Chapter 131 Broken Divine Body!

The purest two laws of cracking and breaking, using Styx’s body as the stage, rushed frantically.

“not good!”

Feeling that the body and soul are about to collapse at any time, Styx can’t help but feel tight in his heart.

He never expected that there would be such a big rejection between the two laws of breaking and breaking that should have been the same.

I just awakened the broken Dao body, and wanted to fuse it with the cracked Dao body, and now it seems to be a little overwhelming.

But this kind of change has already begun, and if it stops now, not only will the vitality be greatly injured, but it will even damage these two Taoism bodies.

“Hey for me!”

At this time, the pain that Styx was suffering was truly the ultimate. Changing to another cultivator would cause him to lose his sanity in an instant, and even his soul would be tortured and collapsed.

On the other hand, Styx still had his eyes burning, but on the contrary, an extremely tenacious will broke out.

Massive three-light divine water and brilliant merits perfuse and wash the body and soul of Styx, keeping it from collapsing.

But just like this, the collapse of the body and soul is still going on, and it can no longer be stopped.

Both the split body and the broken body are the supreme supernatural powers evolved from the law of force. How can it be easier to combine these two dao bodies into one?

“Damn it!”

Stygian gritted his teeth and looked terrifying. It was easy to give up now, but he didn’t want to.

The next moment, Styx’s heart came to light, and he actually made an extremely bold decision.


The giant of strength disappeared.

This is not the collapse of the giant god of strength, but the dispersal of Styx on its own initiative.

He must use the law of force in this Pangu Great Hall to forcefully merge the broken and cracked Dao bodies!


Without the protection of the giant god of strength, the terrifying law directly pressed on Styx.

Rao is Styx, and he felt a shock in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, under the weight of this law, his body that was about to shatter was firmly suppressed.

The law of breaking, the law of cracking, and the weight of the law in this Pangu Great Hall have formed an extremely delicate balance at this moment!

If the Twelve Ancestor Witch were here, he would definitely be shocked to drop his chin. Such a crazy and genius feat, I am afraid that only Styx can do it!

“I got it!”

Just after this delicate balance lasted for a while, Styx’s eyes skyrocketed.

He was attentively attentive, actually simultaneously manipulating the most primitive law of force, as well as advanced cracking and breaking, a total of three laws.

While the two laws of cracking and breaking merge with each other, the law of force is used to suppress and balance them.

With such a single mind and three uses, the two laws of breaking and cracking in Styx’s body finally reached a delicate balance inside.

The conflict between the two laws has not disappeared, but the law of power has played a regulatory role.

So far, the broken body and the split body have merged!

“I wish to call it a broken body!”

Styx took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

With the broken divine body running on its own, it can perfectly resist the pressure of the surrounding forces.

The broken body combines the characteristics of the broken body and the cracked body. Anything close to the Styx will suffer from the law of backlash, which is unparalleled offensive and defensive!

At this time, the body of Styx is nothing to break and Wanfa is not invaded!

If the normal Magic Treasures collided with Styx’s physical body, then under the broken body backlash, Magic Treasures must collapse!

To a certain extent, Styx has transformed its own body into a kind of extremely powerful treasure!

After cultivating the broken body, Styx walked in the area covered by the weight of the law of force, just like walking in a leisurely courtyard.

Before long, the surrounding power law began to transform and transformed into a brand new law.

This kind of law can actually pass through the giant god of force, break the divine body through the Styx, and carry out a transparent attack from the outside to the inside.

“This is the law of shock?”

The law of shock passes through every corner of the body, the flesh, the soul, and even the broken divine body that he has finally cultivated, all feel a little shocked and shaken.

Styx couldn’t help but hold his breath slightly, this law of shock is no less inferior than the mystery of the two laws of breaking and cracking.

Since the broken body he had just cultivated was not stable enough, and accumulated a lot of loss, Styx did not continue to move forward after being familiar with the law of shaking, but chose to withdraw from Pangu Great Hall.

“The Patriarch is out!”

I saw the two of them, Zhunti, who had been waiting outside the Great Hall for a long time.

The twelve ancestor witches also gathered here, and for these two people, there was a bit of hostility and disgust in their eyes.

In the last Lich battle, these two Westerners fought against everyone in Penglai. They themselves belonged to the Taoist ancestor Hongjun. How do you tell the ancestors to meet?

If it weren’t for Zhun to keep saying that Hongjun is favoring one another, he two are not informal disciples, and sooner or later they will leave the Xuanmen, and they will not be able to step in with one foot from the Wu clan.

“Huh? What kind of supernatural powers did Patriarch cultivate?”

The twelve ancestor witch and the western two felt a tearing and piercing pain when they saw Styx, which came from their eyes and reached the depths of the soul.

It seems that if they approach rashly, or take a few more glances, their bodies and spirits will have to endure some kind of mysterious backlash.

As the Twelve Ancestor Witch, as Pangu, he can feel that Styx is on the road of the law of power, and he has taken another step forward.

The two Westerners also felt the strength of Styx once again, and were even more determined for this purpose.

Stygmy smiled faintly, quietly concealing the broken divine body and supernatural powers, which was even more unpredictable in everyone’s eyes.

“Teacher, Zhunti, you two are here for sanctification.”

Looking at these two Westerners, Styx said nothing.

“Holy opportunity!”

Upon hearing this, the Twelve Ancestor Witch couldn’t help taking a breath.

Is it possible that the opportunity for the sanctification of these two Westerners lies in the master’s body?

Zhunti also jumped in his heart, and quickly complimented: “Patriarch has a wonderful calculation, I am indeed for the opportunity of sanctification today, and I am here to ask for advice!”

“Hehe, you two embarrassed me from Penglaimen in the past, and chased down Hongyun. Now you are asking me for advice. I don’t know if it is thick-skinned or oblivious?”

Looking at the two Westerners with withered images and sad faces, Styx smiled and said without a smile.

When the two Westerners heard the words, their hearts were a little stunned, so it seems that the Patriarch did help them to become holy, but I just want him to do it, I am afraid it is not easy!


Zhun Ti pulled the lead, and actually knelt directly in front of the Styx, hiding his face and griefing: “I am confused for a while. It is the ghost that has lost my mind before I dare to fight against the Patriarch! Patriarch, you are generous, don’t want to be with me. General knowledge. Pity me, the West is barren, I am not sanctified for a day, and there is no hope for reviving the West! The Devil Dao dispute in the past…”

As the two of them were talking, they were bursting into tears, and they barely climbed over to hold Styx’s thighs.

Seeing this, the Twelve Ancestor Witches were speechless for a while, and the disgust and contempt on his face became even worse.

“Well, you don’t need to say more. In the Devil Dao dispute, I really owe Karma to the West. It’s just…”

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