Chapter 53 Demon Zuluo’s Throat Has Smelly Feet

Chen Sheng didn’t know what was inside the black lotus. He simply felt that the lotus flower gave off a smell of feet, and the smoker couldn’t open his eyes.

Therefore, Chen Sheng directly squeezed the black lotus, and said with a look of disgust: “The same is the Lotus flower, how can this vaguely smelly feet!”


Is he talking about the stinky black lotus of exterminating the world?

In fact, in this world-destroying black lotus noodles, the remnant soul of Luo Hu resides.

When the dragon and the gang fought the calamity battle, Mozu Luohou realized that he would fail, and first left a way out for himself.

Later, after the big defeat, his soul entered into the black lotus of exterminating the world.

Because he was afraid of being caught by Hongjun, he escaped into the long river of time and wandered all the time.

Knowing that now, suddenly returning to the wild, this sudden opportunity made Mozu Luo Maw very happy!

Soon, Mozu Luo Maw wanted to seize the living beings and make a comeback!

As soon as he did something, he was directly pushed back into the Black Lotus of Extinguishing World.

Suddenly, Demon Zu Luo Hui couldn’t help being taken aback.

After reacting, Mozu Luo’s throat was furious!

It’s an honor to win you for being a magnificent demon ancestor, dare to refuse?

Fuxi wanted to remind Chen Sheng, after all, Mozu Luo Maw is a ruthless character in the predicament!

Today’s Lich War, in the eyes of the original Demon Zu Luo Maw, is just drizzle!

What’s more, the Mozu Luo Maw is still alive now! ?

That means that the ancestor Hongjun, together with the ancestor Yangmei and other four people, failed to kill the Mozu Luo Maw!

From this one can imagine how strong Mozu Luo Maw is.


Chen Sheng directly stretched out his hand and snapped on the extinct black lotus!



Mozu Luo Maw:…

This is really an exterminating black lotus!

Was it broken like this?

Both of them had doubts about life at this time.

After breaking off a petal of an extinct black lotus, Chen Sheng took out the tea set smoothly like a cloud and flowing water.

Chen Sheng put the petals of the extinct black lotus into the tea water and washed it once. After refilling the water, he slowly took a sip and nodded and said:

“Compared to the golden Lotus flower, this is far worse, but the taste is okay.”

Mozu Luo Maw was shocked, and at the same time even more angry!

How dare this stupid guy use his extinct black lotus to soak in water?


How could this thin guy be able to break the petals of the extinct black lotus with his bare hands?

It must be that the Destroyed Black Lotus is too badly damaged!

He must kill this guy, then rob his body and re-emerge out of the wild!

Just do it, Mozu Luo Maw is controlling the Destroying Black Lotus, and is about to give birth to a poisonous hand on Chen!

However, just when Mozu Luo Maw thought he was about to succeed, Chen Sheng grabbed the black smoke in his hand.

Then he said with a disgusting expression: “This black lotus won’t have worms anymore? What is it? Isn’t this guy’s feet stinky?”

Birth… insects?

That’s what an exterminating black lotus!

The spirit treasure of Mozu Luohu was actually said to be worms? ?

He only wanted to kill Chen Sheng at this time, but it was a pity that his remnant soul was caught in his hands by Chen Sheng.

When Fuxi saw this scene, he was directly shocked on the spot!

Who is the Demon Zu Luo Maw?

That’s an absolute hunk!

At the beginning, when the Dragon and the Han weighed the calamity, the Demon Zu Luohou almost wiped out the dragon, the phoenix and the Qilin tribe with his own power, and almost destroyed the entire prehistoric land!

Until later, even if it was Hongjun Daozu, Yangmei ancestor and other four people, they failed to control the demon ancestor!

But now, Chen Sheng actually pinched the Mozu Luo Maw in his hand to play with?

The black smoke that was dying in Chen Sheng’s hands was suddenly Mozu Luo Maw?


Feeling disgusted, Chen Sheng stuffed the black air he was holding into the black lotus again.

Tucked into the black lotus, Chen Sheng tilted his head and looked at the black lotus for a moment.

Almost just for an instant, the power of the endless good fortune rushed to the black lotus.

Suddenly, a natural vision was born, the clouds covered the sun, and the whole Shouyang Mountain was filled with devilish energy!

Above Heavenly Dao, faint thunder and lightning appeared.

That turned out to be the strongest thunder robbery in the prehistoric times, and the Nine Heavens should be the thunder robbery!

The great powers were amazed!

Jiuxiao should be the god of thunder?

How many years hasn’t this happened?

What happened and why did it cause Heavenly Dao to vibrate! ?

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu’s heart sank!

This familiar devilish energy is Mozu Luo Maw?

Dao Zu Hongjun guessed at the beginning that the Demon Zu Luo Maw was not dead, but now Heavenly Dao is shaking, it must be Demon Zu Luo Maw.

At the same time, Nuwa frowned, and of course she felt the terrible breath.

It’s just that it was a little unclear for a while.

Sanqing and the West are even more confused.

Originally, the thunder and lightning had already come down.

However, Chen Sheng raised his head and glanced at the sky at random. The thunder and lightning stopped at first and then disappeared.

With the disappearance of the thunder tribulation, there are also floating clouds and sky full of visions that cover the sky and the sun!

Chen Sheng silently complained: “I’m so bored, it’s going to rain again!”

At this scene, Fu Xi was stunned for a while.


Do you call this thing raining?

But how strong is Chen Sheng’s strength?

That was the Thunder of Heavenly Dao, and Chen Sheng glared back at it?

Fuxi didn’t dare to think about it.

Then, the damage on the black lotus body seemed to have been repaired, and the petals slowly bloomed.

In the center of the lotus platform, there is actually a cool boy in black sitting!

And with the appearance of the boy in black, the black lotus disappeared slowly.

In this scene, Fuxi had a heart attack!

Will the black lotus be destroyed?

This senior actually has such a terrifying ability?

Looking at the cool boy in black, Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction, not bad, the kid has his own style.

Chen Sheng said to the boy in black: “From now on you will be my boy, and his name is Hei Lian.”

Mozu Luo Maw! ? ? ?

Although he didn’t know why he merged with the black lotus and possessed the entity.

However, Luo Huo, his dignified demon ancestor, was the guy who crushed the predecessor to pieces!

Become a boy with a big Luo, is this big Luo thinking about fart?


It’s ridiculous!

The more he thought about it, the more angry, Luo Hu wanted to attack Chen Yansheng and directly kill the guy who got in the way.

But when he thought of Chen Sheng breaking the black lotus with his bare hands, and squeezing himself, Mozu Luohou decided to take a long-term plan.

It’s a long-term plan, and it has nothing to do with counseling.

A joke, his dignified Demon Zu Luohuo will persuade! ?

Mozu Luo’s throat looked uncertain, and after a little thought, he decided to stay with this guy first.

After he finds out the details of the goods, look for opportunities to kill him.

When the time comes, his Demon Zu Luo Maw will make a comeback, and this predecessor will have to bow to him!

Then Chen Sheng took some tea to Mozu Luo Maw, Mozu Luo Maw had an unclear face, so this guy knew that own was great, and he was showing his favor?

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