Chapter 50 Hongjun owes Western Karma?

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

Originally, Chen Sheng was just talking to himself and nagging.

But this word spread to the ears of the three people, but it was like thunder!

Zhunti Daoist and the lead Daoist were shocked and looked at Chen Sheng in disbelief.

As the western duo themselves, why didn’t they know this?

How can Hongjun Daozu owe them Karma?

What the hell does this happen! ?

Even if Nuwa is Sage, it is a little unclear.

“Fellow daoist, you said that the ancestor owes Karma, the two Westerners? Why is this?” Nuwa frowned and asked.

Because Chen Sheng didn’t like Nuwa to call him senior, Nuwa had to call Chen Sheng fellow daoist.

Chen Sheng looked at Nuwa with disgust, and then said, “You don’t know this?”

Nuwa and the Westerners shook their heads in unison.

They had never heard of this before, but Chen Sheng was so powerful that he would not be able to say anything about it.

Seeing the three of them shaking their heads, Chen Sheng said silently again:

“It seems that you have a very low status in the prehistoric? You don’t know such a shallow question.”

All three were speechless for a while.

This senior dare to say so.

Although the two Westerners are wretched, they are also respected in the predicament.

Even if the status of the Western two is not as good as the Sanqing and Lich clan.

Nuwa Sage’s low status in the prehistoric?

In addition to Hongjun Daozu, Nuwa is the strongest in the entire prehistoric!

Chen Sheng drank his mouth water and continued: “Back then, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu destroyed the Western Territory. It was because of Hongjun’s persecution that Demon Ancestor Luo Hu died. But the West is still barren, so Karma naturally fell on Hongjun.”

The three of them peeped at each other, but there is still this matter! ?

Hongjun Daozu owes the western two Karma?

This is a big deal!

In the prehistoric lands, Hongjun Daozu transformed into Heavenly Dao, and he was recognized by the predominantly the strongest!

Never thought that I owed Karma to the western two?

Then, Chen Sheng said: “If Hongjun owed Karma to the two Westerners, those two Sage rounds would win others? How could they be?”

Both of them looked a little embarrassed, how could they both be so good?

Although it is inferior to Nuwa in terms of strength, inferior to Sanqing in terms of status, and inferior to Lich II in terms of cohesion.

But do they still have advantages?

For example, in the entire prehistoric land, there are only two of them with bald heads.

Before Daoist and Zhunti Daoist could respond, Chen Sheng continued: “If the two Westerners go to Hongjun, Hongjun will definitely not reckless, but unfortunately, those two guys will only play tricks. Mortal wisdom!”

Then Daoist and Zhunti Daoist looked at each other, their eyes were full of horror!

Never thought, there is still this thing!

After a while, Chen Sheng waved his hand and directly released the imprisonment of Daoist and Zhunti Daoist, and told them:

“Although you two little thieves are a little poor, you can’t be spineless!”

Isn’t it poor?

A lotus flower and a broken tree can be so distressed.

Sure enough, the hateful person must be pitiful!

Then, Chen Sheng sighed and said:

“For the sake of you didn’t make any serious mistakes, I will put you a yard today, small punishments and big warnings, don’t do stupid things in the future!”

Immediately, he threw the ten second-rank merit golden lotus and Qibao Miaoshu to the two.

It’s not a good thing, Chen Sheng is not rare.

However, when the two Westerners saw this scene, tears filled their eyes.

Inviting Daoist and Zhunti Daoist didn’t expect Chen Sheng to let them go and return Magic Treasures to himself!

This senior is a good person!

It is a pity that the ten second-rank merit golden lotus owes two petals, and the rank is greatly reduced.

Daoist was heartbroken and couldn’t breathe!

However, the two of them just have no other extravagant hopes, they just want to escape this place with the best Xiantian Lingbao.

The quoted Daoist immediately arched his cupped hands and said to Chen Sheng: “Senior, we offended today. We will visit again another day.”

Chen Sheng nodded, then led Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist to turn around and ran away, without nostalgia!

Looking at the back who led Daoist and Zhunti Daoist away, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Is he so scary?

Run so fast!

At this time, Nuwa asked: “Senior, Hongjun Daozu really owes Western Karma?”

After all, the fact that Daozu owed Western Karma was too unbelievable, and Nuwa couldn’t help but ask more.

Chen Sheng nodded and said, “Yes.”

On the other side, Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist, who were leading the way, looked back and looked at the direction of Shouyang Mountain, with lingering fears.

Then Daoist looked at the ten second-rank merit golden lotus with two petals missing in his hand, and cried!

This scene is as if Daoist had his hair shaved.

Very miserable!

After all, it is the best Xiantian Lingbao!

Now that I have lost it in vain, who can bear it on whom?

It’s fine after a violent beating, and lost two petals of the best Xiantian Lingbao.

Daoist is so heartbroken that he can’t breathe!

Zhunti Daoist watched sadly crying to lead Daoist, and comforted him aloud: “Brother, it’s a blessing for you and me to come back alive.”

It’s okay not to mention Daoist, but when he said that Daoist cried even more fiercely.

It is a shame that Zhunti was pressed on the ground and rubbed against it!

Seeing Daoist who couldn’t stop, Zhunti Daoist suddenly had an idea, remembering what Chen Sheng had said, and said to Daoist, “Brother, why don’t we go to Zixiao Palace?”

Purple Heaven Palace?

Hearing the Zixiao Palace, Daoist’s eyes suddenly brightened after the lead.

I don’t know if what Chen Sheng said is true or false, if it is true!

Na Hongjun Daozu owes Western Karma, and the two of them went to meet Hongjun, shouldn’t they be kicked out?

However, Daoist still hesitated, and said, “But Junior Brother, what if the senior lied to us?”

Zhunti Daoist hesitated for a moment, and then analyzed: “It is true that the Mozu Luo Maw destroyed the Western Spirit Vessel, and what the senior said is true.”

Daoist followed and nodded, and then said: “Then let’s go to the Zixiao Palace to meet Daozu. If there is this, it will be of great benefit to the West. If there is no such thing, Daoist will blame it, and we can also blame it. Senior!”

Zhunti Daoist nodded, an expression that I understand.

Worthy of being a Western duo, this thought is synchronized fast!

Afterwards, the two Westerners went directly to the Zixiao Palace.

Outside the Zixiao Palace, Daoist said respectfully: “Master received the lead to come and see you in advance, I wonder if Master can see it.”

Hearing Daoist’s words, Daoist Hongjun opened his eyes in the dimness.

Somewhat surprised, I don’t know why Jiying and Zhunti would come to visit him in the Zixiao Palace at this time.

However, since the lead-in and quasi-tick have already come, he can’t help but pass the message:

“Come in and talk.”

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