trees, and in an instant they formed a forest, and there were thousands of peach blossoms in full bloom, which turned out to be a peach forest!

Taolin grew swiftly and immediately drowned Kuafu’s corpse.

In an instant, earth, wood, water, life, Samsara… I don’t know that there are several laws that revolve, forming amazing visions.

“Quafu, I’m back!”

Hou Yi took the bow and shot an arrow, feeling that the breath of his friend Kuafu appeared again in the peach forest.

“It’s that stick!”

Hou Yi’s pupils shrank suddenly, and finally understood what made Kuafu come back to life.

You know, the Witchs do not cultivate the soul, and rarely use Magic Treasures.

Among the great witches, there is only the rule that Houyi uses bows and arrows to carry power.

Kuafu was given a mahogany stick by Sage after the human disaster last time. Since then, he has carried it close to his body and used the stick to support the law of strength.

“Does the saint master have already reached today?”

Hou Yi couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath.

Of course, he knew that Sage Shirakawa was a corpse of his witch clan sage, Patriarch Styx. Although he became Sage independently, it represented the will of Styx.

Kuafu’s vitality is withered, but it is clear that this peach stick sheltered Kuafu’s last life and brought it back to life!


With a wild roar, a giant stood up from the peach forest.

It really is Kuafu!

I saw Kuafu’s eyes burning, and his physical body took on a new look. His breath and laws not only regained a new life, but also took it to the next level!

“My friend!”

When Kuafu saw Houyi who was being besieged by the top ten Golden Crow, he immediately understood what was going on.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the thickest one from the peach forest and smashed it towards the Golden Crow as a weapon.


A Golden Crow was swept by the law of Kuafu’s power, and half of its wings were wiped out.

“Eight brother!”

The rest of the Golden Crow were frightened when they saw this.

The eighth prince only had half of his wings left, and when he saw Kuafu attacking him, he immediately ignored the others and fled to the east.


Hou Yi’s eyes narrowed, the murderous intent was revealed, and he raised the bow and arrow that had already been charged in his hand, and shot an arrow.

The arrow wind howled, the law of power hovered and condensed, and almost everything along the way would be torn apart.


The eighth prince of Golden Crow himself lost half of his wings.

I saw his figure quickly dimmed, and he kept falling, and as he fell into the wild land, his vitality had disappeared without a trace!


The top ten Golden Crow lost two consecutively.

The rest of the Golden Crow surviving were all dyed red with anger.

He rushed to Hou Yi desperately to avenge his brother.

But Kuafu stopped in front of Houyi with a stride, and swung a mahogany stick to escort him. These Golden Crows were itching with hatred, but they couldn’t help it!

“My son!”

Above the Heaven Court, Emperor Jun looked at it with distress.

The Donghuang Taiyi beside him, and Yazi, was about to split, and he wished to smash Kuafu and Houyi into pieces.

The two quasi-saints were angry, and the entire Heaven Court was in turmoil. The demons and gods were all frightened and afraid to show off.

When Di Jun gritted his teeth, he sacrificed the Hetu Luoshu and pulled the power of the Universe Star to form a pocket-sized version of the Universe star formation.

Once the Universe Star Dou formation was formed, a mysterious light struck the predecessor, divided into eight and injected into the remaining eight Golden Crow princes.

“It’s the emperor!”

The prince Golden Crow felt joyful.

With the blessing of the Universe Star power, their Cultivation Base aura soared, and they came to Da Luo Jinxian Realm in the blink of an eye!

Not only that, even their previous wear and tear were restored at this moment.


The terrifying sun burst into flames, and the eight princes of Golden Crow turned into real blazing suns, lying in mid-air, burning the surrounding air crazily.

The wild land at the feet of Hou Yi and Kuafu dried up and cracked almost instantly, rolling up a layer of ground!


Just the aftermath of the real fire of the sun made the two great witches miserable, and even the surface of their bodies ignited flames due to the high temperature.


Without any hesitation, Kuafu turned around and ran away.

“Kill them, pay homage to the spirit of the eldest brother and the eighth brother!”

The Eight Golden Crow stirred its wings, breathed out the real fire of the sun, and killed Houyi and Kuafu.

Originally, there was only the prince of Golden Crow from the Golden Cultivation Base, and the two great witches were struggling to deal with it.

Now, under the blessing of the Universe Star Dou formation, it has no idea of ​​confronting him directly.

As long as they are burned by the real fire of the sun, they are physically tyrannical, and I am afraid that they will not escape death!

Fortunately, the peach tree forest formed by the giant stick in the hands of Kua’s father, at this moment, seemed to be alive, quickly forming a high wall, temporarily blocking the real fire of the eight Golden Crow.

The two great witches took the opportunity to distance themselves and ran towards the East China Sea with all their strength.

The mountains along the way melted like clay sculptures in front of the real fire of the sun.

The rivers along the way only made the sound of scoffing, and then it evaporated completely.

The forest along the way instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and countless creatures were buried in it!

Kuafu Houyi was shocked to see this.

“Okay! Well done! My son, this Houyi Kuafu, he must die today!”

Di Jun maintained Hetu Luoshu, his eyes were full of madness.

“Then Hou Yi boasted that father could not stop fleeing, and the princes were not good at chasing them down. I was afraid that the night would have a lot of dreams! Brother, I want to go to the wild and protect the princes!”

Donghuang Taiyi asked for orders.

Di Jun nodded again and again: “What Brother Xian said is absolutely true! Go ahead!”

After all, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi turned into a escape light and rushed to the predecessor with an astonishing escape speed.

Above the prehistoric.

The princes of Golden Crow kept chasing after Kuafu Houyi, and they realized in the battle.

Among them, the six princes were actually able to use the real fire of the sun to spray backwards in order to achieve the purpose of Ascension’s speed.

The rest of the Golden Crow princes followed suit, catching up with the two great witches in a blink of an eye.

“Good! Very good!” Even though Di Jun was sad, he was also relieved to see this scene.

Perhaps after this training, Golden Crows will have unprecedented growth.

As the saying goes, if one general accomplishes ten thousand bones, sacrifice is inevitable!

At this moment, the eight Golden Crows catching up with Kuafu Houyi, they are working together to breathe out the real fire of the sun, and the terrifying real fire of the sun condenses into a giant Golden Crow, and it rushes with its teeth and claws.

“My life is over!”

Hou Yi Kuafu was shocked, and at this time he turned around to face the enemy.

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