Chapter 132 Dahong wishes to be holy! Purple grinding golden body!

“One yard is one yard. You two have opposed me time and time again. Death and sin are unavoidable, but life and sin are inevitable. I heard that you have a ten second-rank merit golden lotus in your hand. This thing is predestined to me, it is not as good as…”

Stygian overlooked the changes in the expressions of the two Westerners, and he couldn’t help showing a somewhat playful smile on his face.


Hearing what Styx said, the faces of the two Westerners were embarrassed.

Sure enough, the Patriarch of the Styx was extraordinary, and they were definitely not able to convince them in a few words. If they couldn’t come up with something practical, it would be difficult for him to exchange benefits in his hands.

Youdao is the barrenness of the West. There are not many Magic Treasures in his hands. These ten second-rank merit golden lotus are the best Xiantian spirit treasures, extraordinary things…

“Well, if you can’t be sanctified, what’s the point of even the best Xiantian spirit treasure that guards a mountain?”

The two looked at each other, but they reached a tacit understanding in their hearts, and they were about to offer the ten second rank merit golden lotus with both hands.

Looking at the golden lotus with golden light and full of merit, Styx couldn’t help but smiled heartily, swept away his sleeves, and put this treasure in his bag.

With the recognition of such treasures as good fortune Qinglian, plus the current Cultivation Base, Styx actually completed the refining in this instant.

Ten second rank merit golden lotus, it changed hands!

Feeling that the connection between oneself and Jinlian was instantly erased, the heart trembled involuntarily, the ancestor Styx’s methods were truly profound!

The eyes of the twelve ancestor witch shone slightly, and he couldn’t help applauding Styx in his heart.

What these two Westerners did is that they deserve to be punished in this way.

And Styx was so complimented by the two Westerners, and even offered the spirit treasure, it is also a full display of his witch clan sage!

“The Patriarch…”

The ten second rank merits have already been offered. These two people look humble, as if they are not named disciples of Hongjun, nor are they quasi-sage powers, but just two pupils under the Styx Sect!

I don’t know how Hongjun would feel when seeing this scene?

The playfulness on Styx’s face is more intense.

But he quickly became serious, and after a while, he spoke slowly:

“You two people in the West are no better than Sanqing, and you have the merits of opening heaven to help you become holy.”

The two Westerners looked upright, and both listened attentively. When they heard about the merits of the heavens, the two of them couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated.

Naturally, they knew it well, Sanqing is the authentic Pangu, and they are far from comparable.

“But it’s not that there is no way out…”

As he said, Styx’s heart moved, calling out his own evil corpse.

The face of the evil corpse is the same as that of Styx, but its eyes are pitch-black, and it has a pair of purple and gold pupils with a wicked smile.

Seeing the corpse of Styx and the Cultivation Base, the quasi-sage pinnacle, the two Westerners couldn’t help but hold their breath.

This is the power of Patriarch Styx, even if it is just a corpse, the strength is not inferior to the two of him, and it is definitely the best in the great power.

“This, this is purple gas!?”

Suddenly, the two Westerners’ pupils shrank, and they were terrified, and there was an uproar in their hearts.

I saw that the corpse of Styx had purple qi faintly revealed all over his body, it was like them, who had refined the grand purple qi!

Reminiscent of the previous sacred corpse of Styx and the achievement of Baihe Sage, the two of them vaguely guessed, but they still feel incredible.

Hongmeng Ziqi! The sacred opportunity that everyone can’t ask for, the foundation of the great avenue, is it just such a corpse?

Is it possible that the Patriarch of the Styx River, after the good corpse is sanctified, is it necessary to make even the evil corpse sanctified?

Thinking of this, the breath of the two Westerners could not help but rushed.

“Evil corpse, you will be here today to point these two Westerners.” Styx said lightly.

The evil corpse smiled slightly, and then used a secret method to spread the voice of the two Westerners.

The two Westerners heard the news, and the expressions on their faces were extremely wonderful and complicated.

“Western religion, forty-eight ambitions!”

After listening, the two were shocked, and they couldn’t calm down for a long time.

These forty-eight great aspirations are not something that can be said at your fingertips, so it seems that Patriarch Styx had been prepared for a long time, and wanted to point him to the sanctification of the two Westerners!

The two looked at each other and thought a lot at this moment.

There is no doubt that this is another calculation by the Patriarch of Styx, and it is still a shameful plot, or the two of them who wished to take the bait in the West!

Following this method to become holy, it can be said that there are pros and cons, but now, they seem to have no choice.

After taking a deep breath, the two finally made up their minds and said in unison:

“Today, I am in the West. Today, I have been assigned by the Patriarch of Styx. I want to create a Western Great Sect, and I am willing to set up forty-eight great aspirations for all living beings!”

“If I have attained the supreme Bodhi, I have become enlightened…”

As the two of them spoke, the heavens and the earth shook, the Sanskrit sounds were everywhere, and countless creatures in the wild and deaf, looking towards the west.

After the announcement of the 48th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was completed, the two sacrificed the Seven Treasure Tree and blessed the sacred pestle, and worked together to suppress the Western teachings and luck.

However, the two of them changed their faces when they discovered that the Western teachings were too majestic, and the two spirit treasures could not be suppressed.

Seeing that the movement of Qi is fleeting, most of it will leak.

Standing quietly, Styx made a bold move, offering ten second-rank merits, Jinlian: “I will help you two with one hand, and this treasure will suppress the Western teachings and luck!”

With that said, the ten second rank merit golden lotus circulated tens of thousands of times, and the golden light reflected the sky and the earth. It was actually the two people’s Seven Treasure Tree and the blessing sacred pestle squeezed to the center, occupying the center position.

When the golden lotus pressed down, the Qi Luck of the Western religion stared at it incomparably, and hovered from then on.

The two looked at each other, before they had time to think, they immediately declared:

“Western teaches, stand up!”


In an instant, the sky and the earth shook, and countless visions occurred frequently.

The forty-eighth great aspiration is presented before the sky, and it is to draw the vast merits and turn it into a rapid flow.

And this massive amount of merit is divided into three, flocking to the three people of Receiving, Zhunti, and Styx respectively.

Stygian stretched out his hand, and he actually pulled the merit into the evil corpse on the side.

The three auras are just like competing, they climbed up suddenly, breaking through the shackles in a blink of an eye, and stepping into Realm almost indiscriminately.


The three sacred powers soared into the sky, and today the predicament is shaking and shaking!

All beings and all beings shuddered under the overlapping of the holy powers and couldn’t help but admire and worship.

“Holy, Sage! Three Sages appeared in one day!”

Some cultivators knelt on the ground, their souls shook wildly, and they were utterly dumbfounded.

At this time, the three dharma phases emerged.

Taking a look at the quasi-premier, Sage’s face is solemn, and it is difficult to conceal his complex expression.

Both of them are finally sanctified!

But who would have thought that both of them were sanctified at the same time as a corpse in Styx!

Thinking of Styx’s unpredictable calculations, the two felt extremely jealous and awe.

At this moment, another change occurred.

I saw the circling forty-eight great aspirations, suddenly turned into a little purple and gold light, and flew to the three new Sages like fireflies.

Along with the purple gold light entering the body, the Three Saints’ physical body undergoes mysterious changes, and in an instant it casts some kind of supreme golden body, presenting the color of purple grinding real gold!

Seeing this, Styx couldn’t help but his eyes moved and said: “This is the purple grinding golden body!”

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