Chapter 91

On the other side, after Haotian left Shouyang Mountain, he still had lingering fears.

The law of killing should be too terrifying. Just feeling it made him feel terrified and desperate!

Luo Hui is so strong?

That breath, even compared to Hongjun Daozu, is not weak at all…

At least, Haotian had never felt such a terrifying aura in Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

Thinking of this, Haotian hurried back to Zixiao Palace without stopping.

I want to report this matter to Hongjun Daozu as soon as possible!

Dao Zu Hongjun didn’t expect that Haotian would return so soon.

Seeing Haotian’s panicked expression, Hongjun Daozu understood that perhaps Haotian had really found something.

So he looked down and asked: “What did you find?”

Haotian didn’t dare to conceal it, and quickly said: “Daozu, I felt a powerful law of killing on a small broken mountain in Shouyang Mountain, and that breath even scared me!”

Haotian is also a quasi-sage Cultivation Base anyway, so Haotian can be scared, how could he be a small person?

It’s definitely Luo Hu!

Daozu Hongjun was not sure, and asked a little hesitantly: “Are you sure?”

Haotian nodded, and said with absolute certainty: “Yes, that’s the Demon Ancestor Luohu. There is also a boy with extremely strong Magic power and devilish energy at the door.”

Hongjun Daozu thought a little, and then he felt that it must be Luohu.

After all, in the predicament, besides Luo Hu, who else has mastered the law of killing?

However, what Hongjun Daozu didn’t expect was that Luo Hui recovered so quickly!

If Haotian could say this, it seemed that Luo Hui had a certain strength.

It’s just not enough to fight oneself, otherwise, with his dignity, why should he be wronged on a small mountain?

But from this point of view, it really is a good thing for Luo Huan no matter how bad he is!

So it seems that Luo Huo must be killed!

At the same time, the other side.

After thinking about the Heavenly Dao people, they still thought about Sanqing Qingyi and went to Kunlun Mountain to find Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Daddy didn’t have any contradiction with the Heavenly Dao people. Seeing that the Heavenly Dao people came, they thought they were here to confess their mistakes with Yuanshi Tianzun, and quickly said: “The third brother is here, I’ll just say it. There is no overnight hatred between these brothers. ?”

Yuanshi Tianzun also thought that it was the Heavenly Dao person who bowed his head and said, “Huh, you are interested in it!”

Now Yuanshi Tianzun is Sage, and naturally he doesn’t have a good face to the Heavenly Dao people.

The person from Heavenly Dao was quite speechless about this, but still said: “I’m here to find Dage this time, the second brother does have something to tell you.”

Daddy was taken aback, Yuan Shi Tianzun said with an impatient look: “Hmph, if you are talking about own nonsense again, I advise you to leave as soon as possible!”

The Heavenly Dao person frowned and continued: “Second Brother Dage, you are all cheated!”

Daddy is dumbfounded. Could it be that his three brothers were really brainwashed? Why are you still saying this now?

“Heavenly Dao treats everything as a humble dog. There should be three ways to stand side by side in this predicament, but Heavenly Dao is selfish and suppresses the tunnel and the humanity.”

“Including the existence of Liang Jie, it was also Hong Jun and Heavenly Dao to make up for Heavenly Dao!”

“Heavenly Dao created mass calamity, enslaved Sage, and treated the predominantly as a breeding farm. And our master Hongjun is the biggest promoter!”

“All of us will be calculated by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun!”

After listening to these words, Daddy and Yuan Shi Tianzun were taken aback.

Then, Yuanshi Tianzun was furious. This Heavenly Dao person was really crazy. He dared to make things out of nothing here and slander Hongjun Daozu!

Yuanshi Tianzun scolded it and scolded: “Tongtian, you really have lost your mind. Now you dare to slander Master here at will. Do you know what a sin this is?”

Daddy hesitated for a moment, although what happened in the recent prehistoric times is indeed incredible.

But, what Heavenly Dao people said is really Tai Xuan!

Therefore, Daddy also persuaded him: “Third brother, don’t be fooled anymore. Although the senior is powerful, what he said is not necessarily right.”

Let alone whether what the senior said is right or not, the senior’s behavior alone is extremely strange.

So, is the senior who talks nonsense, can’t tell?

Daddy thought for a while, and then said: “You are really confused, the third brother. Master waits for me to preach the preaching and teach the deeds for me, and gives me the opportunity to be sanctified. How can you listen to others’ nonsense?”

The Heavenly Dao frowned, but he didn’t believe that all this was true at first.

However, this is the fact.

He knew that Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely not believe his words, and the Heavenly Dao people directly pulled out the picture of Heavenly Dao suppressing the tunnel and the humanity.

Trying to use these images to convince Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing these pictures, although Daddy still doesn’t believe that what the Heavenly Dao people said is true, he somewhat kept an eye on it.

Unexpectedly, Yuanshi Tianzun would not eat this set at all, and directly shot the picture to pieces.

Then he stared fiercely at the Heavenly Dao person and said, “How is this possible, you are actually bewitched to create these pictures out of nothing!”


The Heavenly Dao people laughed, and the facts were in front of them. They didn’t want to admit it, but they thought they were bewitched?

The Heavenly Dao person looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, and said with a cold expression: “Second brother is not able to understand, so he can say that I was deceived?”

The angel Tianzun was about to speak, but the Heavenly Dao person went on to say: “Now that Nuwa has killed himself in the position of Sage, and the Lich has ceased the war, don’t the two brothers want to believe it?”

“The armistice between the Lich and the Monster Clan is to resist Hongjun and Heavenly Dao. As long as the Lich and the Monster Clan do not go to war, the Lich’s calamity cannot happen, and the purpose of Hongjun and Heavenly Dao cannot be achieved!”

Through Heavenly Dao herringbone word Zhuji, both Yuanshi Tianzun and daddy were surprised.

Daddy was sluggish for a moment. It turned out that the Lich had ceased the war and Nuwa had killed himself as Sage. It was because of the senior?

Although he didn’t say it on the surface, Daddy was more puzzled.

Thinking of the time when he left the Purple Heaven Palace, Hongjun Daozu warned Own, and Daddy gradually began to believe in the words of Heavenly Dao.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t believe it at all, but continued to ridicule: “It seems that Nuwa is also crazy. Don’t put a good Sage in the position, and actually believe in Daluo’s bullshit!”

Daddy was taken aback. He didn’t believe that Nuwa, Fuxi, Tongtian and Houtu were crazy, but he also didn’t believe that Hongjun Daozu would do such a thing.

So after some meditation, daddy persuaded: “Third brother, I will not ask about the prehistoric things in Sanqing, you must not get involved in these things again.”

From the perspective of daddy, it doesn’t matter if the Heavenly Dao people are right or not, as long as they don’t get involved, it won’t hurt.

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