Chapter 405 The emperor thinks he deserves it!

Kunpeng dared to be so confident because of the Nuwa Empress behind the Yaozu.

He knew Nuwa’s temperament, as long as it was about the monster race, she definitely wouldn’t stand by.

Although Empress Nuwa said that he would never intervene in the demon clan again, but if the demon clan really had an accident and was bullied, it would be impossible for Empress Nuwa to stand by.

Therefore, relying on the backing of Nuwa Empress, Kunpeng naturally crushed the tribe patriarchs and did not give them any chance to resist.

After speaking, Kunpeng turned his head to look at the Zulong trio, full of provocation.

“Three patriarchs, are you right?”

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the three of them became gloomy in an instant, and the surrounding air was also condensed to below freezing by this gloom, and the atmosphere was extremely tense and weird.

The Zulong trio have been itchy by Kunpeng, but there is Nuwa above Kunpeng, they just can’t do anything to him!

That’s a devil! No kidding!

Where are they the opponents of the devil?

This accidentally old fate was taken in…

They have no right to refuse, they can only silently endure Kunpeng’s ridicule and insult to them, breaking the resentment and grievance and swallowing them in their stomachs.

This damn smelly bird! Something bullshit!

The head of the three tribes was full of reluctance, pulling his mouth, and bitterly squeezing out a few words from his teeth.


“We… are willing to surrender… the monster race.”

Seeing that the Zulong trio were forced to confess once again to surrender to the demon clan, Kunpeng’s smile grew thicker, and his face was instantly piled up with folds, which was very greasy and wretched.

Kunpeng squinted his eyes, with a smug look on his face, and went to Dijun to ask for credit.

“Your Majesty, you see, they have personally admitted that they are willing to surrender to the demon clan, do you believe it now?”

After speaking, Kunpeng also blinked his Kazilan’s big eyes, with a cunning look for praise.

Your Majesty, come and praise me!

When Di Jun saw that the head of the three clans had personally admitted that they were willing to surrender to the demon clan, the smile on his face couldn’t be stretched.

He couldn’t help being overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth were almost open to the back of his ears.

“Good! Very good! In that case, the emperor welcomes the three patriarchs to join!”

The patriarchs of the three tribes responded “behavely” and decided to obey Di Jun’s words, but in fact they harbored evil intentions.

snort! Also welcome you with your emperor?

What kind of hostile do you put on?

It is a great honor for us to surrender to your demon clan. No matter how you act, your emperor will have to greet us with the scenery and welcome us into the demon clan, and then be grateful to us.

What do you mean now?

It’s fine if we don’t welcome us as a clan, but don’t even say thank you? Just a word of welcome?

Ye Di, really treat them as courtiers?

Thinking of this, the lungs of the patriarchs of the three clans would explode.

This emperor Jun is clearly the emperor of a small monster race, he is not worth mentioning in front of them, humble like an ant.

Now they actually want to surrender to this humble thing like ants?

This is simply a great shame to their Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin tribes!

But the current situation is extremely unfavorable for them. Nuwa is pressing on the top, and they themselves are seriously injured, and they don’t have much fighting ability.

As a result, the patriarchs of the three clans finally chose to compromise again.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Thank your Majesty.”

Seeing that the three of them were willing to surrender, Di Jun was naturally happy and laughed frantically.

“Good, good! With three people joining, my monster clan is not far from Daxing!”

When Di Jun was happy, he praised Kunpeng by the way.

“Monster, this matter is done well, you really deserve to be the emperor’s right-hand man!”

Kunpeng must have done a lot in this matter. Kunpeng bears the brunt of this matter.

This is why his Emperor Jun has always been very optimistic about Kunpeng. Because he knows that Kunpeng has always had a lot of spooky ideas and a thick-skinned face, which can help him clear obstacles and deal with many tricky things.

This is why he knew that it was Kunpeng who deliberately let go of his ten children, but he did not move Kunpeng, but left his life.

In the face of hard evidence, he was blinded selectively and favored Kunpeng without any principle or bottom line.

This is all because Kunpeng is strong and knows how to do things, which can help him successfully become the predominant overlord.

Now that he saw it, he admired his wise decision even more.

He was really too smart at the beginning!

The more I think about it, the happier I am. Now the future of the Yaozu is bright, and it is not far from the unification of the prehistoric world and the rise of the Yaozu.

Di Jun raised his eyes and looked at the Zulong trio in front of him. Suddenly, he suddenly felt clever.

But now that the patriarchs of these three clans have already surrendered to the monster clan, wouldn’t he let them put all their luck on him?

After all, he is now their nominal monarch. Could they still not listen to the monarch’s orders?

This representative of luck is none other than his emperor!

Unexpectedly, going around and around still fell into his Dijun’s hands, it was funny thinking about it.

I always feel that this is a kind of inexplicable mockery to the patriarchs of the three tribes, and it is even a relief.

The patriarch of the three clans came to the Yaozu to persecute him, and asked his emperor to withdraw from the battle for hegemony; now Feng Shui has taken turns, becoming his emperor to order the patriarch of the three clans.

Thinking of this, Di Jun lightly coughed a few times before speaking.

“Now this human race has become the number one threat to our monster race, so this human race…cannot stay!”

“The best way to deal with this human race now is to fight a war of harassment. First send someone to divert the powers of Shouyang Mountain, and then the emperor will take the opportunity to launch an attack, bring troops in, and annihilate the human race in one fell swoop!”

The patriarch of the three tribes couldn’t help but have an unknown premonition welling up in his heart.

so what? What does this Dijun say about this?

The monsters of this monster race are full of bad water, and they don’t believe that this emperor is just beeping because of his idleness.

Sure enough, in the next second, Di Jun revealed his true face and said his intentions.

“Therefore, the emperor needs the cooperation of the three patriarchs. Because the emperor needs to annihilate the human race in one fell swoop, it is to fight against the powerful luck of the human race, so the emperor also needs the same powerful luck…”

The patriarch of the three tribes couldn’t help but twitched his mouth, his eyelids beating frantically.

Their instincts told him that this emperor was definitely trying to cheat them and wanted to cheat them.

Sure enough, Di Jun’s next sentence exposed his wolf ambition.

“The emperor thinks Heavenly Dao luck is a very good choice.”

“It happens that Daozu once said that we should let us decide this matter of luck. Now it seems that this matter should have a result.”

“With the blessing of Heavenly Dao’s luck, this emperor will destroy the human race, and revenge will definitely not be a problem.”

“In addition, you have now chosen to surrender to the emperor. This is the representative of luck, and the emperor is naturally well-deserved! I don’t know what the three patriarchs think?”

The patriarch of the tribe:! ! !

Di Jun’s wolf ambition was fully exposed, and instantly ignited the anger of the heads of the three clans.

Good guys! Sure enough, it is a stomach of bad water!

Such an idea!

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