Chapter 85

Zhu Rong also said: “That is, the big deal is that I will die with the monster clan!”

“Zhu Rong is right. If we want to retire, we can’t do it!”

Zhuan Xu also echoed.

The only one who stays sane is Hou Tu.

Although Hou Tu felt a little unacceptable, she knew that this was the best way!

Seeing the ancestral witches protesting, Houtu said to everyone, “Brother Zhu Rong, you can die with the monster clan, but do you want to bring the whole witch clan to the same end?”

After listening to Houtu’s words, Zhu Rong fell silent for an instant.

Yes, even if he can fight for his life regardless, what about the entire Wu Clan?

The other ancestral witches stopped talking. They weren’t afraid of death, but they couldn’t leave the whole witch clan alone, right?

Seeing that everyone had listened to the words of own, Hou Tu said to Nuwa: “But even if my Wu Clan retreats and don’t fight, how can the Demon Clan give up? Nuwa fellow daoist, Fuxi Fellow Daoist, you all belong to the Monster Clan. Demon Emperor, may he be the master of the Demon Race?”

When Fuxi and Nuwa heard what Hou Tu meant, they understood that Hou Tu and the ancestor witches were not willing to let the Lich fight happen.

Compared with other ancestral witches, Hou Tu is more sensible, so he also understands that avoiding war is the best choice.

But if the witch clan must fight, and the demon clan is still reluctant, it will not help!

Therefore, if you want to completely avoid the war between the Lich, in addition to the retreat of the Wu Clan, the Monster Clan must also avoid the fight!

Although Nuwa is the monster emperor of the monster clan, he rarely cares about the monster clan’s affairs, so he turned his attention to Fuxi about this matter.

After Fuxi pondered for a while, he said solemnly: “Little Sister and I will find a way to let the monster race avoid the battle!”

Hou Tu was a little skeptical, after all, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi didn’t seem to be willing to give up easily.

Nuwa understood Houtu’s concerns and sighed and said, “I will find a way to restrain the monster race. If I can drag it later, I will drag it!”

After all, there was really no other way but to delay the arrival of the Lich War.

So when I heard Nuwa’s guarantee, Hou Tu nodded and said, “Okay, since there is such a Nuwa fellow daoist, then I also promised that as long as the demon clan does not fight, my witch clan will not fight.”

Nuwa finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Houtu’s promise.

Now that I got the promise from the Wu Clan, I just need to fix the Monster Clan!

In short, no matter whether the Lich’s calamity will happen or not, Nuwa does not want the demons and witches to be calculated by Heavenly Dao.

Nuwa nodded with satisfaction, and said to Hou Tu: “Then I would like to thank Hou Tu fellow daoist, and Big Brother and I went to find the monster clan, and we will leave first.”

Hou Tu saluted and said sincerely to Nuwa and Fuxi: “It is the Wu clan and I who should thank Nuwa fellow daoist for coming to tell us about this.”

After several people saw it again, Nuwa and Fuxi left.

After Nuwa and Fuxi left, Tong Heavenly Dao also smiled and said to Houtu: “Since the two of them have already left, then I will also leave first.”

At this time, the witches are fighting over the Lich, and they are worried that they will not retain the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, Houtu arched his cupped hands to the Heavenly Dao person and said, “Then I won’t give it away.”

Afterwards, the Heavenly Dao people followed and left.

The witches gathered together to discuss the matter.

Zhu Rong had the hottest temper, frowning and said with an unhappy expression: “So I don’t complain that the Wu Clan is in danger, but my Wu Clan is strong, why should I let the Monster Clan gangsters?”

Gong Gong also said: “Although I don’t agree with the usual words of being out of the dragon, but this time I think he is right!”

Ju Mang also echoed: “That’s right, I was born in the witch clan, and I belong to the blood of Pangu. I have never been so suffocated.”

Although Di Jiang didn’t say a word, his face was filled with dissatisfaction.

Houtu looked at everyone and sighed deeply.

If it were not for the survival of the Witch Clan, how could she swallow this breath?

The monster race has always been arrogant and domineering, deceiving people too much, and repeatedly provokes the witch clan by three points, but at this time they want the witch clan to expose the matter!

This also made the ancestral witches feel aggrieved.

“Oh…I don’t want to be so aggrieved, but all of this is for the Witch Clan, otherwise, under Heavenly Dao’s calculations, the Big Brother Big sis will die. Even the Witch Clan will perish, and it will be annihilated in this great wilderness from now on. Among them, it becomes the nourishment of Heavenly Dao!”

Houtu sighed deeply and said earnestly.

After hearing this, Dijiang slapped the wall with a slap, and said: “The little girl is right, for my Wu Clan, you have to swallow this tone, and you have to swallow it if you can’t swallow it!”

With Di Jiang’s words, everyone fell silent.

In fact, they all understand the truth, but it is inevitable that they feel a little angry for a while!

at the same time.

On the way, Fuxi frowned and asked, “Little Sister, you told the Wu Clan just now that you can find a solution for the Yao Clan. What good do you have?”

After all, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi have always liked daydreaming, and they want to unify the predicament, I am afraid it is not so easy to listen to persuasion!

“I’m afraid, the two of them won’t listen.” Fuxi frowned and said to Nuwa.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi must be as stubborn as bulls, and Fuxi is afraid that they will go back without a trace!

After Nuwa heard this, he just chuckled softly, and then said to Fuxi: “Don’t worry, I have my own way.”

Fuxi knows that Nuwa has always been a person with ideas. Since Nuwa has said so, she has a way!

For a while, Fu Xi’s hanging heart finally settled down.

Fuxi smiled and said to Nuwa: “If Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi can be persuaded to stop the war, then the Lich will not happen.”



Nuwa didn’t plan to bother with those two idiots.

But she didn’t explain so much to Fuxi, and the two went directly to Heaven Court.

Outside the Heaven Court, a monster soldier directly stopped Nuwa, looked at Nuwa and Fuxi, and said, “Emperor Wa, Emperor Xi, if you two want Realm Emperor Jun Yaohuang, I’m afraid you need to wait for your subordinates to go down and report.”

Hearing what the monster soldier said, Nuwa exploded instantly.

As the Demon Emperor, she still needs to be notified when she enters the Heaven Court?


Nuwa directly pushed the monster soldier to the ground with a palm, and then followed Fuxi directly into the Heaven Court.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi noticed the change and rushed out, and then they saw Nuwa knock down the monster soldier.

Di Jun understood what was going on as soon as he thought about it, and hurriedly stepped forward to accompany him with a smile and said: “This subordinate is ignorant, how can I stop the emperor Wa and the emperor Xi?”

Then Di Jun kicked again, and his subordinates flipped several circles directly on the ground.

The subordinate who was kicked aside was very innocent, didn’t Di Jun said it himself? Why should you embarrass him as a janitor?

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