Chapter 99-The Path to Enlightenment

After returning to Kunlun dingyly, both Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun’s faces were not very good.

Their two sages were dignified, enough to crush the prehistoric existence, but were they dealt with?

Forget it, it was broken by Nuwa and Houtu!

This is really too shameful, right?

“Huh, let us be so embarrassed, should this be the case?” Yuanshi Tianzun was a little unwilling, gritted his teeth and said.

Daddy sighed, let alone Yuanshi Tianzun not reconciled, how could he be reconciled?

Daddy said helplessly: “It seems that the strength of that person is indeed above us. It is our negligence. Now the third brother has also fallen into his hands…”

Yuanshi Tianzun gave a cold snort, rather uncomfortable, and said stiffly: “I was just a momentary negligence!”

Daddy sees through but doesn’t tell him what to do, what’s his negligence?

Isn’t it impossible to beat?

Daddy thought for a while and said, “Second brother, as far as I am concerned, only Master can deal with this person. Why don’t we go and ask Master for help, please Master?”

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head firmly, and said decisively: “Absolutely not, how can such a shameful matter be known to Master?”

Daddy thought, too.

So, at this time had no choice but to give up.

On the other side, Chen Sheng is in the Immortal Cave.

Nuwa calmed down the shock caused by Luo Hu, remembered the business, and said to Chen Sheng: “Chen fellow daoist, thank you for your advice, the Lich has now ceased war.”



In Chen Sheng’s memory, the prehistoric liches he had seen also had a truce, but it wasn’t this time, it seemed that the actual situation was a little different from those novels.

Besides, does the Lich truce have something to do with him?

Why do you want to thank yourself?

There is something wrong with the brain.

Then Nuwa asked again: “Chen fellow daoist, in fact, I’m here this time and I still have more questions.”

Chen Sheng was stunned, then nodded and said, “You are welcome, just ask.”

Nuwa nodded, and asked anxiously: “Chen fellow daoist, I just want to ask, if the merit Sage falls into the holy position, how can I return?”

This is the most important thing for Nuwa to come here specially.

Although she has fallen into the position of Sage now, she feels like she will definitely be able to return to the position of Sage.

In order to confirm this idea, Nuwa specially came to visit Chen Sheng.

The Heavenly Dao people also refused to be sanctified, so they were also very curious about this, and couldn’t help asking: “Yes, how can Master be sanctified by cutting the three corpses?”

Chen Shengbai glanced at them. Daluo Realm hadn’t arrived yet, and he was so concerned about the matter of sanctification.

Is this something a few Jinxians worry about?

However, since there was nothing to do anyway, Chen Sheng answered the three of them: “There are three ways of proving the Dao in the famine and famine. The road to the corpse is almost broken.”

Nuwa and Houtu couldn’t help being surprised, and they didn’t understand why.

People through Heavenly Dao heard Chen Sheng say this, but they didn’t understand it.

Nuwa couldn’t help asking, “Why is this?”

Hou Tu Hetong Heavenly Dao also looked at Chen Sheng expectantly, hoping that Chen Sheng could answer.

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Chen Sheng followed: “Slicing the three corpses is actually cutting good and evil and clinging to me, in order to fit the Heavenly Dao, commonly known as being in harmony with the Dao, and Hongjun is going this way.”

After speaking, Chen Sheng took a sip of water.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, this Hongjun is really ugly…

Seeing that Chen Sheng stopped halfway through, the three of them couldn’t help being curious, and continued to ask, “What about then?”

Chen Sheng took another sip of tea before continuing: “But Heavenly Dao has been joined by Hongjun, the Daoist Dao has been suppressed, and the way to cut the three corpses is completely cut off. In the end, he can only use merit to prove the Dao.”

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked and felt a chill in their backs.

After reacting, he was extremely angry!

Hongjun Taoist ancestor is really deceiving too much!

He walked the path of beheading the three corpses, and cut off the path of other people’s sanctification, making this majestic Heavenly Dao dominate with him!

Hongjun Daozu is too much!

Until today, they did not know that Hongjun Daozu actually calculated so many of them!

After pondering for a while, Hou Tu asked first, “Chen fellow daoist, are there other ways to go for all living beings?”

The Heavenly Dao person turned pale, with some worry in his heart, and then asked, “What if I am thinking about proving the Dao? After slicing the three corpses, can we not be able to prove the Dao by law?”

Chen Sheng thought for a while and said: “In theory, it is quite simple to slay the three corpses to prove the law. You only need to smelt the three corpses, but the strength will definitely fall.”

Hearing this, the Heavenly Dao people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he still has a chance to become holy!

Thinking about it this way, the Heavenly Dao people secretly made up their minds to prove the truth by law!

After thinking a little bit, Chen Sheng sighed and said, “In fact, there is another way to enlightenment. I call it world enlightenment.”

The world is enlightened?

The three looked at each other, what is this?

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Chen Sheng waved his hand and a world appeared in Chen Sheng’s hands.

The three of them were stunned for an instant!

They finally know what it means to be enlightened in the world, but this is what humans can do?

To create a world, at least the level of Pangu god-tier.

However, Chen Sheng created a world with a casual shot.

So, how strong is Chen Sheng?

This kind of strength, I am afraid even Hongjun ancestor can only be beyond the dust.

Chen Sheng didn’t notice the expressions of these people at all, and he said solemnly there, “I named this method Chuangshifa. After cutting the three corpses, you don’t need to melt into Heavenly Dao, you only need to merge with the origin of the world. You can become enlightened.”

Nuwa suddenly realized that a door seemed to be opened in his heart.

It’s just that she still needs time to digest it.

Nuwa was very grateful to Chen Sheng, if it weren’t for Chen Sheng’s method, how long she would have to look for.

Nuwa said gratefully, “Thank you fellow daoist for your advice.”

Chen Sheng was speechless for a while. He was just talking, and he didn’t expect this little maid from the Wa Palace to thank him seriously.

It sounds like this little palace lady has a chance to become holy…

However, he is not good at damaging people’s self-confidence, so he said: “Nothing, nothing more.”

The inner thought is that you can hardly be sanctified anyway.

Seeing Chen Sheng said this, Nuwa nodded, and then remembered something, and then asked: “Chen fellow daoist, dare I ask if I can spread this method?”

Once this method is spread, the position of Sage will no longer be an inaccessible threshold.

Chen Sheng thought for a while, and then said: “It’s up to you, this is not a big deal.”

Hearing Nuwa here couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, Hou Tu and Heavenly Dao were also speechless for a while.

Is it so improper?

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