Chapter 84

As humanity was also entrapped by Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, the picture slowly disappeared.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestor Witch could no longer conceal the anger in his chest!

However, it was because they saw that humanity was also suppressed that they realized that all of this was a conspiracy by Heavenly Dao.

And the reason why Nuwa cut Sage’s status by himself is definitely not because of stupidity!

Hou Tu furiously said: “No wonder Nuwa fellow daoist, you will cut the seat of Sage, it turns out to be to get rid of the control of Hongjun Daozu!”

Di Jiang also followed with a look of resentment and said: “That is, we thought all this was the fault of the Demon Race, and now it seems that the Demon Race was also calculated by Dao Ancestor Hongjun!”

Zhu Rong did not agree with Di Jiang’s words.

Zhu Rong directly sneered and said, “From my point of view, the people of the Monster Race are too greedy!”

Zhu Rong’s temperament was too direct, and Fuxi and Nuwa couldn’t hold back their faces as soon as these words came out.

Hou Tu quickly glared at Zhu Rong, and said to Nuwa and Fuxi: “Then I don’t know what the Nuwa fellow daoist and Fuxi fellow daoist think?”

Houtu understood that when Nuwa and Fuxite came to the Wu Clan, of course they weren’t just to tell them about it.

So how to solve the Lich War now, and don’t let the witch race and the monster race become the victims of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, is the most important thing!

As soon as Houtu said this, the twelve ancestor witches also stared at Nuwa and Fuxi closely.

They don’t care if the monster clan is destroyed, but as ancestor witches, they naturally hope that the witch clan will be well.

Nuwa sighed deeply, and then said, “Heavenly Dao is private, we can’t just be Heavenly Dao pawns like this!”

Houtu nodded, the truth is indeed the truth.

However, since it is Heavenly Dao’s calculation, how can I escape it?

How could Hongjun Daozu let go of them so easily?

For a while, everyone couldn’t help but look sad.

Hou Tu sighed and said to Nuwa and Fuxi, “How easy is this? I wonder if Nuwa fellow daoist and Fuxi fellow daoist have any ideas?”

At this moment, outsiders notified the visit of Heavenly Dao.

The twelve ancestor witches were all taken aback, why would the Heavenly Dao people visit at this time?

Heavenly Dao, as one of the Three Qings, has nothing to do with the Monster Race or the Witch Clan. Why does it follow Nuwa Fuxi to visit the Witch Clan at this time?

Nuwa probably understood the purpose of the Heavenly Dao people here, and said to the Wu people: “Heavenly Dao people are not holy, and it is for this reason.”

With Nuwa’s explanation, the Twelve Ancestor Witch nodded.

It seems that people who pass Heavenly Dao are friends but not enemies!

Besides, the Heavenly Dao person is still the disciple of that powerful hermit.

Houtu came forward and said to the Heavenly Dao person on behalf of the Twelve Ancestral Witch: “”

Then, the Heavenly Dao person came in.

Nuwa thought for a while, and said to the Heavenly Dao person: “I don’t know Tongtian fellow daoist, what’s your opinion on this matter?”

For people who pass Heavenly Dao, it is absolutely impossible for him to become a pawn controlled by Heavenly Dao, so he directly said to everyone: “Only fight Heavenly Dao!”

Houtu was stunned, and the 12th Ancestor Witch was also stunned!

That’s Heavenly Dao!

Fighting against the sky, afraid to be crazy, right?

Nuwa noticed the expressions of the people and nodded and continued: “I agree with Tongtian fellow daoist’s view that both sides are dead. It’s better to take a gamble, maybe you can win a chance.”

After listening to Nuwa’s words, everyone was silent, because Nuwa spoke to their hearts.

Yes, instead of being manipulated to death by Heavenly Dao, it’s better to take a gamble!

After thinking for a while, Hou Tu turned his head and asked Nuwa: “But now among us, we don’t even have Sage. How can we compete with Heavenly Dao?”

After hearing what Houtu said, Di Jiang thought for a while and said, “Since that senior is so powerful, if he can invite that senior out of the mountain, this matter will definitely be solved!”

Hearing this, the Heavenly Dao person shook his head.

After Hou Tu noticed it, he asked: “Tongtian fellow daoist this is…”

The Heavenly Dao person gave a wry smile, and then replied: “Master is a peerless power, I am happy to cultivate, I am afraid that I will not easily go out of the mountain.”

According to people who know Heavenly Dao, don’t talk about going out of the mountain, even Immortal Cave Chen Sheng is unwilling…

Moreover, he is obviously a peerless power, and he always advises them not to cause trouble in the predicament.

Therefore, it is impossible for Chen Sheng to leave the customs!

Nuwa also nodded, and the Heavenly Dao people said that it was correct, that the senior designated it was impossible to leave the customs.

“In my opinion, we still need to resolve this matter.”

Nuwa smiled and said helplessly.

Dijiang was a little disappointed, and the other witch races also looked frustrated. Could it be said that there is no solution to this Lich War?

Houtu sighed and said disappointedly: “Is it possible that I really want to watch my Wu clan go to extinction?”

Nuwa shook his head again at this time.

Seeing Nuwa shook his head, Hou Tu asked, “Nuwa fellow daoist, but what can I do? Don’t sell it at this time.”

Nuwa couldn’t help smiling, and then said, “There is a way that is not a way.”

Di Jiang was taken aback, and asked, “What is the solution?”

Nuwa looked at this kind of person and said solemnly:


Yes, there is only one word, and that is procrastination!

Everyone was taken aback, procrastinated? How to drag?

Fuxi frowned and asked in a puzzled manner: “Little Sister, are you sure this is a way?”

Nuwa nodded and said, “There is no other way. The only way I can think of now is to drag.”

Although the Heavenly Dao people are not in the Lich’s calamity, they can’t understand Heavenly Dao’s method. As Nuwa said today, he asked inexplicably, “How to drag?”

Nuwa spoke eloquently: “Since the Lich War requires the participation of the Lich and the Monster Clan, as long as the Lich and the Monster Clan do not fight for a day, the Lich will not be able to complete the change in one day!”

After Nuwa said this, everyone suddenly realized.

Houtu exclaimed: “Avoid fighting!?”

Nuwa nodded and said:

“It’s just avoiding war.”

This is indeed a good way, as long as it avoids fighting, the Lich’s calamity will naturally not happen.


Before the Witch Clan could say anything, Nuwa followed: “As long as the Witch Clan retreats and the Lich War does not occur, the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan will not be entrapped by Heavenly Dao!”

Everyone in the Witch tribe was shocked, they didn’t expect Nuwa to say this.

The truth is this truth, but who is willing to retreat from the flood?

Which man of the Witch Clan is not the generation of Blood Qi Fang Gang? Want them to retire?

Can’t do

After thinking for a moment, Di Jiang said: “I am the Wu Clan who is transformed into Pangu Blood Essence. If we want us to be a tortoise, we will never be able to!”

As soon as Di Jiang said this, he immediately attracted everyone’s approval.

that is!

The witches are descendants of Pangu, and they are respected in the prehistoric state, and let them retreat without fighting. This is really not the style of the witches!

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