Chapter 133 Jizo Sage!

Sensing the mystery of this purple-ground golden body, the two western saints are happy in their hearts.

This purple-ground golden body is the supreme mystery brought by the Forty-Eighth Great Aspiration. It can be eternal and unchanging, and it is the magical power of great freedom to appear in any kind.

At the same time, accompanied by the purple grinding golden body, there are also strong god-tier skills such as the sky-eye skills and the god-foot skills.

The evil corpse is concentric with the Styx alien body, and Styx also feels at this time. This kind of magical powers are all representatives of the Buddhist magical powers of later generations.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in Styx’s ears.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for instructing the two Westerners to make the 48th National Congress of the People’s Republic of China sacred. It will help promote the sect. I hereby reward the Western church with a gift. Is it open now?”

Hearing the prompt, Styx was delighted in his heart, and immediately chose to open it.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the gift of Western teaching and obtaining: the Pearl of Great Wishes and the Ten Rounds of Golden Pewter Rod!”

Hearing this, Styx couldn’t help but move in his heart.

As the so-called pearl shines through the heaven road, Kim Seok opens the door of The Underworld!

Isn’t this great wish pearl and ten-wheeled golden tin rod the Magic Treasures of the later Ksitigarbha?

With a thought, Styx sacrificed these two Magic Treasures.

In an instant, the golden light shines on the heavens, and ten kinds of Buddha wheels are the two spiritual treasures of supreme merit!

Seeing the Magic Treasures in Styx’s hands, the two sages of the West couldn’t help but feel hot in the heart.

These two Magic Treasures are extraordinary in appearance, and they are destined to the West at first glance!

It’s just the stuff in Styx’s hands, how dare they covet it?

“Evil corpse, this great wish pearl, ten rounds of golden tin rod, and ten second rank merit golden lotus, you will be in charge!”

After a closer look, Styx sent these three Magic Treasures to the evil corpse.

The evil corpse gained merit and forty-eight ambitions to wash away, not only repaired the purple polished golden body, but the original evil nature was restrained, but also a bit more Buddha nature.

You Dao is one thought to become a Buddha and one thought to become a devil, and it is vividly reflected in the evil corpse.

The evil corpse nodded at Styx, holding the Pearl of Great Wish in his left hand, holding the ten-wheeled golden pewter stick in his right hand, and stepping on the golden lotus of ten second rank merits.

“An immobility is like the earth, and the deep thoughts are like the Jizo. From now on, I will be the Jizo Sage!”

Ksitigarbha Sage speaks the law, and no one knows the whole predicament, no one knows, all beings are shaken by it.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestor Witches on the side were already dumbfounded.

The master’s method is really to understand the Xuan, not to mention the two people in the West to be sanctified, but to make the own evil corpse also be sanctified!

The three saints on one day, and these three saints are inseparable from the master, this is really amazing.

Looking at the three Magic Treasures in the hands of Ksitigarbha Sage, the second sage of the West is full of sorrow and envy in his heart.

These ten second-rank merit golden lotus, which should be owned by both of them, are now stepped on by Ksitigarbha Sage.

And the Pearl of Great Wishes and the ten-wheeled tin rod are not inferior to the golden lotus of ten second rank merits.

The two western sages, in terms of Magic Treasures on hand, are not as good as a corpse in Styx!

At the same time, the three Shengwei are sweeping the prehistoric places.


“Kizo Sage!”

Pangu Sanqing felt a little shocked.

Daddy looked at the Medicine Pill he had destroyed because of distraction, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

Looking across the sky at the three Sage figures above the sky, it seems thoughtful.

“Huh! It’s unreasonable for the evil corpse to be sanctified! The two Westerners betrayed the sect in order to be sanctified, and instead fueled the arrogance of the Styx!”

Yuan Si stepped out of Immortal Cave, his face was ruthless, obviously he was extremely dissatisfied with this matter.

Brother Taiqing was calculated to help the corpse of Styx become holy.

These two Westerners actually took the initiative to ask for advice and help the corpse of Styx become holy. It is simply shameless!

His eyes flickered a few times, and after all, he returned to Immortal Cave without closing.

Yaozu Heaven Court.

Tai Jun Taiyi waited for a group of great abilities to kneel on the ground, feeling a little complicated involuntarily.

In recent days, Sage has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and even became holy in pairs.

This caused them to kneel and kneel under Shengwei.

When he thought of being the leader of the monster clan, the Lord of Heaven Court, kneeling down and worshiping the two corpses of Styx, Di Jun couldn’t help feeling a little frustrated in his heart.

For this reason, he also had to say something to congratulate Sage.

Fortunately, the two sages of the West are in the same line as the ancestor of the Daoist family, and they want to come here to be beneficial and harmless to the monster race.

It’s just that Emperor Jun didn’t know that the two Westerners were given the guidance of Styx to be sanctified and established the Western Great Religion, which even meant to escape from the Hongjun Xuanmen.

Sage’s mind and Karma’s complexity are beyond his imagination.

Zixiao Palace.

After Shengwei dissipated, Haotian and Yaochi got up from the ground.

Haotian angrily said: “What the hell is this Styx doing! He is not sanctified himself, but he sanctified the good and evil corpses, which is simply a violent thing! With so much purple energy, it is better to give me Haotian!”

When Yao Chi heard this, he gave Haotian a weird look, but he didn’t know what to think.

The Penglaimen, Zhenyuanzi of Wuzhuangguan, knew that the corpse of Styx had been sanctified, and they were all in ecstasy and congratulated.

The Queen Mother of West Kunlun, after celebrating, she was uneasy.

“The Patriarch’s plan to make the two corpses of good and evil sanctify must be a shocking plan. If the Patriarch is sanctified, wouldn’t it be even more unattainable? I have to hurry!”

Queen Mother Xi’s eyes flickered for a few times, and finally made up her mind that she must visit Penglai more.

After the three sacred powers successively swept through the entire prehistoric land, they finally returned to the three sacred bodies.

The image of Sage in the sky also dissipated.

“Thanks for the ancestor’s guidance! Thank you fellow daoist!” The Western Two Sages respectfully saluted the Styx and Ksitigarbha, and then said goodbye to leave.

At this time, the situation between heaven and earth changed color, and Heavenly Dao’s will was condensed.

“Hongjun fellow daoist, why have you bothered so much to sweep Heavenly Dao Sage’s face in the end!”

Looking at the sky, Styx smiled coldly, and Sage suddenly exploded into the sky.

After the evil corpse was sanctified, Styx, as the deity, is also making progress in a hundred feet, and its strength has long been unfathomable.

Not for Sage, but for Shengwei!

Hongjun sighed from the sky, and the Heavenly Dao will and Shengwei that had just been condensed disappeared.

Seeing this, the twelve ancestors couldn’t help but eyes reveal the color of worship and admiration.

The change on the sky just now is obviously the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who has already fit into Heavenly Dao, intends to show his holy, and he wants to attack the Jizo who is sanctified by the evil corpse.

I just didn’t expect that I was actually persuaded by Master to leave!

“Master!” Houtu couldn’t help cheering.

Styx nodded faintly, without complacency.

After Hongjun fits into Heavenly Dao, his strength is also bottomless. Last time he only dropped three thousand thunder calamities and severely damaged Baihe Sage, which is definitely not to be underestimated.

Although Styx was not afraid, he never underestimated Hongjun.

Afterwards, Styx gave instructions to the Twelve Ancestor Witches, and then sent Sage to the Sea of ​​Blood to teach the Ashura clan.

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