Chapter 86: Admonish the Demon Race

When the Eastern Emperor saw this, she accompanied her with a smile, licked her lips, and asked: “The two of you are here at Heaven Court. They must have figured out what spirit treasures to give to strengthen my Heaven Court strength, right?”

Nuwa frowned without a trace, and even dared to hit her idea. This Donghuang was so courageous.

I thought Donghuang Taiyi was enough not to wanting face, but Wucheng Xiaodijun even came over and said: “Could it be said that Emperor Wa and Emperor Xi have figured it out? Want to help us clean up the Witch Clan and dominate the land?”

Dijun feels that he is more thoughtful than Donghuang Taiyi, after all, no matter how good the Lingbao is, it can’t match the fighting power of Fuxi and Nuwa!

Nuwa raised her hand to slap the force, but she resisted it.

Nuwa directly pierced Di Jun’s daydream and said to Di Jun: “No, I’m here this time to hope Heaven Court and the Witch Clan truce.”

Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun were taken aback.


Is Nuwa kidding?

The battle between the witch race and the monster race has entered a fierce period at this time, and both sides want to kill each other, so how can it be a truce! ?

Besides, the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan are about to truly cease the war. Wouldn’t Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi’s Ruyi Scepter’s abacus fall to the ground?

After reacting, Di Jun directly shook his head and said: “Emperor Wa, you are dizzy, my monster soldier is strong and courageous, how can it not compare to the group of witches with well-developed limbs and simple minds?”

Donghuang Taiyi was naturally unwilling to truce, so he said at the same time: “That is, my monster clan now has the upper hand, and in the future the monster clan will become the overlord and the protagonist of the prehistoric. Isn’t the loss too great for the truce at this time?”

Di Jun also had a dark face, and said to Nuwa and Fuxi: “If you two are here to cheer the monster race, then my monster race is very welcome, but if you come to persuade us to truce, it is absolutely impossible!”

Fuxi was a little speechless, who gave this guy confidence?

Fuxi sighed and said to Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi: “I told you a long time ago, if you are determined to go your own way, you will surely defeat the Lich in the end.”

Dong Huang Taiyi was a little displeased, and directly glared at Fuxi and said: “Xi Huang, you are a quasi-sage at any rate, and you have been fooled so badly by a human race.”

Hearing the word mere words, Fuxi smiled and asked directly: “I don’t know Dijun fellow daoist, is your arm okay?”

Being bullied by the human race and dare to say that the human race is weak, is Di Jun really brave?

The so-called murder and condemnation of the heart is nothing more than this. After Di Jun heard this, his heart couldn’t help tightening, and his eyes fell on his empty arm.

But he didn’t regret it. On the contrary, he was more determined to fight the Witch clan. After all, if there was a chance to become holy, his arm could grow back as well after becoming Sage.

When the time comes, he will surely let Broken Sword over there to pay the debt.

“The Lich War is imminent. It is impossible to withdraw for any reason.”

Di Jun said firmly.

After Nuwa heard this, she just wanted to sneer.

“You two just want to be sanctified through the demon clan, why bother to speak so high-sounding!”

Looking at Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, Nuwa ruthlessly exposed their true purpose.

Dijun and Donghuangtai’s expressions changed, and they didn’t expect Nuwa to break their intentions directly.

However, even if Nuwa broke their intentions?

It is impossible for them to watch the cooked duck fly away!

With a dark face, Di Jun said to Nuwa and Fuxi: “If Nuwa fellow daoist and Fuxi fellow daoist are here for this matter today, then please come back.”

Nuwa coldly looked at Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, and said with cold eyes: “I didn’t come here today to persuade you. Today you have to agree to your promises, and you have to agree if you don’t!”

After that, Nuwa directly jumped up and presented his own Magic Treasures red hydrangea!

From the beginning, Nuwa had no intention of discussing with these two people.

From Chen Sheng, Nuwa learned a truth.

Don’t care about what’s wrong with the other person, just hit that person suspects that life is right, and everything will be solved.

Is this routine familiar?

Wasn’t Nuwa trapped by Chen Sheng in the long river of time, trapped to the ground?

Isn’t Fuxi more honest after being beaten?

So, there is nothing that can’t be solved with a single punch. If there is, then hit a few more punches!

When Di Jun saw Nuwa offering a red hydrangea, his face changed drastically, and he asked: “Emperor Wa, what are you doing?”

Nuwa said with an indifferent expression: “I said, today you have to agree if you agree, and if you don’t, you have to agree!”

Di Jun suddenly stiffened his legs, and in Nuwa’s cold look that turned away thousands of miles away, Di Jun only felt a shadow over him.

But after a while, he realized that Nuwa is no longer Sage, and he is not qualified to talk to them like this.

Therefore, Di Jun also directly stiffened, and said: “Now, I am afraid that Emperor Wa hasn’t recovered from his injury, so don’t you have to work?”

1 There is something in Dijun’s words. How can he dare to talk to Nuwa like this?

But, who knows Nuwa didn’t hear a word.

Nuwa rolled his eyes directly, then, urging the red hydrangea, Fu Dijun attacked!

Dijun’s eyes changed drastically, he didn’t dare to pick him up for a while, he could only switch positions constantly, but the strange thing was that he always followed him wherever he went and attacked!

Obviously there were several times that the attack was about to fall on Di Jun, but that attack seemed to be teasing a dog, but he didn’t let Di Jun do what he wanted!

Finally, when Di Jun stopped, the Red Hydrangea immediately slapped Di Jun away.

Fortunately, Nuwa didn’t really want to kill Di Jun, so Di Jun was just a little embarrassed.

Dijun, who gnawed a mouthful of dirt, got up from the ground, becoming angry from embarrassment, and yelled: “Taiyi!”

The Eastern Emperor understood in a second, and immediately followed and presented the Eastern Emperor Bell!

Seeing that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was about to launch an attack on Nuwa, Fuxi immediately followed suit, and Fuxi shot away the Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s attack on Nuwa with a direct palm.

Soon, the four scuffled together.

Nuwa is obviously better, after all, she fell from Sage.

Even the quasi-sage is the ceiling of the quasi-sage!

Fuxi was just holding down Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun, after all, he didn’t really want to clean up Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun.

The four quasi-sages started a fight. This movement was not small, and the people in Heaven Court were all disturbed.

The Kunpeng Demon Master is a bit unclear, so, could it be that the strong human race has found it?

Although Kunpeng demon masters are usually brave in a group, but at this moment, they are instantly stunned, and immediately hide their aura under the table.

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