Chapter 71 The Demon Race’s Great Defeat, Heavenly Dao’s Will?

Naturally, the Jin Yi family was not to be left behind, and said to the human race: “Today, my human race is able to survive and rely on your great help.”

The Human Race was originally grateful to Broken Sword and the others, and after hearing the words of the three ancestors, they directly knelt on the ground to worship.

Every human race is full of joy of rebirth at this time!

In today’s battle, the human race is completely famous!

From today!

I’m afraid no one among the prehistoric people dare to provoke the human race anymore, right?

As the Yaozu left the Human Race, Broken Sword’s mission was also completed.

Looking at the human races who were grateful to him, Duan Jian actually had no waves in his heart.

For Broken Sword, he is nothing more than shit and I have completed the master’s account.

Now that the matter has been resolved, he naturally has nothing to nostalgia for.

Therefore, Broken Sword directly changed back to the tattered Broken Sword, and then fell into Fuxi’s hands. Fuxi respectfully caught Broken Sword, his eyes filled with awe of Broken Sword.

Seeing that the Human Race crisis had been resolved, Fu Xi was relieved, but he was even more worried about the Monster Race.

After all, with Dijun’s character, it is absolutely impossible to give up so easily.

So, go back to the Wa Palace and find Nuwa to find a way!

Thinking about this, Fuxi disguised the nine-sword star-patterned grass, and said through Heavenly Dao and the third ancestor: “I have to go and return the divine sword to the senior, so I will leave.”

The Heavenly Dao and Nine Swords Stargrass both arched their cupped hands, and the Nine Swords Stargrass said, “I want to go back to Immortal Cave to heal.”

Seeing that Fuxi and Jiujian Xingwencao were leaving, the human race went to see each other.

Hundreds of millions of people paid the highest courtesy to Fuxi one after another!

The Suiren clan even said with tears: “Thank you, Emperor Xi, for your rescue. From now on, my human race will definitely worship you.”

Fuxi was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he was a demon clan and demon emperor to be worshipped by the human clan?

What’s more, he didn’t actually do anything.

Fuxi said to the people: “Thank you for your kindness, and Fuxi will leave now.”

Then Fuxi left.

The three ancestors and all the people thanked the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass again, and the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass was used to it.

Because he was in a hurry to heal his injuries, he went straight back to Immortal Cave.

The badly injured Yuanshi Tianzun had a dark face, snorted at the Heavenly Dao person, and walked away directly!

The Heavenly Dao people looked at Yuanshi Tianzun’s back, after a moment of contemplation, he sighed and left.

On the other side, Fuxi went straight to Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

In Immortal Cave, Fuxi respectfully offered Broken Sword with both hands and said to Chen Sheng: “Thank you Chen…Chen fellow daoist for helping. The human crisis has been resolved.”

Originally Fuxi wanted to call Chen Sheng senior, but Chen Sheng had never liked this title, so he had to give up.

But after Chen Sheng heard Fuxi’s words, his expression was dumbfounded.

Even though he gave the broken sword to Fuxi, in Immortal Cave, he has always been restless.

In the end, I didn’t expect Fuxi to come back so soon, and tell the others that the crisis has been resolved?

Chen Sheng touched his chin and looked inexplicable. The human crisis has been lifted?

He gave a broken sword, how could it solve the human crisis?

Did he guess wrong?

What Human Race did not experience was the Tribulation of the Sorcerer Sword?

But according to the timeline, this is also true!

While Chen Sheng was pondering, Fuxi said with great emotion: “Chen fellow daoist, you are truly a peerless power. If it weren’t for your shot this time, Human Race would definitely be in danger!”

Originally, Fuxi still had a lot of opinions on Chen Sheng, but after experiencing this incident, Fuxi realized that this talent in front of him is a real hermit power!

However, Chen Sheng rolled his eyes and said to Fuxi disgustingly: “Every day, what nonsense, I have become a peerless power, isn’t that peerless power running everywhere? ”

Fuxi couldn’t help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Perhaps this was the low-key aspect of hermit power!

If hermits of this level are all running around in a hurry, wouldn’t he Fuxi wipe people’s ass?

On the other side, in the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun sighed when seeing the demon clan leaving.

As soon as he turned his head, Nuwa and Daddy were released.

“Thank you, Master, Master, my second brother is injured, so I will leave first.” Daddy hurriedly went to find Yuanshi Tianzun, and said to Hongjun Daozu!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun narrowed his eyes, and then said: “Go, but the deity reminds you not to listen to some undesirable remarks, and never to intervene in prehistoric things at will, Heavenly Dao will naturally promote everything.”

What a smart person is daddy?

When the crow measures the calamity and confines the gods to measure the calamity, he can retreat with his whole body, how can he not understand the subtext of Daozu Hongjun?

Daddy was frightened in a cold sweat, and quickly cupped hands and said to Hongjun Daozu: “Daddy dare not.”

Dao Zu Hongjun nodded, and said lightly: “Well, go.”

Daddy immediately left the Zixiao Palace and headed to Kunlun Mountain.

Just after daddy left, Dao Zu Hongjun looked at Nuwa high up and said, “Nuwa, what the deity just now, do you understand?”

Nuwa was already a little angry at this time, where would he attack Hongjun Daozu?

Nuwa frowned and asked directly: “Master, why are you manipulating behind and letting the monsters attack and kill the humans?”

From the moment Hongjun Daozu shot, Nuwa understood that this matter was controlled by Hongjun Daozu.

She really didn’t understand, why let the monster race and the human race kill each other?

Nuwa is not only the mother of the human race, but also the demon emperor of the demon race, how can she watch the demon race and the human race fight?

But she was still trapped in this Purple Heaven Palace by Hongjun Daozu, and she couldn’t do anything.

Fortunately, Chen Sheng took the shot, otherwise the consequences of Human Race would be unimaginable.

Taoist Hongjun looked at Nuwa with a sullen face and said, “The deity said that this is Heavenly Dao’s arrangement. I must obey the destiny!”

Nuwa opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything.

Yes, if this is Heavenly Dao’s arrangement, what can she do as Sage?

Nuwa was silent for a moment, and finally cupped hands said to Hongjun Daozu: “If this is the case, the disciple will leave first.”

Fearing that something might happen, Hongjun Daozu finally told Nuwa: “It is not easy for you to become a Sage. If you don’t follow Heavenly Dao, I think you should be aware of the consequences.”

Nuwa’s hands tightened involuntarily, even if you Nuwa is Sage, how can you go against Heavenly Dao?

If you go against Heavenly Dao, you will be deprived of Sage’s identity by Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao will be punished by Heavenly Dao. From then on, Nuwa can no longer be accommodated in the predecessor, just like the devil’s throat.

Nuwa was a little weak, and eventually he arched his cupped hands, and said with some difficulty to Daozu Hongjun: “Master, suddenly understand.”

Dao Zu Hongjun nodded, hoping that his warning will be useful to Nuwa!

“Go ahead.”

With the approval of Dao Master Hongjun, Nuwa left the Purple Cloud Palace in despair.

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