Chapter 130 Broken Dao Body!

“Three corpses are cut, Yuanshi, you can become a holy!”

Having said that, Hongjun stretched out his hand to take a light group into his hands, and his figure dissipated between heaven and earth.

That light group is the source of Yuanshi’s benevolent thoughts!

Heavenly Dao is in order. Today Hongjun helps him behead the corpse, but he has to charge a price.

As the origin of good thoughts was taken away by Hongjun, Yuan Shi’s originally cold and arrogant expression became more and more indifferent.

“Follow the teacher’s teachings!”

Yuanshi bowed towards the place where Hongjun had disappeared, his eyes swept over his three corpses, and the power of the quasi saint erupted, which can be described as shaking the wilderness.

His corpse look is extremely cold, and he was born with a quasi-sage late stage Cultivation Base.

“Congratulations, brother, but three dead bodies!”

Tongtian felt a little bit, and immediately went out to celebrate.

“Huh! Junior brother, if I listened to you that day, how would I achieve the Three Corpse Sage?” Yuan Shi responded indifferently to the celebration of Tongtian, but complained a little.

Hearing this, Tongtian couldn’t help being speechless and unhappy in his heart.

I also had a good intention, who knows that Yuan Shi didn’t appreciate it, and he was actually brooding about it!

Thinking that Yuanshi hasn’t achieved Sage yet, he is so defiant. If he achieves Sage of Three Corpses, it would be worth it?

Thinking of this, Tong Tian also had cold eyes and an ugly expression.

“Since the elder brother doesn’t want to see you, then Tongtian won’t be bothering you!”

After all, Tongtian flew away like angrily.

“Seeing that I am about to become Sage of Three Corpses, Junior Brother is so unhappy, it seems that he is jealous.”

Looking at Tongtian’s departure, Yuan Shi looked indifferent and muttered to himself.

“Well, no matter what, from now on, I will be the most respected in Sanqing!”

As he said, Yuan Shi pondered for a moment, his eyes flickered, and Wang Tian made a wish:

“I am Yuqing. Today I conform to Heavenly Dao. I want to establish a major teaching for the purpose of elucidating the teaching. The interpreter, Ming Ye! From then on, conforming to the will of heaven, clarifying Heavenly Dao, and proving the primitiveness of all things! Explaining the teaching, those who are not outstanding are not allowed to enter. !”

During the announcement, Yuanshi sacrificed the heavens and Qingyun to suppress Qi Yun:

“Education, stand!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a huge earthquake, sentient beings and everything were in reaction, and another great teaching was established.

Immediately after that, countless visions frequently appeared, the heavens were filled with celebration clouds, the sound of the avenue circled, the golden lanterns fell innumerably, and the light of the five colors did not go out.

Heavenly Dao lowered the dazzling merits, which affected Yuan Shi’s head.

Yuan Shi opened his arms, feeling the scouring of his merits, his breath turned sharply, and he stepped into Sage Realm in a blink of an eye.

The indomitable Sage image looks down upon all living beings, and the terrifying three corpses Sage seems to suppress the entire prehistoric state!

“I am the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the leader of the evangelism, and the name is Yuqing Sage!”

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Shengwei was more terrifying and domineering than Daddy and Tongtian, and had the potential to look at everything.

All beings and all creatures felt this sacred power, and they all knelt on the ground, shuddering.

Zixiao Palace.

“Yuqing Sage, so strong!”

Haotian, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled under this holy might, but his eyes showed fanatical yearning.


Under the terrifying Shengwei swept through, even the Twelve Ancestor Witch almost fell to his knees.


But the Twelve Ancestor Witches gritted their teeth, and after all they resisted this wave of holy prestige.

“Three Corpses Sage!”

The ancestor witch looked ugly.

Nowadays, no one can prove the sanctification of the Tao with force, so Sage of Three Corpses is the strongest existence in Sage.

Of course, the strength of Hongjun who fits Heavenly Dao is unfathomable and cannot be compared.

“What about this? Why didn’t Nuwa Sage kill the three dead bodies?”

Di Jiang disapproved.

However, every ancestor witch knew in his heart that Yuanshi had the virtue of opening the heavens. Compared with Nuwa, he was afraid that he was only strong but not weak.

With the beginning of the Yuan dynasty, the Pangu Sanqing under Hongjun’s school have all achieved Sage!

This is definitely not a good thing for their witches.

