Chapter 52 Demon Zu Luo Maw

Daozu Hongjun handed the red Calabash to Daoist, and said: “This thing is accidentally obtained by the deity. Since the West is barren, it is given to you.”

Daoist quickly reached out to catch Red Calabash.

Accepting the introduction of Red Calabash Daoist was ecstatic, it seems that Hongjun Daozu really owes Western Karma!

As Hongjun Daozu, shouldn’t be wronged?

In that case, asking for two more Magic Treasures, isn’t it too much?

“Thank you, Master, for your understanding, but the West is too barren. I am afraid that even if there is a red Calabash, it can’t change anything?” Daoist took the red Calabash and said with a sigh.

Daozu Hongjun was a little unhappy, but he didn’t show it. After all, he owed Karma!

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Hongjun gave another middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao.

Daoist and Zhunti Daoist quickly accepted, and Daoist was quoted, but I didn’t expect to get two more Xiantian spirit treasures!

This wave is really making a lot of money!

Then, Zhun mention Daoist will accept it as soon as he sees it, and is about to leave. Who knows, Daoist suddenly took out the damaged ten second rank merit golden lotus, and said to Hongjun Daozu:

“Master, now this lotus platform is also destroyed, my Western teaching is really miserable!”

The ancestor of Hongjun was taken aback, then frowned.

According to Heavenly Dao, the ten second-rank merit golden lotus was destroyed, isn’t it after the gods were conferred?

Why is the ten second-rank merit golden lotus destroyed now?

Things are a bit beyond the control of Daozu Hongjun. Before Hongjun Daozu could think deeply, he received Daoist’s cry and pulled him back.

Daozu Hongjun couldn’t help but the blue veins burst on his forehead. Both of these two pit cargoes were given to three Xiantian spirit treasures. Are you still not satisfied?

If it weren’t for Hongjun Daozu who really owed Karma to the West, and the two of them were Heavenly Dao Sage, Hongjun Daozu really wanted to rub the two to death!

But Hongjun Daozu has no choice. Who makes him owe Western Karma?

In desperation, he could only give them some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

At the same time, he ordered: “If this is the case, this can be regarded as a piece of the deity’s heart, so wait for you to go back.”

Although Hongjun Daozu was already very upset with the two of them, he still said lightly.

Taking Daoist happily to catch things, some of these Xiantian spirits, taking Daoist feels like he has found another way to make a fortune, he is already flirting!

Daoist was addicted to the lead and wanted to cry poor, but Zhunti Daoist silently pulled on the clothes of the lead Daoist.

Daoist finally understood, and immediately stopped. If he wants to continue like this, Hongjun Daozu will definitely be angry.

Then I took a peek at the look of Hongjun Daozu. It was okay, but he was a little impatient.

Zhunti Daoist stabbed Daoist with his elbow, and Daoist immediately reacted. He kneeled on the ground respectfully and said to Hongjun Daozu:

“Thank you Master, then the two of us will say goodbye and let Master rest.”

Dao Zu Hongjun nodded, he wished these two guys leave soon.

After that, the two Westerners left quickly, for fear that Hongjun Daozu would repent.

Watching the two Westerners leave, Hongjun Daozu’s face couldn’t help but sink.

Although Daozu Hongjun still feels distressed about the things that he gave to the Westerners just now.

However, compared to the things he gave to these two guys just now, he wants to know who told the Western two of these things!

At the beginning, the demon ancestor Luo Hu instigated the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes to fight, and wanted to use this to prove the way by killing.

In order to avoid the collapse of the great famine, Hongjun Daozu, Yangmei ancestor, Qiankun ancestor, Yin & Yang ancestor together broke the demon ancestor Luohu’s Zhuxian sword formation.

Demon ancestor Luo Hu was so angry that he actually used the Zhuxian Sword Array to detonate the Western Earth Vessel.

Then, Luo Hu died, and the West was also barren.

But, because Luo Hu died, Karma came to him!

It’s just this matter that Daoist and Zhunti Daoist should be quoted without knowing it.

And also the previous daddy, which was more than a million years earlier than the expected time of sanctification!

At that time, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t deduce anything.

Could it be…

Didn’t Luo Hui die in the battle that year?

And all of this is Luo Hu’s mischief?

Thinking of this, Hongjun Daozu’s face sank two degrees.

On the other side, the two Westerners returned to Mount Sumeru.

Now that the West has won one top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, two middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and so many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, both of them are extremely happy!

Zhunti Daoist loves to touch the red Calabash in his hand, and said to the quoted Daoist: “Brother, I never thought that what the man said was right, Daozu really owes us Western Karma!”

The person who led Daoist to think of Shouyang Mountain was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: “That senior can even know such a secret thing. It must be a peerless power living in seclusion. The predecessor must not easily provoke it!”

Zhunti Daoist also nodded deeply.

However, at the same time.

Chen Sheng saw that the sun was good, and then ran to take out the recliner, lay on the recliner, made a pot of tea, and basked in the sun leisurely.

Not long after lying down, an uninvited guest came on the hill.

This person is Fuxi, watching Chen Sheng basking in the sun, he arched his hands and said, “Senior?”

Chen Sheng raised his eyebrows, too lazy to talk to Fuxi.

What is wrong with this guy’s brain?

Chen Sheng took another sip of tea and smashed his mouth.

Then he sighed and drank tea every day, and the birds faded out of his mouth.

Chen Sheng missed the smell of the lotus flower a bit, so he still has to change his taste.

After thinking about it, Chen Sheng grabbed it casually.

Then, I caught a tattered black Lotus flower from the long river of time. The key is that the black Lotus flower is still smoking~

Chen Sheng couldn’t help frowning when he saw this lotus flower, and said a little disgustedly: “Why is this lotus flower so broken?”

Fuxi was aside, her face pale in shock.

What is this special?

The familiar aura that destroys the world and the extremely powerful pressure directly caused Fu Xi to be dumbfounded on the spot.

“Mie… Destroy the world black lotus?”

Fuxi stammered.

That’s the black lotus that destroys the world!

The spirit treasure of Demon Zu Luohu!

However, didn’t the exterminating black lotus disappear after the devil ancestor Luo Hu died?

And at this moment, an extremely powerful demonic energy suddenly appeared on the world exterminating black lotus.

Fuxi’s face changed immediately, the breath of the demon ancestor Luohu!

Demon Zu Luohu?

He’s not dead yet?

Suddenly, Fuxi felt a little soft in her legs.

An instinctive fear made Fuxi want to run!

At this time, Chen Sheng cast his eyebrows in disgust.

What the hell?

Chen Sheng’s expression was very calm, and he directly stretched out his hand and shook it, and the monstrous demonic energy suddenly stopped!

Fu Xi was stunned, and Luo Hui, the demon ancestor who was just so awesome, was out of breath?

That’s Luo Hu!

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