Chapter 175

“court death!”

The top ten Golden Crow was furious, and the sun was really raging, spraying towards Kuafu.

Kuafu was taken aback.

Even though the Cultivation Base of these top ten Golden Crows is not high, the real fire of the sun is real, and even a powerful demon god like Ji Meng will be burned out in an instant.

But Kuafu didn’t dare to retreat at this time, because behind him was the Wu tribe.

If his Kuafu retreats, then the Wu tribe behind him will suffer the disaster of extinction.


Kuafu took a deep breath at a very fast speed, and under the bursting drink, the law of power was turbulent, and the sound waves rippled in the form of visible to the naked eye, actually forcibly pushing the real fire of the sun back.

Seeing this, Kuafu felt even more angry while feeling the rest of his life.

“No! We have used too much magic power and real fire elsewhere, and we are already exhausted!”

The top ten Golden Crow immediately realized the problem.

They traveled all over the prehistoric places, and they did not restrain the use of the real fire of the sun. At this time, the power of power was not as good as before.

In addition, although Kuafu is only the strength of the Daluo Jinxian, he is one of the nine great witches. The law of mastering power is extraordinary, and in desperation, he has found a way to resist the real fire of the sun.


Seeing Kuafu’s anger, the top ten Golden Crow knocked over with a giant stick, and immediately fled.

“Prince Golden Crow of the demon race, flee without a fight, is this your explanation! Hahaha!”

Kuafu laughed in anger, stepped on his legs and ran wildly, chasing the top ten Golden Crow, “Today I will take the place of Dijun children, give you a good lesson!”

“you wanna die!”

The top ten Golden Crow was beaten up by Kuafu, but when he heard Kuafu humiliating Emperor Jun, he turned his head and counterattacked with the real fire of the sun.

Kuafu took advantage of the situation and hit another Golden Crow to vomit blood.

And he was also burned to his right hand by the real fire of the sun.

The real fire of the sun was really heart-wrenching, and it was boasting that the father’s physical body was tyrannical. It was directly burned to the place, and it was quickly burned to ashes.

The most frightening thing is that the flame is still spreading to the body, as if to burn Kua Fu as a whole.


Kuafu shouted angrily and immediately let go of the great staff.

The left hand became a sword, the law of strength condensed, and with a fierce split, he cut off the front half of his right arm.

That half of his arm was turned into ashes by the real fire of the sun in mid-air.

With his powerful body, Kuafu quickly stopped bleeding, and even granulation sprouted from his severed arm.

Of course, Kuafu is not without loss, and his face is obviously a bit ugly at this time.

But he still raised the giant stick with his left hand, waving and chasing the top ten Golden Crow.

Kuafu is not entirely inspiring, but to drive the top ten Golden Crow away from their witch tribe, so that the witch compatriots will be saved.

The top ten Golden Crow and Kuafu, you chase me all the way to the vicinity of the East China Sea.

At this time, Kuafu’s breath was very weak, and his whole body was drained like dead wood. He ran all the way and drank booze when he encountered a river, but he still couldn’t replenish the moisture that was dried by the top ten Golden Crow.

“Hehe, this great witch hurts so many of our brothers, it’s really difficult!”

The top ten Golden Crow is also exhausted at this time, not only the speed of escape slows down, but the power of the real fire of the sun is also getting weaker and weaker.

Otherwise, Kuafu would have fallen halfway.

“Seeing that his vitality is exhausted, he is seeking his own death! This is the fate of opposing my monster race!”

The top ten Golden Crow couldn’t help but become triumphant as he watched Kuafu’s attack getting weaker and weaker.

Kuafu finally got too tired, and ran to the east coast, taking a gulp of sea water.

But the sea water is bitter and salty, and there is no feeling of quenching thirst in the mouth.

At this time, Kuafu had already planned to give up chasing the top ten Golden Crows, but the top ten Golden Crows were reluctant and returned to Kuafu’s head and circled:

“Da Wu Kuafu, you Wu Clan people really have no brains. But if you die in the hands of our top ten Golden Crow, you are not wronged!”

The top ten Golden Crow work together to brew the real fire of the sun and roast Kuafu with all their strength. This is to kill the killer.


Under the real fire of the sun, Kuafu’s body withered even more, withered flesh and blood, almost turning into a giant skeleton!

The top ten Golden Crows did not burn directly with the real fire of the sun, but deliberately controlled them so that Kuafu suffered from the scorching heat, but would not be burned immediately.

In this way, Kuafu will die in the most painful way.

At this time, Di Jun had learned that the top ten Golden Crow had run into the prehistoric state, and used secret methods to spy.

Seeing that the top ten Golden Crows turned against the guests and besieged Kuafu, Emperor Jun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said with a gratified smile:

“This is the prince of my demon clan, only the Golden Fairy Cultivation Base, but he can slaughter this great witch Kuafu! If you know Jiuying under the iron spring, you can look down!”

Previously, Kuafu Houyi, together with the third ancestor of the human race, killed the two monster gods Jiuying and Weitie.

Di Jun wanted to eradicate these two great witches a long time ago, but now he never thought that these ten Golden Crows sneaked out, but they could kill this Kuafu.


Under the roasting of the top ten Golden Crow, Kuafu finally let out a wailing, and his body and vitality were completely withered.


Just the second after Kuafu’s vitality dissipated, a roar came from the horizon.

I saw a golden body full of Xiantian Law, the giant god Faxiang appeared out of thin air, rushing in the direction of the top ten Golden Crow.

With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the pace vibrated.

During the run, the golden giant had bows and arrows condensed into his hands, and he held his bow and shot arrows with grief and anger on his face.

Every time the golden giant ran a step forward, the law of power and might spread out from his body increased to a higher level. Finally, the bow and arrows were full, and the aura of a quasi-sage power broke out.

“Great Witch Houyi!”

Looking at it, Di Jun couldn’t help but his face changed drastically.

This great witch Houyi and Kuafu are close friends. He didn’t expect that Houyi could explode such power when Kuafu died and was extremely angry.

With the quasi-sage blow, can the top ten Golden Crows, which are already exhausted, be able to take it down?

Without giving Dijun too much time to entangle, Hou Yi shot an arrow, bursting out a terrifying aura, crossing the predicament, as if to divide the world between this line!


A golden line crossed, passing through one of the top ten Golden Crow precisely.

It was originally ten days in the sky, but at this moment, one suddenly lost its brilliance and fell into the East China Sea.

“Do not!”

The remaining ten Golden Crows are all crying and roaring.

Dijun and Taiyi who caught a glimpse of this scene from Heaven Court also looked extremely ugly as they were struck by lightning.

When the Golden Crow fell into the East China Sea, its vitality completely disappeared, and there was no room for maneuver at all!

“I am the great witch Houyi, the top ten Golden Crow of the demon clan has offended my witch clan and killed my good friend Kuafu. Today, it must be one without staying!”

Hou Yi roared and roared, and he was also pulling the bow again.

“Brothers, take revenge for the big brother!”

The nine Golden Crow also blushed, and desperately killed Hou Yi.

Facing the siege of the nine Golden Crows, Hou Yiqiang suppressed the grief in his heart, and the cold front flickered in his eyes.

When he learned that Kuafu was chasing the top ten Golden Crows, he rushed to him immediately, but he didn’t expect it to be too late.

Today, the battle died here, and all the top ten Golden Crows will be shot down to avenge their friends!

But those top ten Golden Crows are extraordinary. Even if one is shot down preemptively, Houyi is definitely not something Hou Yi can resist.

At this time, the great staff held tightly by the body of Father Kua suddenly changed!

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