Chapter 98

In short, today Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy are ashamed and lost.

Chen Sheng outside Immortal Cave, watching Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy leave as if they had escaped, Houtu and Nuwa looked dumbfounded.

Hou Tu asked in a low voice, “Nuwa fellow daoist, what’s wrong with Yuqing fellow daoist and Taiqing fellow daoist? How could it be so embarrassing?”

Although Nuwa had some guesses in her heart, she shook her head and said, “I don’t know, so why don’t we go in and ask senior.”

Houtu nodded afterwards.

Afterwards, he entered Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

Seeing Nuwa and Hou Tu coming, Chen Sheng said hello: “Little Tu girl, little palace lady, why are you here?”

Seeing Hou Tu and Nuwa coming, Chen Sheng was quite surprised. Today, he is quite lively in the small Immortal Cave.

Hearing Chen Sheng’s address to Hou Tu and Nuwa, the Heavenly Dao people couldn’t help but roll their eyes in their hearts.

Dignified Nuwa empress and ancestor witch Houtu, actually became a little girl and a little palace girl?

However, Nuwa and Houtu were used to this, so they didn’t take this time to heart.

Nuwa glanced at the imprisoned Heavenly Dao person, and then recalled the embarrassment of Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun, and couldn’t help asking, “Chen fellow daoist, what happened to this?”

Chen Sheng didn’t think this was a major event, so he rolled his eyes and said, “It’s not a major event. It’s just that there are two small cripples who are making trouble for themselves. It has been resolved.”

With the skill of the three-legged cat, he still came to trouble him, isn’t it just a little crouch?



Through Heavenly Dao:…

Those two of them are Sage anyway, so keep some faces.

Hou Tu and Nuwa were a bit speechless, but they could see that it was because Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy had a problem, and they dared to offend Chen Sheng!

Afterwards, Chen Sheng turned his head a little impatiently and asked, “Is there something serious in your two Big Brothers’ brains? Why are you suddenly troubled by me?”

The Heavenly Dao person was a little dazed, didn’t believe his words at all, and he was also a little helpless.

However, there is nothing wrong with Heavenly Dao’s humanity. Yuanshi Tianzun and daddy.

After all, this matter must have been provoked by Hongjun Daozu.

After thinking about it, the people who pass Heavenly Dao can only sigh and say, “Master, don’t care about it. The two of them are also deceived and ordered by others.”

Following the words of the Heavenly Dao people, Hou Tu and Nuwa gradually understood why Chen Sheng threw Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy out.

Feelings were instigated by Hongjun Daozu, so it was no wonder that Chen Sheng came to trouble!

As soon as Chen Sheng heard this, he became very angry.

He has always stayed on this small mountain, never even left Immortal Cave, let alone offended others!

Who the hell is so unkind, actually instructing others to trouble him!

I’m afraid there is something serious in the brain!

Chen Sheng gritted his teeth and said, “What kind of brain damage, I will kill the person who instructed sooner or later!”

The three were shocked!

How could it be possible that the strength of the already-born is not aware that the person who instigated it was Daozu Hongjun, then did Chen Sheng’s words allude to him wanting to kill Daozu Hongjun! ?

Who is Hongjun Daozu, the supreme existence among the prehistoric!

Now, Chen Sheng actually finished talking about killing Hongjun Daozu?

What kind of tone is this?

Nuwa took a deep breath, Chen Sheng’s strength was truly unpredictable. Fortunately, he listened to Chen Sheng’s words.

The Heavenly Dao people of Hou Tu and Tong were also sighed with emotion.

After a sigh of relief, Chen Sheng looked at Nuwa and Hou Tu standing there, and said quickly: “Little Palace Lady, Little Tu Girl, don’t be polite to me, just sit down.”

Seeing Chen Sheng’s so easy-going appearance, and then reminiscent of what he said just now that he wanted to kill Daozu Hongjun, how weird he thought.

However, they sat down casually.

Then, Chen Sheng released the Heavenly Dao person imprisoned by daddy, and couldn’t help but accuse him: “Look at you for what you are doing. You can’t even match those two little wanderers. It’s my registered disciple in vain!”

Nuwa and Hou Tu were speechless again, those two cripples were Sage…

The Heavenly Dao person is serious, and righteously said: “It’s the disciple who doesn’t work hard enough. Master, don’t worry, you will definitely work harder to cultivate after painting!”

Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction, and said, “It’s so good, just ask me if you don’t understand.”

The Heavenly Dao person was so touched that he knelt on the ground and said, “Thank you, Master.”

Chen Sheng helped his forehead. He just clicked his finger. What can I thank you for?

After thinking for a while, Chen Sheng shouted: “Black lotus, pour tea for the guests.”

Black lotus?

Houtu was a little confused.

The Heavenly Dao and Nuwa have met Luo Hu, so the Heavenly Dao explained to Hou Tu with a weird face: “Uh, Hei Lian is the boy of the Master.”

Hou Tu nodded, isn’t it a boy!

What’s this?

As a senior, it’s time to be a boy long ago.

However, Nuwa continued to whisper: “However, you should not be too surprised to see this boy.”

Nuwa shuddered at the thought of seeing the black lotus boy for the first time.

Hou Tu felt a little strange, who is not a boy yet, what’s so surprising?

Then, the black lotus boy in Chen Sheng’s mouth came out with tea.

Hou Tu was petrified on the spot, is this the fucking boy of Chen Sheng?

Except for the image of a boy, the proud eyes, the vented devilish energy, and the violent law of killing all show that he is the Demon Zu Luo Maw!

Hou Tu was shocked!

Isn’t Luo Hou already dead?

What’s that standing in front of her?

Luo Hui looked at these three people with disdain, his eyes were extremely proud.

Just these guys?

Did he take one bite at the beginning?

Just as the Luohou like everyone showed their own mighty domineering, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but said: “Let you pour water for the guests, what are you doing?”

Luo Hui:…

Although he has no face, but he can’t fight, what can he do?

Luo Hou had no choice but to pour water on the three people in a desperate manner.

The attitude towards Chen Sheng is really respectful!

In this scene, the three of Nuwa, Hou Tu, and Heavenly Dao who were watching were stunned and petrified on the spot!

Who the fuck is this?

Demon Zu Luo Maw, the most powerful demon among the predecessors, stirs a calamity, and fights against the existence of the four ancestors with one person!

At the beginning, Hongjun Daozu united with several other ancestors and exhausted all his strengths before he reluctantly smashed the Mozu Luo Maw.

Now, Mozu Luo Maw actually appeared alive in Shouyang Mountain?

This is not the most outrageous. The most outrageous thing is that Mozu Luohou has actually changed the appearance of a boy, respectfully and respectfully towards Chen Sheng, without complaint!

If it weren’t for sure that this violent aura was definitely Mozu Luo Maw, the three of them would suspect that they had misunderstood the person.

Although Nuwa and Heavenly Dao people had seen Mozu Luo Maw before, the Mozu Luo Maw at that time was not as respectful to Chen Sheng as it is now.

So, from this we can see how strong Chen Sheng is?

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