Chapter 73 Heavenly Dao’s lack, Hongjun’s calculations

Fuxi was also very puzzled, frowning and asked: “What is this?”

Chen Sheng glanced at Fuxi and Nuwa, and while drinking tea, he said with emotion, “Heavenly Dao is lacking. The reason why Honghuang exists is to complement Heavenly Dao.”

Nuwa and Fuxi were shocked when they heard this.

Is Heavenly Dao missing?

How can this be?

Is the supreme Heavenly Dao lacking?

And Liang Jie’s existence is actually to complement Heavenly Dao?

Then, Chen Sheng continued: “Like a dragon and a man measuring the calamity, it is to slay the devil ancestor Luo Hu and complement Devil Dao. The three clans of the dragon and the phoenix Qilin are just victims. Like the lich measuring the calamity, Playing against each other is also for harvesting.”

Nuwa and Fuxi are a little confused, the truth is often so cruel.

It turns out that all this is just a conspiracy?

Suddenly, Nuwa and Fuxi felt a little uncomfortable.

Afterwards, Nuwa asked: “Could it be that the Conferred God and the Westward Journey Liangjie are also to complement Heavenly Dao?”

Chen Sheng nodded, and said with emotion: “Fengshen establishes the divine way, maintains the operation of the prehistoric, travels to the west and crosses east to the east, and suppresses the remnant souls of the ancient demon gods with the help of ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.”

Speaking of the amount of robbery, even Chen Sheng was quite moved.

Which calamity did not alarm the entire prehistoric land?

Which calamity is not countless deaths and injuries?

And all this is actually just to complement Heavenly Dao?

Just when Nuwa and Fuxi were both shocked and unbelievable, Chen Sheng followed and said unhurriedly: “In the predicament, there should be three ways to stand side by side, but now there is only Heavenly Dao.”

Originally, what Chen Sheng said had surprised Nuwa and Fuxi enough, but now Chen Sheng’s words are like a thunder!

Fuxi and Nuwa’s body after being thundered is incomplete!

Even as Sage, Nuwa is unheard of such things.

Therefore, Nuwa directly exclaimed: “Three ways stand side by side? What is that?”

Chen Sheng was a little addicted to what he said, and went straight to talk: “In fact, apart from Heavenly Dao, there are authenticity and humanity in this predicament. It’s just that Heavenly Dao is selfish and suppresses humanity and authenticity.”

Speaking of which, Chen Sheng was sighing for a while.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng immediately waved his hand, and a picture of Samsara appeared in front of Fuxi and Nuwa.

In the picture, there is a battle of Lich, both losers, and then Samsara is slapped.

Nuwa and Fuxi were stunned in place, but Houtu would actually hold Samsara in the end?

If these pictures are real, isn’t Houtu’s late stage very powerful?

Nuwa couldn’t help but was stunned, really like Chen Sheng said that there are three things, Houtian palms authentic, isn’t it even more powerful than Sage?

Nuwa guessed this way, but Chen Sheng continued to say:

“This Hongjun Dao ancestor is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, but the post-tuin personality should have stood side by side with Hongjun Dao ancestors, becoming the authentic spokesperson.”

Chen Sheng said vigorously, got up and poured himself a cup of tea, and continued:

“But later, Houtian was deprived of his personality by Heavenly Dao, so the authentic Samsara was not complete.”

After Nuwa and Fuxi heard these words, they were completely decent by Lei!

How can this be?

Could it be said that this is not Heavenly Dao’s calculation, Houtu will exist side by side with Hongjun Daozu?

It’s incredible!

Nuwa swallowed hard, and then said, “But this…”

Seeing Nuwa’s expression, Chen Sheng nodded and said, “It’s incredible, I also think it’s incredible!”

After speaking, Chen Sheng pulled out another picture casually.

The human race in the picture is already very prosperous, and the traces of the witch race and the monster race have basically disappeared in the prehistoric state.

Heaven Court has too few manpower, Heavenly Dao lowered the ranking of the gods to fill the vacancy of the gods.

It sounds good, but this deity is not a good thing.

It is equivalent to working for Heaven Court for free, and Heaven Court will also exploit you in various ways!

And because of this, Sanqing didn’t want his own disciples to be on the list of the gods, so infighting broke out.

Ultimatum Heavenly Dao people were entrapped by daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun, not only cut off their teachings, but also Heavenly Dao people were directly imprisoned by Hongjun Daozu for eternal life in the Zixiao Palace.

After playing these pictures, Fuxi and Nuwa couldn’t even speak in shock!

This is simply unthinkable, how can the three cleansers make such a fuss?

Moreover, after the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan were both defeated, the Human Clan thrived in the predicament.

Chen Sheng also looked at the screen and said with emotion to the two of them: “So how ruthless the Heavenly Emperor is, it made people’s brothers turn against each other, but this Yuanshi Tianzun is really not a good thing.”

Nuwa and Fuxi couldn’t help but twitched their mouths. I am afraid that only Chen Sheng in the world would say that Yuanshi Tianzun is not a good thing.

However, the Heavenly Dao swordsman was so strong that he was besieged by everyone, and he did not panic at all, but he did not expect that he would eventually be imprisoned in the Zixiao Palace by Tongtian, which is really embarrassing.

Immediately after that, the picture turned, and it was the end of the Conferred Gods’ Volume Tribulation.

In this picture, the last emperor of the human race, Xin, died because of Nuwa!

Because of the death of the last emperor, humanity was suppressed by Heavenly Dao.

Otherwise, no one in the human race has the emperor, but the emperor!

What is the emperor? It’s a chess piece from the heavens!

In order to make people never turn back.

When Nuwa saw this scene, her eyes were a little moist.

Never thought that the Death of the last human race had something to do with her Nuwa!

And if Chen Sheng didn’t wake her up at this time and let her know the truth of everything, she would most likely follow Heavenly Dao’s instructions to do that in the future.

Nuwa felt very complicated at this time, both angry and aggrieved, as if empathizing.

Chen Sheng started talking, drank a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued: “Not only that, when Nuwa created human beings and became the Virgin of the Human Race, this is an infinite merit. Jun is the same person.”

“But because of the grand purple qi, Nuwa was calculated by Heavenly Dao abruptly. Nuwa was affected by the grand purple qi, and his merits and virtues became sacred. From then on, he was held by Heavenly Dao.”

Hearing this, Nuwa was a little bit unable to control her own emotions. At the beginning, she thought that Hongmeng Ziqi was a good thing, but now it seems that Heavenly Dao is a method used to control her!

Speaking of Nuwa, Chen Sheng continued to say with a sigh: “But this Nuwa is really miserable. He was calculated by Heavenly Dao, and I didn’t say anything. He actually worshiped Hongjun as a teacher, and he was a stubborn inferior person. First class.”

Hearing this, Nuwa could no longer control his own anger, this Heavenly Dao was so ruthless, and counted everyone in the predicament!

Chen Sheng hadn’t noticed Nuwa’s emotions, and said directly: “What’s more, his own pro-Big Brother was also designed by Heavenly Dao and died in the Lich War!”

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