Chapter 177


The Golden Crow transformed by the real fire of the sun obscured the sky and engulfed the two great witches in an instant.

No matter how tyrannical his body was, it began to melt away in this terrifying flame.

When the Golden Crows saw this, they were all relieved. If they weren’t for the help of their father, they would have to lose a few brothers today.

“Witch, but so!”

There was Golden Crow with his head held high and said proudly.

There was also Golden Crow who watched Kuafu and Houyi continue to dissolve, but still standing firm, shocked in their hearts.

When these two great witches were about to die, they never begged for mercy!

Is this the pride of the Wu clan?

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

I saw a pure white light falling from the sky, piercing through the real fire of the sun, and shrouded in the melting body of Hou Yi Kuafu.

The originally ruined body, the vitality that was about to die, seemed to be frozen at this moment.

The next moment, Sage’s Dharma is indomitable, appearing out of thin air.

This saint is wearing a black robe, holding ten rounds of golden tin rod in his left hand, holding the Pearl of Great Wishes in his right hand, and stepping on the ten second rank merit golden lotus.

His complexion was calm and motionless, but there was a bit of evil in the pair of purple and gold magic pupils.

He is Jizo Sage!

That pure white light was emitted from the great wish pearl in Sage’s hands.

The next moment when Sage of Jizo appeared, the heavens and the earth were discolored, and Heavenly Dao’s will emerged above the sky, and all sentient beings felt an indifferent and powerful gaze.

When Di Jun saw Ji Zang Sage appear, his heart jumped, and he felt very bad.

But seeing Heavenly Dao’s will emerge again, he was relieved again.

Obviously, if Ksitigarbha Sage had any deviant behavior, then Hongjun would definitely not sit idly by!

This is a silent check and balance!

“Ha ha……”

Sage looked at Heavenly Dao’s will and the looming Hongjun face, but smiled coldly.

I saw him speak out:

“Today, the ancestor of the Styx, Hou Tu Sage, returned this drop of Blood Essence from the origin of the ancestor witch to the witch clan. This matter is justified, no one can stop it!”

This is for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun!

“not good!”

When Di Jun heard this, his face changed wildly, cold sweat broke out.

I saw Ksitigarbha Sage said, turning his hand to sacrifice a drop of golden blood.

As soon as this drop of blood appeared, the whole world was shaken, and the astonishing law of power and the ancient sage Spiritual Qi whistled out, actually condensing a Pangu phantom!

The horrible breath swept across tens of thousands of miles, and thousands of creatures felt that their own heart was pinched by others, a little breathless.

“Ancestral Witch Origin Blood Essence!”

Some practitioners were able to watch this scene from a distance, and couldn’t help but breathe in air.

The mystery contained in that drop of Blood Essence is really unimaginable.

If Ksitigarbha Sage’s words are true, then this drop of Blood Essence is equivalent to the most original power of an ancestor witch.

If it is absorbed, then it is not difficult to become a new ancestor witch!

The netherworld.

Hou Tu Sage felt something, staring at this scene, his eyes moved involuntarily:

“Is this the timing that Master said? Kuafu, Hou Yi, these two great witches are indeed suitable candidates! Only one drop of Blood Essence…”

Thinking of this, Houtu couldn’t help showing sadness.

This means that one of Kuafu and Houyi must sacrifice.

And the one that remains will replace her and become the new ancestral witch, the thirteenth ancestral witch!

In the past, she fits in an authentic body, and her body is transformed into Six Paths of Reincarnation. She has already thought that the twelve ancestor witches will not be able to gather, and the twelve capital gods will be incomplete.

Then it is equivalent to breaking off an arm of the Witch Clan, so the own origin Blood Essence is extracted and handed over to Styx.

And entrust him to train a new ancestor witch.

There is a secret to cover this matter, except for Styx and her, no one knows at all.

Rao is that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun are also completely kept in the dark!

At this moment, Ksitigarbha Sage casts the Houtu origin Blood Essence to Kuafu Houyi’s remnant body.

The sun is really raging, and it can burn almost everything, but it can’t hurt it even when facing the origin of the earth, Blood Essence.

An amazing scene appeared.

With the input of Blood Essence of Houtu, the remnants of Kuafu and Houyi are actually like cast iron, slowly fusing together.

In an instant, the sun was really blazing, the ancient golden light was shining, and the law of power hovered.

The remnants of the two great witches actually merged into a brand-new body, which was taller and more astonishing than before.


The sun burst into flames.

This is not the Golden Crow’s trouble.

The Golden Crows all showed shocking colors, because they clearly felt that they had lost control of the real fire of the sun!

After the real fire of the sun erupted for a short time, it continued to condense, and finally wrapped around the skin of that huge body like a piece of armor.

Under the raging flames, shining astonishing laws of the Dao pattern.

The giant opened his eyes, his eyes burst out with the sun-like brilliance, and the terrifying aura burst forth, making the world tremble.

The pinnacle of quasi-sage!

“Thank you Styx Master, thank you Hou Tu Sage…”

The giant murmured and slowly raised his head.

“I am the thirteenth ancestor witch, Dayi!”

In the words, the law of power surging, turned into sound waves, ripples in the void.

Rao Jizo, Sage, and the power of Heavenly Dao’s will are here, and they are not in the slightest.

The princes of Golden Crow were all shocked, and while feeling the tingling of the eardrums, a chill burst from the bottom of their hearts.


At this moment, all Golden Crows have only one thought, that is to escape!

“Baotian Bow, come!”

The ancestor Witch Dayi screamed, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, forming an unimaginable connection.

Among the Wu clan.

All the ancestor witches were moved: “Ancestral witch Da Yi! What is this…”

The ancestral witches felt violent in their hearts, but they were more or less clear in their hearts that all this was the arrangement of Master Styx.

In Pangu Great Hall.

Styx is hardening himself in the Shocking Realm. Under the shock, his physical body and soul are constantly breaking down, and constantly reborn, becoming stronger and tougher.

It is such a pain that ordinary cultivators touch a little, and at the slightest they become enchanted, and at the worst, even their minds will be wiped out.

However, Styx had a calm expression on his face, and even showed a relaxed smile at this moment.

The Potian Bow was slightly turbulent, as if telling something.

“Go, go and help Da Yi, and bring him a message by the way.”

Stygmy laughed playfully, and sealed a few whispers in the Potian Bow with a secret method.

The Battering Bow got permission from the Styx, and it turned into a golden streamer with a swish, rushed out of the Pangu Great Hall, rushed out of the land of the Witch clan, and traversed an unknown number of thousands of miles at an astonishing speed, and arrived at Da Yi in a blink of an eye. ‘S side.


The law of power is agitated, and the ancient saints are magnificent.

Da Yi of the Witch Clan held the Sky-Breaking Bow in his hand. At this moment, he seemed to be truly complete.

Behind him, Pangu phantom reappears in the world, and the inheritance left by Father Pangu finally reveals its true edge.

At this moment, the ancestor Witch Dayi actually shed two rows of golden tears.

“Sage Master of the Witch Clan, he deserves his name!”

After all, Da Yi’s breath rose wildly, but it was still rising.

He stared at the prince Golden Crow, who was fleeing everywhere, and slowly raised the Sky Breaking Bow in his hand.

“Ancestral witch Dayi, by the order of the holy master, shoot the sun!”

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