Chapter 51-Hongjun Gives Xiantian Lingbao to the West

If you get Hongjun Daozu, Daoist and Zhunti Daoist will be introduced into the Zixiao Palace to meet Hongjun Daoist.

Looking at the two Westerners, Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help but wonder.

What are these two people doing to find themselves?

Dao Zu Hongjun sat on the top, looking down from above, leading Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist and asked, “Wait, what’s the matter with the deity?”

Zhunti Daoist was just about to speak, and he took Daoist to kneel on the ground with a plop, and burst into tears.

Daoist was also taken aback!

However, immediately, Zhunti Daoist reacted and knelt on the ground, crying and crying.

The two are worthy of the predecessor’s most playful combination, this combination is simply perfect.

Hongjun Daozu:? ? ?

Thinking that these two cowardly goods were actually Tianding Sage, Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help but violently violently.

If he hadn’t owed Western Karma, how would he not make these two holy!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun was full of black lines, but still waved his hand, and asked in a deep voice, “You two came to find the deity, what is it?”

Quoting Daoist is worthy of being a dramatist, even when he cried with his nose and tears:

“Master, you also know that I am poor in the West. Not only is my Spiritual Qi thin, but there are also very few living creatures.”

Acting belongs to acting, so Daoist’s remarks are true.

After being bombed by the Mozu Luo Maw, the West had no grass for a while, and naturally there were very few creatures.

And the two Westerners who knew the reason of the matter regarded it as a life-saving straw!

Sage’s Karma…

If this is Hongjun Daozu who is about to break this Karma, can’t he come up with something good?

Thinking of this, Zhunti Daoist also touched his tears, and echoed: “Yes, Master, do you see whether it is Kunlun Mountain or Wa Palace, that is not a cave in the world? And I am west of Sumeru Mountain, there is nothing!”

“Yes, we are also your disciples anyhow, do you have the heart to let others mock us?”

Then Daoist squeezed his eyes while observing the reaction of the ancestor Hongjun.

The implication of this is that Hongjun Daozu must not favor one another!

Daozu Hongjun’s eyelids twitched, realizing that it was not easy.

He wanted to see what the two guys were doing!

Suddenly Daoist took a peek at Hongjun Daozu again, and saw that Hongjun Daozu had no reaction, and continued: “Master, even the wizards are a thousand times better than my situation in the West!”

Hongjun Daozu was helpless, but the two of them were telling the truth.

In fact, the West was also a blessing originally, but it’s a pity…

It is self-evident that the two of them came to Zixiao Palace, but how could Daozu Hongjun make them get what they wanted?

After thinking a little bit, Hongjun Daozu comforted: “You two are Sages of Heaven. You only need to practice hard, and you will have opportunities in the future.”

It is Sage of Heaven, but compared to Sanqing and Nuwa, these two people are sanctified in the West with a little bit of water.

Not only discovered the ambition, but also owed Heavenly Dao a lot of Karma.

I am afraid that some Karma will be paid off in a lifetime, right?

Now, seeing that the time has come, it’s better to fool them.

Then, Hongjun Daozu said: “This seat deduces Heavenly Dao, knowing that the chance of sanctification for the two of you is coming soon, you two just need to wait piously.”


When it comes to sanctification opportunities, both Zhunti and Receiving are thrilled.

However, didn’t Hongjun Daozu once said that the secrets of the secrets should not be revealed?

Could it be that Hongjun Daozu was perfunctory to them?

It seems that what Hongjun Daozu owes Western Karma is true!

Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist looked at each other, and they were shocked.

Seeing that the time had come, Daoist was quoted directly wiping away tears and crying: “Master, even if we two are sanctified. Isn’t the West still barren?”

The corners of Hongjun Daozu’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, these two people seem to have another purpose?

Zhunti Daoist looked like a dead mother and cried:

“Don’t talk about it, the Western Earth Vessel didn’t know who was blown up by it. The restoration would definitely not be able to restore it. But Karma didn’t know who it was. If he finds it, he will definitely be allowed to compensate the West for its losses.”

After that, Zhunti Daoist also took a peek at Hong Kyun Dao Zu’s reaction.

Daoist was also a little frightened when he was quoted. Dao Zu Hongjun investigated it, and his expression was very wretched.

Hongjun Daozu:? ? ?

He can see the purpose of these two guys here!

Feelings are the inside story of knowing this?

Even if the two of them didn’t say anything, Hongjun Daozu had to return this Karma!

It’s just a matter of such a long time, how did they know?

If you knew it a long time ago, why didn’t you come to him long ago?

Did someone tell them?

Or is it that the blind cat ran into a dead mouse?

After thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu decided to test these two people, so he asked: “Since you know that the Western Spiritual Vessel was blown up, do you know how the Western Spiritual Vessel was blown up?”

Suddenly Daoist swallowed, remembering what Chen Sheng had said.

It is naturally impossible to quote Daoist truthfully to tell Hongjun Daozu that he had learned from Chen Sheng, so he kept talking:

“The disciple heard that it was during the dragon and the Han’s calamity period. The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu destroyed the earth veins in the battle, but now that the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu has been robbed, Karma doesn’t know who fell on it.”

After finishing speaking, he led Daoist and took a peek at Hong Kyun Dao Zu.

He spoke very tactfully, for fear that Hong Jun Daozu would be upset.

Such suggestive remarks would be Hongjun Daoist still not responding.

Then they can do nothing!

Hongjun Taoist ancestor was full of black lines. As expected, these two people knew what happened back then!

Is this coming to trouble yourself?

But how did these two people know?

Hongjun Daozu was a little irritable for a while.

But I did owe Western Karma back then, and I haven’t paid it off yet.

If this matter spreads to prehistoric times, it will inevitably affect own image.

But how should we send these two people away?

It seems that if these two are not given some benefits, these two are reluctant to leave willingly!

Thinking of this, Daozu Hongjun sighed silently in his heart.

After thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu distressedly took out a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao.

Although he is the No. 1 Sage, these Xiantian spirits are also very precious to him, right?

After taking Daoist and Zhunti Daoist a look, they were shocked.

This turned out to be Calabash! ?

Zijinhong Calabash was formed by the Xiantian Calabash vine and later by Hongyun Daoist.

However, after Hongjun Daozu preached, Hongyun Daoist gave way to the lead Daoist and Zhunti Daoist was hated by Kunpeng.

In the end, Kunpeng and Styx ancestors killed Hongyun Daoist, but Hongyun Daoist’s Red Calabash disappeared.

Unexpectedly, it was taken out of Hongjun’s hands now!

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