Chapter 70 Anger Slashes Emperor Jun’s Arm, The Demon Race ran away

Then, the monstrous Sword intent once again condensed.

Broken Sword intends to destroy the entire monster race directly.

The Sword intent that ruined the world, hovered directly in the sky, and was about to attack the monster race.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who was observing far away in the Zixiao Palace, could not sit still at this time, and the demon clan could not be destroyed!

Daozu Hongjun frowned, and wanted to step on Shattering Void to stop the broken sword in an unprecedented way!

However, when Hongjun Daozu set off, Fuxi stood in front of Broken Sword and knelt down.

“Brother Dao, be merciful!”

The Sword intent, which was about to land on the monster clan, stopped.

Broken Jian frowned, but still looked at Fuxi and asked, “What?”

Fuxi didn’t know how to say it, after all, this time it was indeed the Yaozu who took the blame.

However, Fuxi couldn’t just watch the demon clan fall away, so he said firmly:

“Brother Dao, please give me a size for the Monster Race. Although the Monster Race offended the Human Race this time, it didn’t make a big mistake in the end. I hope you can give the Monster Race a chance to reform.”

Broken Sword thought for a while. After all, if Fuxi hadn’t gone to Chen Sheng to inform him, the human race would have disappeared, so at this time, he still had to give Fuxi some faces.

Duan Jian accepted the Sword intent, and sneered: “Huh, I really don’t know why you want to intercede for these idiots.”

Fuxi smiled and saw the sky full of Sword intent disappeared, and immediately knelt on the ground and said, “Thank you brother!”

Broken Sword thought for a while, and swiped it directly with a Sword intent.

In an instant, Di Jun dropped an arm to the ground.

Blood spewed from Di Jun’s fracture, and Di Jun shivered in pain.

Broken sword turned out to be a broken arm of Emperor Jun!

It is still cut off along with the origin, just like the hair of the second sage in the west, it will never grow out!

Looking at this shocking scene, Fuxi couldn’t help but twitched the corners of her mouth, but after all, she didn’t say anything.

After all, this is the fault of the sword!

Dijun was so angry that he rushed forward and tried to die with Broken Sword.

Donghuang Taiyi understands that the situation is over, and can’t fight with Broken Sword at this time!

Only by living is the last word!

Donghuang Taiyi stopped Dijun and said bitterly, “Dage, I can save my life before I can come back!”

Hearing this, Di Jun finally found a trace of reason.

Immediately, looking at the monster army, Emperor Jun said aggrieved: “Let’s withdraw!”

After saying that the monster clan army directly fled, Fuxi breathed a sigh of relief, this is also a part of his contribution to the monster clan.

After the demon army left, the entire prehistoric land exploded directly.

Many great abilities are shocked!

On the territories of the human race, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was injured by the broken sword, couldn’t help frowning as he watched the scene in front of him.

This broken sword is so strong, much stronger than him!

Even Yuanshi Tianzun felt that if it hadn’t been for the broken sword that had just regained his strength, he had already become a dead soul under the sword.

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help but feel confused at this time.

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Nuwa was amazed and couldn’t help saying:

“I never thought that the senior was so tough. The whole monster race plus Yuanshi Tianzun could not even shake the senior.”

Nuwa should have gone to the Human Territory at this time, thank Chen Sheng for her, but she was still trapped in the Zixiao Palace and couldn’t get out at all!

Daddy sighed deeply, nodded with some emotion, and said, “Second brother is indeed a little impulsive this time, alas, I hope he will gain a wiser after eating.”

Daddy originally thought that Yuanshi Tianzun would surely be able to beat the broken sword, but he didn’t expect to be injured by the broken sword!

Fortunately, he was detained in the Zixiao Palace by the ancestor Hongjun!

In addition, the entire prehistoric land was stunned!

All the great powers only noticed the strength of Broken Sword just now, and now they are completely confused by the operation of Broken Sword!

Is this too strong?

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked this time that all the chess pieces in his hand fell. Who is this person?

In the predicament, why have you never heard of such a person?

The ancestor of Styx was also shocked. He was originally studying how to learn from Nuwa’s creation to gain merit and sanctification.

Who knew Hong Huang suddenly had such a big event!

Even the twelve ancestor witches in the Pangu Cemetery were shocked by the prehistoric events.

Seeing that there were no abnormalities in Pangu Cemetery, the Twelve Ancestor Wu planned to leave Pangu Cemetery quickly.

the other side.

Zixiao Palace.

Daozu Hongjun frowned and looked at the demon clan who had fled.

Since he Yishen and Heavenly Dao, there has never been such a variable!

what the hell is it?

When did such a broken sword appear in the prehistoric times?

“No, you must never let this amount of calamity ruin the deity’s good deeds!”

Daozu Hongjun frowned and said angrily.

This time, fortunately, Fuxi blocked the broken sword, otherwise he would have to force himself to shoot it himself!

Broken Sword once said that he respected his master’s order and protected the human race.

Is the master of the broken sword and the grass Luo Hu?

Did Luo Hou have seen that it was so strong?

Even one of his swords has mastered a path?

In any case, Dao Ancestor Hongjun severely injured the Demon Zu Luo Maw at the beginning, no matter how fast he recovers, his strength is definitely not as good as before.

However, Hongjun Daozu’s strength is many times stronger than before!

Therefore, Daozu Hongjun must stop the conspiracy of Mozu Luohu, and kill him before Luohu can really grow up!

Never let Luo Hou continue to spoil his own good deeds!

A vicious look flashed in Hongjun Daozu’s eyes.

Then Hongjun Daozu began to deduction, after some deduction, still to no avail!

But this is what Hongjun Daozu expected!

He wanted to see, as long as he was in this predicament, where could Luo Hu hide?

Dao Zu Hongjun began to deduct again, but this time he took advantage of the power of Heavenly Dao. Under the power of Heavenly Dao, he didn’t believe it and he really couldn’t find Luo Maw!

Again, some deduction.

This time, he used Heavenly Dao to start tracing back to the source.

After some tossing, Daozu Hongjun finally noticed the clues.

Following the clues, he finally let Hongjun Daozu feel Luohu’s breath.

Feeling the breath of Demon Zu Luo Maw, Hongjun Dao Zu was excited.


This time, he must cut the roots!

On the other side, Shouyang Mountain.

Seeing the Yaozu fleeing in despair, the Human Race was extremely happy.

Although after this battle, Shouyang Mountain and even the surrounding land were in a mess, but the human race was in no way damaged anyway!

Looking at Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave’s direction, Sui Ren said with tears, “It is the senior who protects my human race! My human race is fortunate to be blessed by senior, and I am grateful!”

You Chao also slowed over, and knelt on the ground with a plop and said, “Thank you, Emperor Xi, thank you Excalibur senior, thank Jiujian senior, and Chen senior for his life-saving grace, Human Race is indebted!”

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