Yaozu Heaven Court.

Feeling that Yuanshi achieved the Three Corpses Sage, Emperor Jun Taiyi, and the demon gods, they were all overjoyed when they were shocked.

“Sage, the three corpses with the power of opening the sky, how powerful is this! The prehistoric, I am afraid that the sky is about to change!”

Emperor Jun’s eyes reveal brilliant, suppressing his ambition for a long time, he couldn’t help but move stupidly.

With the achievement of the Three Corpses Sage in Yuanshi, the people in Penglai, as well as the Zhen Yuanzi and Xi Wangmu who depended on Penglai, felt a tremendous pressure.

The entire prehistoric creatures are also greatly shaken, and the future pattern of the prehistoric is increasingly convoluted.

The west.

When the Shengwei of Yuanshi dispersed, the two western talents slowly got up.

Now, Nuwa Sanqing and even a benevolent corpse in Styx have been sanctified.

For the two people who desperately desire to be sanctified, their hearts cannot be calmed for a long time.

“Brother…” Zhunti stopped talking.

After receiving a slight sigh, he finally spoke: “Master helped Yuan Shi cut the three corpses, but I still didn’t see me and the two people in the West in grief. I have to wait for my own way!”

Hearing this, Zhunti’s eyes flickered, and finally he looked in the direction of Penglai: “Yes. This matter should not be publicized. I will leave immediately in secret!”

After agreement, the two flew towards Penglai.

“Can Master Styx be here? I beg to see you in the West!”

The lead Zhunti appeared in a low-key near Penglai, but spread the voice inwardly.

The two waited for a few days outside the formation, and finally someone came out to meet each other, it was Fuxi.

“Is it you?”

Fuxi’s face was strange.

This reference Zhunti was the quasi-sage power under the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, why did he suddenly visit Penglai today?

“It turned out to be little friend Fuxi.” Zhunti smiled and said, “Is the teacher in Penglai? I’ll beg for something important.”

Fu Xi also noticed that these two Westerners had nothing to do with the Three Treasures Hall. They came to look for their master today, and they would definitely have something to ask for.

“Master went to Buzhou Mountain Wu Clan.” Fu Xi told the truth.

After hearing this, Zhunti quickly thanked him, and flew away towards Bu Zhou Shan.

Fuxi looked at the two low-key flying figures, and couldn’t help feeling a little: “The only master who can make these two great powers visit so piously is probably the only one.”

After returning to Penglai, Fuxi took a breath of air after the deduction of the matter, and said in surprise: “This matter actually involves so many Karma, and I don’t know whether it is good or bad!”

Pangu Great Hall.

The giant god of Styx’s evolutionary power, resisting the pressure of the law of force, is forging ahead.

This time of trial, compared with the past, not only is the pressure of the law becoming stronger, even the distance to the sky-shaking stick is also stretched several times by some kind of mystery.

At this time, Styx, faced with the pressure of the terrifying force law, could not help but urge its own Dao-Splitting Body with all its strength, in order to crush the law of pressure.

This is so, Styx could not help but call out the White River Sage, with the help of its healing magical powers, and at the same time a large amount of the three-light divine water and merits, in order to continue to move forward.

The pressure of the law of power nowadays has already reached an incredible level. If it weren’t for the special place, even time and space would be distorted or even collapsed under this pressure.

If the corpse had not been sanctified, I am afraid that once it was called, it would be wiped out in ashes!

Under the heavy pressure, Styx had an epiphany, and his understanding of the law of splitting was open-minded and transparent, reaching an unprecedented peak.

In an instant, the body of the cracked Dao disappeared, and the law of breaking broke out, covering his whole body with an amazing mystery, transforming the body of Styx.

The densely packed rules emerge on the body of the Styx and the law of power, and they are constantly consolidated.

As soon as the surrounding law of force touches his body, it seems to be constantly pierced and destroyed by some kind of force.

Following the split body.

Broken Taoist body, awaken!

However, this is not over yet.

“Broken body, broken body, melt me!”

Styx’s eyes exploded, and the concealed Dao Body broke out again.

The appearance of the two physiques at the same time resulted in violent rejection and conflict, and the physical body was constantly breaking down!

At the same time, unprecedented tearing and piercing pains struck violently!

Rao has endured countless hardships, Dao heart is extremely tough, Styx, at this moment also let out a muffled hum!

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