Chapter 72

After returning to the Wa Palace, Nuwa had been thinking about what Hongjun Daozu said to her, feeling a little unhappy.

In the past, Nuwa didn’t know that he had to obey Heavenly Dao and questioned that Heavenly Dao’s order could not be violated.

But this time she had some doubts in her heart. Is Heavenly Dao definitely irreversible?

Does Heavenly Dao have to fight between the human race and the monster race?

Didn’t that weak human race finally fall victim to the Lich War?

Although the Human Race didn’t suffer any damage this time, even though Hongjun Daozu also said that it was what Heavenly Dao was referring to, but Nuwa still couldn’t pass that hurdle in his heart.

It happened that Fuxi went to the Wa Palace to find Nuwa to discuss the matter.

Seeing boring Nuwa, I was secretly hurt, thinking that Nuwa was hurt by some emotion.

Could it be that Chen Sheng made Little Sister sad?

If it were replaced by someone else, Fuxi would definitely kill him with a big knife, but Chen Sheng…

Thinking of Chen Sheng, Fuxi sighed in her heart, and finally sighed and said, “Little Sister, you can’t hold that man.”

Nuwa:? ? ?

What man?

Isn’t his brother afraid of something serious in his brain?

Nuwa rolled her eyes, then shook her head and said, “Brother, you misunderstood.”

Fu Xi didn’t believe it, so she was so sad that she still said that she had misunderstood?

His Little Sister is Nuwa, the only female Sage in the prehistoric.

Never thought that Chen Sheng was hurt like this?

But is there any way?

From left to right, he didn’t see what Chen Sheng was interested in Nuwa, it was mostly Nuwa who posted it upside down, and he couldn’t say anything about this kind of thing.

Thinking about this, Fuxi couldn’t help but sighed, and finally said: “Little Sister, I don’t get involved in your emotional matters, Big Brother, but I’m here to see you today. There is indeed something serious.”

Nuwa was helpless, what business did Fuxi have when she came to see her?

Then Fuxi’s expression condensed, and he told Nuwa what he had seen from the long river of fate.

In the end, Fuxi still said with emotion: “Chen fellow daoist is indeed a hermit, but he is really not suitable for you!”

Nuwa was shocked when she heard the first half, and silently rolled her eyes when she heard the second half.

But she finally knew why Fuxi was so abnormal recently.

Since Fuxi had told her about this, she should also tell Fuxi what she knew.

Nuwa sighed and said to Fuxi, “I frowned today because fellow daoist Chen told me something.”

Afterwards, Nuwa spoke out about his curiosity about the human race.

Fuxi was also taken aback, he only knew that the Lich War was defeated, and Nuwa only knew that the human race became the master of this predecessor in the end.

This is linked to the loss of the Lich War. In the end, the Human Race has gained the most benefit?

Then, Nuwa sighed again and said, “Big Brother, I was in the Purple Heaven Palace just now. Master told me that all of this is the guidance of Heavenly Dao, so I don’t want to intervene at will.”

Thinking of Hongjun Daozu’s warning just now, Nuwa’s heart was overwhelmed.

Fuxi and Nuwa looked at each other, their eyes filled with helplessness and doubts.

After a moment of silence, Fuxi said to Nuwa, “Little Sister, why don’t we go to Chen fellow daoist for advice?”

After all, there is no other way now, besides Chen Sheng, no one else can solve this problem, right?

Thinking of this, Nuwa nodded and said: “I think so too, but we bother the fellow daoist many times, I’m afraid the fellow daoist will be unhappy.”

Fuxi shook her head and said to Nuwa: “With Chen’s fellow daoist temper, if we are really not welcome to visit, I am afraid we won’t even remember who he is.”

Hearing Fuxi’s words like this, Nuwa remembered that she had been banished in the long river of time, and she couldn’t help feeling a cold back.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Sheng can really do it!

Then, Nuwa went to Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave with Fuxi.

Outside Immortal Cave, Fuxi respectfully said: “Chen fellow daoist, my brother and sister are here to visit.”

After saying this, after waiting for a while, he saw a boy in black and walked out impatiently.

Fuxi met Luo Hu, first he was scared to sweat on his forehead, and then immediately cupped hands and said to Luo Hou: “Magic Ancestor, please let me know.”

Nuwa’s eyes widened, and the whole person was shocked in place. If she hadn’t mistaken the breath of the boy in black in front of her, it was the Mozu Luo Maw, right?

That’s Demon Zu Luo Maw, the main character of the prehistoric lich measuring the dragon and the man!

The quarreling dragon, phoenix, and Qilin clan, snipe and clam fought, and finally Hongjun Daozu united with the four great ancestors at the same time to kill the demon ancestor Luo Maw.

But at this moment, this guy is actually standing here alive?

Nuwa had the privilege of feeling the powerful devilish energy of Mozu Luo Maw, so she can be sure that the boy in black with a Tsundere face in front of her is Mozu Luo Maw!

Why is the Mozu Luo Maw appearing here?

And as if Fuxi already knew about it, Nuwa looked at Fuxi very dazedly.

Fuxi only blinked at Nuwa, and Nuwa had to suppress the wave in his heart, and then went to ask Fuxi about this after preparation.

Luo Mou glanced at these two people indifferently, and said disdainfully, “Let you in!”

This tone, this expression, Tsundere is almost to the extreme.

However, the appearance of the little Zhengtai Mozu Luo Maw did not make Fuxi and Nuwa feel any cruelty.

Sure enough, Mozu Luo Maw, who had lost his domineering appearance, had even reduced his lethality.

Seeing these two guys stunned, Mozu Luo Maw shouted directly: “Let you go in, don’t you understand, right?”

Both Nuwa and Fuxi were taken aback, and then quickly entered the Immortal Cave.

Mozu Luohuo still has the expression that others owe him 8 million. He is a magnificent Mozu Luohuo, now he has become someone else’s boy?

It doesn’t matter if you serve tea every day, after all, this guy is really strong!

But now these two guys actually dare to look down on him, is his Majesty’s Majesty not enough?

Then, Nuwa and Fuxi both entered the Chen Sheng Immortal Cave.

Upon entering the Immortal Cave, Nuwa Fuxi was greeted by a few large characters in an orderly arrangement!

The big characters were arranged in sequence, floating in Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

Nuwa and Fuxi took a closer look at the big characters:

Longhan weighs the robbery;

Lich weighs calamity;


Journey to the west.

Looking at these four calamities, Nuwa and Fuxi were a little confused.

They all knew that the Lich Measuring the Tribulation was about to happen, and they knew it in their hearts.

But what are the enshrined gods and the amount of calamity?

How come they have never heard of it?

Is it also a catastrophe?

But when will this catastrophe happen?

Nuwa couldn’t help asking: “Chen fellow daoist, what is your writing about the Conferred God and the Journey to the West?”

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