Chapter 74 Heavenly Dao Conspiracy, Cruel Truth

After listening to Chen Sheng’s words, Nuwa’s chest was full of anger.

She did her best for Heavenly Dao, but what about Heavenly Dao?

Calculate her personality, calculate the human race, monster race, witch race, and calculate her pro Big Brother!

How can this make Nuwa tolerate?

“Damn! Heavenly Dao is so selfish!”

Nuwa slapped it on the table, coldly said.

Fuxi also sighed. She knew about the fact that she would die in the Lich War, so she was not as angry as Nuwa.

Fuxi sighed, patted Nuwa on the back, and comforted: “Little Sister, don’t think too much. Even if you are Sage, many things are not under our control.”

Chen Sheng was dumbfounded when he watched from the sidelines, what was this girl angry with?

No matter which amount of calamity it is, it is all the matter of the big brother, what does it matter to her as a golden fairy?

After reacting for a while, Chen Sheng suddenly realized that this girl seems to be a maid from the Wa Palace?

Ah this? ?

Chen Sheng thought for a while, and persuaded: “Sister, this is all destined, and it’s useless if you are angry.”

Nuwa asked in grief and indignation, “Is there no way to solve it?”


This palace lady is afraid that she wants to eat her fart!

Chen Sheng rolled his eyes, and then said: “What can you do with a maid?”

Nuwa is speechless, she is Nuwa Benwa!

Do you know the destiny of own, and still can’t change it?

No, since senior said it, it must be a hint.

Nuwa guessed so in her heart.

Chen Sheng suddenly thought that he had revealed his secret secret. If Heavenly Dao spotted him, he wouldn’t be killed by Heavenly Dao, right?

Chen Sheng shuddered, but fortunately, these two goods were not prominent figures in the predicament.

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng persuaded: “By the way, what I said in Immortal Cave today, don’t tell the truth.”

After all, the little palace lady is working as a errand in the Wa Palace, so what if the security is passed into Nuwa’s ears?

He wants to prevent such things from happening 100%.

Fuxi and Nuwa thought that Chen Sheng was saying that they should not inform the people of Honghuang, and only let their brothers and sisters know.

The two of them were moved in their hearts. Nuwa knelt on the ground and said to Chen Sheng: “Thank you senior for your guidance, Junior will definitely not spread it out.”

Fuxi also said with a grateful look: “Senior, you are truly a peerless man, I will definitely not tell you about it.”

Chen Sheng:…

Forgive him, he is just an ordinary Ronaldo, what power?

Chen Sheng waved his hand helplessly and said, “Don’t call me senior, I’m just an ordinary Ronaldo. People can hear me and think I’m so capable.”

But it doesn’t matter whether the former is a senior or not, as long as these two are not secreted.

Fuxi and Nuwa couldn’t help but twitched their mouths, but they were used to Chen Sheng’s humility.

Although every time they saw Chen Sheng such a peerless power so low-key, they couldn’t help but convulse in their hearts, but luckily they didn’t react as much as they did when they first saw Chen Sheng.

Although Nuwa and Fuxi didn’t ask anything, they knew most of the things they wanted to know.

So Nuwa and Fuxi decided to leave.

But looking at Chen Sheng’s expression, the two had no choice but to change their words and said, “Well, fellow daoist, I will leave first.”

Chen Sheng nodded, feeling a little inexplicable. Why are these two people here?

Go away in a circle? weird.

But seeing the two leave, Chen Sheng immediately shuddered, and put away the words in Immortal Cave.

He hasn’t found anyone to chatter for too long, so is he a bit on the top of the chatter?

Actually spit out the big things that hadn’t happened in the prehistoric times to those two guys.

Fortunately, those two guys should be fine.

But these things can’t be said nonsense, you have to pay more attention to them in the future.

On the other side, Nuwa and Fuxi, who have left Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave, are in a very mixed mood.

Chen Sheng’s remarks made the two of them dizzy.

Originally they were still worried about the Human Race and the Lich War, but they never thought that all of this was Heavenly Dao’s calculations!

The Wu Clan and the Monster Clan fell into the calculations of Nuwa and Fuxi without exception.

“Big Brother, Heavenly Dao is unfair, what should I do when I wait?” Nuwa was already a little depressed at this time, she did not expect Heavenly Dao to be the biggest man behind the scenes.

Fuxi sighed, honestly, he didn’t know what to do.

But seeing that Nuwa’s mood was so low, Fuxi still comforted him: “Although Heavenly Dao is selfish, it’s not completely unprofitable. At least the human race is prospering, isn’t it?”

Nuwa sighed and said, “Big Brother, you don’t understand that the human race should prosper, but the witch race and the monster race shouldn’t fall victim to Heavenly Dao!”

Fuxi was speechless for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, I had no choice but to continue: “The Human Race has just gone through a great battle, and it’s already at Shouyang Mountain anyway. Why don’t you go to the Human Race to have a look?”

It is also good to distract Nuwa’s attention.

When Fuxi said this, Nuwa nodded.

In fact, she should go to Human Race.

Although the human crisis has been lifted, it is inevitable that there are still some worries in my heart.

Soon, Fuxi followed Nuwa to the Human Race.

Seeing that Fuxi went and returned, Nuwa also came to Terran, and everyone was extremely happy.

The third ancestors came to receive them immediately, and Suiren walked in the forefront. Seeing Nuwa and Fuxi coming, they immediately reverently said: “Suiren, pay homage to the Virgin, and see Emperor Xi.”

The Jinyi clan and Youchao clan also hurriedly followed to see him. Fortunately, this time Fuxi asked the senior for help, otherwise the human race might be in danger!

Nuwa looked at the three of them and said, “Don’t be polite, get up.”

Sui Ren said with a sincere expression, “How can it be done? If it weren’t for the help of Emperor Wa and Emperor Xi, how could my human race escape the demon claws of the demon race?”

When Nuwa heard this, she didn’t know what to say for a while.

After all, when she sensed the human crisis, she was already imprisoned by Hongjun Daozu in the Zixiao Palace.

Second, in the knowledge of the three ancestors and the human race, since Emperor Xi asked Chen Sheng for help, it must be Nuwa!

That being the case, of course they have to thank Nuwa.

When Fuxi saw this, he said to the third ancestor: “Okay, you can get up.”

Hearing this, the three ancestors got better.

Nuwa looked at the devastated human race, sighed, and said to the three ancestors: “Go ahead and see for yourself, the deity.”

The third ancestor was a little unclear, but Nuwa had already spoken, and they had to obediently retreat.

What’s more, even though the human race had few casualties during this great battle, after the mighty battle, it was still extremely desolate.

Houses and land have all been destroyed.

There are many things that still need to be handled by the three ancestors.

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