Chapter 93-Hong Jun’s Calculations


Hearing this, both Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were surprised.

The Heavenly Dao person is Sage, how could he be deceived by demons?

However, looking at the recent appearance of the Heavenly Dao people, there is indeed such a possibility.

The Heavenly Dao people are like being stunned recently. Not only are they saying that the Lich War will refuse the chance to become holy, but they are also talking nonsense that all this is the calculation of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao!

Thinking about it this way, Daddy suddenly panicked. As one of the Sanqing, Tongtian cannot be deceived by demons!

You must let the Heavenly Dao people know when they’re lost!

Thinking of this, daddy quickly asked: “Then is there any way to make him know when he is lost?”

Daozu Hongjun shook his head, and said to Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun: “This is his robbery, and the deity can’t help it, but you can persuade him more.”

When Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, they nodded immediately.

Daddy said with a sad face, “The third brother is just being deceived by the evil demon. We must let him know when he is lost.”

A rare thing, Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded and said: “Yes, you can’t let him make mistakes like this again.”

Daozu Hongjun did not speak, but looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy blankly.

After leaving Zixiao Palace, the Heavenly Dao person was also very confused for a while.

Chen Sheng is so strong, there is no need to deceive him.

However, he had never seen Hongjun Daozu intervening in the prehistoric situation.

Who is right and who is wrong?

For a while, the Heavenly Dao people felt a little entangled.

With such doubts in mind, the Heavenly Dao person has already arrived at the entrance of Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

After a moment of contemplation, the Heavenly Dao person shouted to Immortal Cave: “Master, disciple come to see you.”

Inside the Immortal Cave, Chen Shenggang cleaned it up, and after hearing the words of the Heavenly Dao people, he let the Heavenly Dao people in.

Although the talent of this guy is really not very good, since he has accepted someone as a named disciple, he should teach them well.

What’s more, people are still so hard, visiting themselves in two days.

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng asked: “You came to me this time, did you make a lot of progress in kendo?”

The Heavenly Dao people have been so busy with this matter recently and haven’t practiced swords. Where did they grow?

So, he said: “If you return to Master, the disciple is not here to ask you about the sword.”

Chen Sheng was quite surprised when he heard this. This guy is so obsessed with kendo, this time he came to him, not to ask about kendo matters?

Do you like other avenues?

This is also good, after all, this apprentice’s understanding of kendo is really bad.

Therefore, Chen Sheng smiled and asked, “Do you want to transfer to another Dao?”

The person from Heavenly Dao shook his head and said respectfully: “No, Master, I don’t want to conceal it. Disciple came to this matter today, and there is something to ask about.”

Chen Sheng was taken aback, then nodded and said, “Tell me, what are you going to ask?”

A person from Heavenly Dao directly asked: “Master, I just want to ask you, is Dao Zu Hongjun really the man behind the great famine? How is it possible that Dao Zu Hongjun clearly preached the great fate, and made contributions to the great famine? What’s more, Hongjun Daozu. The Taoist master has never even taken a shot.”

Upon hearing this from Heavenly Dao, Chen Sheng immediately became excited.

After all, the Eight Trigrams in this predecessor are no more familiar than him.

It was boring to stay in this small mountain and no one to chat, but now it’s good to be able to Eight Trigrams.

Chen Sheng smiled and said directly: “I can’t say wrong about this, do you know Hongyun Daoist?”

Tong Heavenly Dao nodded. As a great power, how could he not know Hongyun Daoist?

But Hongyun Daoist has been dead for many years, what does all this have to do with Hongyun Daoist?

The Heavenly Dao person said: “This red cloud Daoist was the first red cloud in the prehistoric world, and was later killed by Kunpeng and the ancestor of the river!”

Speaking of this, the Heavenly Dao person was a little angry.

If it weren’t for Kunpeng and Styx Patriarch. It’s done so brilliantly, maybe Hongyun Daoist is still alive and can become Sage.

The Heavenly Dao people thought for a while, and asked with some doubts: “But even so, what does this have to do with Hongyun Daoist?”

Chen Sheng nodded, and the Heavenly Dao people were right, but not all right, so he added: “Red Cloud Daoist is not just the first cloud in the predicament. He was infected with Pangu’s last bit of blood. !”

The Heavenly Dao person’s eyes widened, which was unexpected to him.

But even so, what?

Chen Sheng saw through the doubts in Heavenly Dao’s eyes, and then said: “But Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu think that Hongyun Daoist is the back hand of Pangu god-tier, just in case they directly designed and killed Hongyun Daoist. So why do you think that scent of purple qi must be given to the Hongyun Daoist who has no self-protection?”

Hearing this, Heavenly Dao was shocked, and now when I think about it, it really is so.

The seven people who have gained the grand and purple qi, the three cleans and the same qi, no one dares to offend; and Nuwa is also inseparable from Fuxi, no one dares to provoke; even the western two also support each other.

Only Hongyun Daoist is neither the disciple of Hongjun Daozu, nor can anyone protect him.

So giving Hongyun Daoist a grandiose spirit, isn’t it just harming Hongyun Daoist?

Thinking about it this way, Hongjun Daozu is really accurate and ruthless!

Poor Hongyun Daoist, a good old man, died in the design of Hongjun Daozu.

Without waiting for the Heavenly Dao person to slow down, Chen Sheng continued: “By the way, you know the famous Sanqing in this predecessor, don’t you?”

Upon hearing Chen Sheng’s words, the Heavenly Dao person was shocked.

Samcheong! ?

This has something to do with Sanqing?

Isn’t he a Heavenly Dao person who is one of the three cleansers?

The Heavenly Dao nodded and said, “I know.” Chen Sheng nodded and continued: “Sanqing is what Pangu Yuanshen said. It should be extremely powerful, but the original source was destroyed as soon as he appeared. Yuanshi Tianzun is arrogant and arrogant. He knows Heavenly Dao, and his personality is stubborn and extreme. Only Daddy escaped because of his late birth.”

The Heavenly Dao person was taken aback, and Chen Sheng really got it right.

Could it be said that the person who broke their origin is Hongjun Daozu?

Through Heavenly Dao, people are shocked!

However, this is not over yet, Chen Sheng continued to talk eloquently: “It’s more than that. In the future, Sanqing will be separated by Hongjun Daozu’s design, and will be crippled.”

Hearing this, the Heavenly Dao person could no longer conceal his inner anger.

It turns out that all this is really the design of Hongjun Daozu!

It’s cheating Hongyun Daoist and the Wu Clan. The Demon Clan is not enough, and he still has to use Sanqing to make up for his Heavenly Dao. It’s simply a deception!

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