Chapter 92

The Heavenly Dao person shook his head, wanting to be alone, this is simply impossible!

You must know the next amount of calamity after the Lich’s amount of calamity, the amount of calamity of the gods is aimed at them!

People at Heavenly Dao understand that it doesn’t make sense with daddy.

After thinking about it, I continued: “Since Dage and the second brother believe in Daozu Hongjun so much, can you dare to go to Daozu Hongjun and ask this matter clearly?”

Daddy hesitated, a little unwilling, thinking of Hongjun Daozu’s warning.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said disdainfully: “Huh, what if you ask? It’s impossible for Master to do this kind of thing?”

The Heavenly Dao person looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a torch, and said, “Since the second brother believes in Hongjun Dao ancestor so much, why don’t you dare to confront me in the Zixiao Palace.”

Seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: “Huh, why don’t I dare? Go and go.”

Daddy hesitated and said, “Don’t you disturb Master, right?”

Before the Heavenly Dao person spoke, Yuan Shi Tianzun said: “Let him talk nonsense here, and he will disrespect Master!”

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun said this, Daddy couldn’t say anything, so he said, “This, okay.”

Then, the three of them went directly to the Zixiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace.

The three of them knelt on the ground upright and saluted: “See you, Master.”

Seeing Sanqing coming, Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help frowning.

What are they doing at this time?

Dao Zu Hongjun looked at them and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Heavenly Dao, and said directly: “Master, Tongtian said that you count the common people and take me and Sage as pawns, but is it true?”

Hongjun Taoist ancestor was taken aback, he never expected that Sanqing came because of this!

Hongjun Taoist ancestor had already set off a stormy sea in his heart, but on the surface he still said without showing signs of dew, “What do you think?”

Looking at the appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun, Hongjun Daozu knew that this was definitely said by Heavenly Dao.

Seeing Hongjun Dao ancestor’s calm attitude, Daddy felt more sure that what Heavenly Dao said was definitely false.

Yuanshi Tianzun originally didn’t believe what the Heavenly Dao people said, and thought that the Heavenly Dao people were talking nonsense. At this time, seeing Hongjun Daozu’s attitude, he said:

“Master, you have the world in your heart, selfless preaching is a great blessing.”

People who pass Heavenly Dao can’t listen to the flattery of Yuanshi Tianzun, and directly said: “Master, Heavenly Dao is lacking, Heavenly Dao has selfishness, you design the dragon and the man to measure the calamity, the lich to measure the calamity, isn’t it to make up for the great famine? Heavenly Dao?”

Hongjun Daozu’s face sank. From the beginning of the Heavenly Dao people’s refusal to become Sage, Hongjun Daozu knew that someone must have said something to the Heavenly Dao people.

If it weren’t for keeping the Heavenly Dao people still useful, Hongjun Daozu really wanted to kill the Heavenly Dao people.

The gloom in the eyes of Hongjun Taoist ancestor flashed by.

The Heavenly Dao person continued: “If it really has nothing to do with you, you are talking about the Lich Controversy, who wins and who loses?”

Hearing that the Heavenly Dao person was so bold, he questioned Hongjun Dao ancestor, Yuan Shi Tianzun was directly angry, turned his head and yelled: “Tong Tian, ​​this is in the Zixiao Palace, don’t be too presumptuous!”

After the scolding, Yuanshi Tianzun respectfully said again: “Master, this matter is purely because Tongtian alone has been bewitched. Brother and I believe you will definitely not do this.”

People who pass Heavenly Dao are a little displeased.

Hmph, in order to fear Hongjun Daozu’s anger, I did nothing!

However, people who pass Heavenly Dao don’t care anymore, at this time he just wants to know the truth.

The Heavenly Dao people looked directly at Hongjun Daozu, wanting to know the answer from Hongjun Daozu’s mouth.

After all, he also didn’t want to believe that all of this was planned by Daozu Hongjun, and he didn’t want to believe that the master who had always been respected was actually the driving force behind all of this.

Upon seeing this, Hongjun Daozu smiled, and then said: “Tongtian, you should have misunderstood something, this deity is just to promote the integrity of Heavenly Dao.”

Hearing this, Tong Heavenly Dao frowned, as expected.

However, Hongjun Daozu continued: “What’s more, the deity did not intervene in the battle of the Lich. If the two races can divide the victory and defeat, the predecessor can also be stabilized.”

The people of Heavenly Dao were a little confused for a while. Although Hongjun Daozu said that it was ridiculous, there was a reason to say so.

From beginning to end, Hongjun Daozu never made a move.

However, there is no evidence to prove that Hongjun Daozu did make a move?

Seeing Heavenly Dao, the people were stunned. There was nothing to say. Yuanshi Tianzun relentlessly laughed and said, “Huh, I don’t know what stupid person you have deceived to come here to question Master! What a daredevil, fortunately Master. I don’t want to care about you idiot.”

The Heavenly Dao person was speechless for a while, but couldn’t find a word to refute, so he had to remain silent.

However, the Heavenly Dao people still don’t believe that what Chen Sheng said is false.

Upon seeing this, daddy believed very much that what Hongjun Daozu said was true.

Seeing the appearance of the Heavenly Dao, he also persuaded him: “Third brother, you have to ask Master face to face, and now you are also asking, you should not be obsessed with enlightenment!”

The Heavenly Dao people still don’t speak, but the daddy understands that the Heavenly Dao people have always been stubborn.

He sighed and continued to persuade: “I just don’t care about you now, you should thank Master for that.”

The Heavenly Dao still didn’t take Daddy’s words to heart. After a moment of contemplation, he arched his cupped hands and said to Hongjun Daozu: “Master, today it is the disciple who is abrupt, and the disciple has left now.”

After speaking, the Heavenly Dao people turned around and left Zixiao Palace directly regardless of whether Hongjun Daozu spoke or not.

The thoughts in Heavenly Dao’s mind are very confused at this time, he needs to ask Chen Sheng to be clear.

He believes that Chen Sheng can’t make things out of nothing. Others still have things in it.

Seeing Tong Heavenly Dao leaving the Purple Heaven Palace, Dao Zu Hongjun couldn’t help frowning, but it was fleeting and no one noticed the abnormality.

Luo Huo!

Unexpectedly, you also have such means now.

Daddy saw that Heavenly Dao was so ignorant of etiquette, so he ran away, a little confused for a while.

After reacting, he hurriedly said to Hongjun Daozu: “Don’t care about Tongtian when you are missing, he is just confused for a while!”

Yuanshi Tianzun did not bother to help Heavenly Dao intercede, and added fuel to the fire, “Huh, in my opinion, he just doesn’t put Master in his eyes, so he is so ignorant!”

Daddy frowned when he heard Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, and felt something was wrong, but he didn’t say much.

Daozu Hongjun nodded at this time, smiling at Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun and said: “The deity naturally won’t care about him, not to mention, according to the deity’s observation, he should be deceived by the evil demon.”

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