Chapter 100 The Decision of Nuwa and Tongtian

Isn’t it a big deal for you to call this?

Take this thing out, but the entire prehistoric land is going crazy!

Daozu Hongjun tried his best to prevent Hong Huang from appearing a stronger Sage, and let all Sages be controlled by his own, but Chen Sheng didn’t care about it so much?

In fact, for Chen Sheng, it was nothing more than he had nothing to do with it.

What if it’s spread out?

This kind of high-risk thing, is it possible that the fool would fail to try it?

Seeing that Nuwa and Tong Heavenly Dao both got the answer they wanted, Hou Tu couldn’t help but eager to try and asked: “Chen fellow daoist, do you know so much about how witches should become holy?”

This has now become Hou Tu’s biggest heart knot, so Hou Tu wants to know how to make the Wu Clan become holy again.

Although the Wu Clan is powerful, it does not cultivate the soul.

Actually is not they don’t want to cultivate the original god, or they are born to be incomplete.

Daozu Hongjun also said that there is no way for the Wu clan to become Sage, but Hou Tu did not give up. Now seeing Chen Sheng, the flames of hope in his heart finally burst out again.

Chen Sheng thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said, “The Witch Clan’s primordial spirit is incomplete, and as of now, there is no way to become a Sage.”

These two, Cultivation Base are not very good, but they are very concerned about things that shouldn’t be cared about. Chen Sheng couldn’t help but want to roll his eyes.

After Hou Tu heard what Chen Sheng said, he was a little disappointed. Could it be said that the Wu Clan is destined to become Sage?

After finally seeing hope, but now it is still disappointed, Hou Tu couldn’t help feeling sad.

When the Heavenly Dao person saw this, he couldn’t help but comfort him: “Don’t worry, Master is so magical. Sooner or later, he will think of a way.”

Chen Sheng:…

Is this guy really his good disciple?

He himself hadn’t thought of a way, this disciple took the lead to sell the Master.

Chen Sheng glanced at the three of them and rolled his eyes in his heart. If the three guys had no strength, there were quite a few problems.

Three guys who are not even Ronaldo, are here asking him how to become holy?

It’s simply the best thing in the world!

These two are all actors, right?

The three of them all asked what they wanted to ask from their sanctifications, and after another greeting, Nuwa said goodbye: “Fellow daoist, I have something to do today, so I will leave for the time being, and come visit another day.”

Chen Sheng nodded and said, “Yes, you are the maid of the Wa Palace. You should be very busy. Go ahead.”

The corners of their mouths twitched again, but they didn’t refute anything.

You are a big brother, what you say is what you say.

Since Nuwa was leaving, it was natural that Hou Tu did not stay a lot, so he said, “Fellow daoist, then I will also leave first.”

Chen Sheng nodded and said, “Well, let’s go.”

As Houtu and Nuwa left, Chen Sheng glanced at his unpromising named disciple, and asked, “Don’t you have one yet?”

When the Heavenly Dao person froze, thinking that he really had nothing to look for Chen Sheng, he quickly got up and said to Chen Sheng, “The teacher, the disciple will also leave first.”

Chen Sheng nodded, and the Heavenly Dao people followed and left.

Seeing the three of them all leave, Chen Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of dealing with the actors is really uncomfortable!

After Heavenly Dao left, they caught up with Nuwa and Houtu.

After the earth had a lot of thoughts, he directly bid farewell to Nuwa and the Heavenly Dao people.

Nuwa and Heavenly Dao people can understand, and they don’t force them to stay behind.

Afterwards, Nuwa looked at the Heavenly Dao person and asked, “Tongtian fellow daoist, I wonder which way you are going to go?”

Through Heavenly Dao, I thought for a while, his eyes were firm, and his expression resolutely said: “I want to prove the truth with strength!”

Seeing that Heavenly Dao had a choice, Nuwa couldn’t help showing envy in his eyes.

The Heavenly Dao person was puzzled, so he asked: “Nuwa fellow daoist, how do you want to be holy?”

Nuwa sighed, and said sadly: “The time left for me is running out. If the Lich War really happens, my brother will die. Therefore, I must prove sanctification before this happens to save my brother. ”

The Heavenly Dao people understand Nuwa’s thoughts, but they still ask: “Then what is the Nuwa fellow daoist’s thoughts?”

Nuwa continued: “It seems that I can only take the risk and find a way to go the other way that fellow daoist Chen said, and use the world to prove sanctification.”

The Heavenly Dao person nodded and encouraged Nuwa to say, “This road must be extremely difficult, and Nuwa fellow daoist cherishes it.”

Nuwa smiled and nodded, then the two parted ways.

After passing Heavenly Dao back to Kunlun Mountain on the other side, Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were already waiting for him.

People in Heavenly Dao knew that Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were only provoked by Daozu Hongjun, so he greeted him and said, “Dage, brother.”

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little dissatisfied, but Daddy just nodded faintly.

Originally, Daddy was a little unwilling to go to Chen Sheng to settle accounts. After realizing Chen Sheng’s strength, Daddy was even more reluctant to intervene in this matter.

Yuanshi Tianzun was different. He was so proud and arrogant that he lost his place with Chen Sheng, and he must have been looking for it back.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Heavenly Dao, and said with a slight sarcasm: “Huh, the only life of Da Luo is obedience, which is really detrimental to my Sanqing majesty. I think you really have lost your mind.”

The Heavenly Dao person’s expression is calm, how could he not understand the second brother Owner, so he did not show any weakness and said: “So, did the second brother lose to the hands of Da Luo? Second brother, it doesn’t matter if you lose. The important thing is that you don’t know the status quo at all.”

Yuan Shi Tianzun Yiyan couldn’t think of words to refute, and the Heavenly Dao people could only slap their sleeves and said, “Huh, you were bewitched by that big Luo, so you dare to turn your elbows out!”

The Heavenly Dao person shook his head, not talking to Yuanshi Tianzun, and said to the two of them: “During this time, I want Closed Door Training.”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy looked at each other. The Heavenly Dao people gave up the chance of sanctification, so what’s the use of Closed Door Training?

After saying this, the Heavenly Dao people ignored Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy’s reaction, and went straight to Closed Door Training.

Yuanshitian was not good enough, but after all he held it back, he did not imprison the Heavenly Dao again.

After all, they didn’t want to offend Chen Sheng’s pervert again.

“It’s really mud can’t support the wall. Is this his attitude towards our two elder brothers? He is really bewitched!”

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth, as if only in this way could he discover the anger in his chest.

Although Daddy was a bit dissatisfied, but after all he was not as proud as Yuanshi Tianzun, so he said: “In my opinion, the choices made by the third brother are not necessarily wrong.”

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help looking at daddy, his eyes somewhat intriguing.

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