Chapter 404 Demon Master, you can always give the emperor surprises!

Kunpeng raised his eyebrows when he heard it, which seemed to make fun of the patriarch of the three clans. He reached for his ears and squinted defiantly.

“I didn’t hear what the three patriarchs said!”


Knowing that the damn Kunpeng was deliberately embarrassing and taunting and provoking them, the patriarch of the three clans couldn’t refute it.

Because they knew they would be suppressed by this damn Kunpeng if they refuted, this stinky bird would definitely use Nuwa empress to suppress them!

Although the demon clan is not their opponent at all, and is not enough to match them, there is a Nuwa staring at him above the demon clan.

The Yaozu can’t beat them, but Nuwa can!

Nuwa can easily kill the three of them!

So when I think of the Nuwa empress behind the demon clan, that female devil, even if the clan chief of the three clan looks at Kunpeng in front of him, he is extremely unhappy, and dare not to be presumptuous easily.

The patriarch of the three clans flushed with anger, trembling all over, resisting the humiliation and responded loudly.

“We… are willing to surrender to… the monster! Clan!”

The last two words were almost squeezed out of the teeth by the heads of the tribes, and they almost crushed the steel teeth of the mouth with resentment!

Kunpeng looked at the suffocated appearance of the tribal chiefs who couldn’t bear him but couldn’t kill him. He felt very hearty and relieved.

Kunpeng nodded, still squinting, keeping his restrained smile.

“It’s so good.”

“Since the three patriarchs have agreed to surrender to my demon clan, the three will go with me to see the demon emperor at Heaven Court!”

After all, the process that should be followed still needs to be followed. Besides, he personally brought the patriarch of the three clans to his majesty’s presence, and he would surely give his majesty a big surprise.

If this matter is done, your majesty’s trust in own will only increase and not decrease.

With His Majesty’s trust, Own’s life is completely preserved, and your Majesty might still hand over the power to him.

In the future, the power is in hand, so don’t you just do what you want?

Thinking of this, the smile at the corner of Kunpeng’s mouth has gradually broken, and he will break the defense at any time, and come with a frenzied burst of laughter.

“The three and I will go to Heaven Court quickly!”

Kunpeng couldn’t wait any longer, and urged the patriarch of the three clans to go to Heaven Court with him.

The patriarchs of the three clans have not yet emerged from the shadow of being beaten by Nuwa. They are afraid that Kunpeng will use Nuwa to crush them again.

At the same time, they have personally said that they are willing to surrender to the demon clan. If they repent, wouldn’t they slap their own face?

Thinking of this, the patriarch of the three clans sighed helplessly and agreed to Kunpeng’s request, agreeing to go to the Heaven Court with Kunpeng to meet the demon emperor Jun.

Although they were talking about surrender, they didn’t accept it at all in their hearts.

The three of them have been alive for so long, and they are the elites of the Xiantian Spirit Clan, why are they willing to surrender to a small junior like this?

If this is spread, wouldn’t it make people laugh out of their teeth? How does this make them face, and where do they put their old face?

Therefore, although they surrendered to the monster race on the surface, they were turbulent in their hearts. They agreed that this surrender was only temporary.

When there is a chance in the future, they will definitely flatten the demon clan and return the humiliation this time.

They want the world to see that the patriarchs of their three clans are not good to bully, yes!

Thinking of this, the patriarch of the three tribes took a deep breath, slowed down, forcibly suppressed his anger, and steadily followed Kunpeng back to Heaven Court.

Heaven Court.

Di Jun was sitting on pins and needles at this time, looking at the door direction blankly, full of anxiety.

I don’t know if this demon master Kunpeng can make it happen?

It is naturally the best to succeed. With Nuwa’s help, why are their demons afraid of the tribe?

But what if you want to come back after being repaired by Nuwa as badly as last time?

Thinking of this, Di Jun was a little reluctant to continue thinking.

At this moment, Kunpeng came back, and there seemed to be three figures behind him.

When Di Jun saw this figure, he knew that it was not Nuwa, and he was a little disappointed in an instant.

Ah? Not Nuwa?

It seems that Empress Nuwa must have rejected Kunpeng, hey…

But Di Jun sighed halfway, but suddenly realized that those three figures turned out to be the patriarchs of the three clans? !

Di Jun shook his head in disbelief, and then took a closer look. He was taken aback and looked at the person in front of him incredulously.

It is indeed Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin, the patriarchs of the three tribes!

The haze on Di Jun’s face was swept away, where is there any dissatisfaction, where is there any sorrow?

The sadness and discomfort on his face were instantly replaced by smiles and joy. He suppressed the joy in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were already raised unconsciously.

This Kunpeng can always give him some surprises.

The demon master can actually let the patriarch of the three clans follow to the Heaven Court obediently, which is enough to see the power of the demon master.

“This is……”

When Di Jun saw the tribe patriarch, he was slightly taken aback, and asked with some doubts.

Although he was surprised that Kunpeng could handle these three old things, he didn’t know Kunpeng’s purpose of bringing these three old things back and forth to Heaven Court.

I thought Kunpeng would bring Nuwa back to help the demon clan, but now the demon master has brought back the head of the three clans. What does this mean?

Before Emperor Jun could finish his question, Kunpeng took the lead in answering.

“Your Majesty, the patriarchs of the three tribes are willing to surrender to our demon tribe, and are willing to surrender allegiance to your majesty, so I will bring them back.”

“What, what?”

When Di Jun heard it, his eyes went wide, his mouth opened wide in shock, and even his chin was almost dislocated.

“The three clans are willing to submit to my demon clan?”

What’s happening here?

The patriarchs of these three tribes also worked together to force themselves to withdraw from the preliminary struggle for hegemony, and withdraw from the struggle for the representative of luck!

Why did you change your mind so quickly?

Actually even promised to submit to the demon clan? This is simply incredible!

This matter, Nuwa Empress must have also taken action. Otherwise, with Kunpeng’s strength, how could he be the opponent of the patriarch of the three clans?

Unexpectedly, Kunpeng not only found Nuwa to help him and beat the head of the three clans; he also brought the heads of the three clans back so that they obediently surrendered to the monster clan.

This Kunpeng also has something…

Thinking of this, Di Jun couldn’t help but grinned at Kunpeng approvingly and nodded.

“Demon master, you can always give this emperor unexpected joy!”

“Thank your majesty for the compliment!”

Kunpeng blessed the emperor Junfu, and then continued to speak.

“Your Majesty, this is absolutely true! The Nuwa Empress has promised to protect the Monster Race. In the future, the Monster Race will no longer be afraid of being bullied. The Nuwa Empress is the master!”

Kunpeng spoke and glanced at the patriarch of the three clans. The patriarch of the three clans was stared at and uncomfortable. He turned his head directly, and snorted inwardly.

snort! What to look at?

What’s so great?

They will use Nuwa Empress to suppress them!

Dirty things that are arrogant!

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, if these three patriarchs do not surrender, Empress Nuwa will not agree. These three patriarchs are all people who are aware of current affairs, and they must know better than us what to do.”

Kunpeng has a smile on his face. Although it is said to be a smile, the threat in his words cannot be ignored.

He threatened and beat the patriarch of the three clans all the time, and every sentence of his directly hit the pain point, and every word threatened and suppressed the patriarch of the three clans invisibly.

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